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Lv 612.986 points


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My name here is the meaning of my name translated into Magadhi (Magadhi/Pali(Best I could find anyway) including the word for Loving Kindness Not allot I can say about me really, but I’m a Seeker of Truth, you can call me a Buddhist if you want to, but I don't. I enjoy Darts, Debates, Meditation, Philosophy, Pool, Reading, Religion, and Spirituality, and I Am Happy With My Fiancée. I firmly believe that without inquiry, examination, and experimentation the truth can not be fully known, or realized so I do look into things when I hear about them, and as a result my knowledge is reasonably wide, and varied, or you could say all encompassing uselessness. I look forward to reading your questions, and hope you look at, and enjoy my questions/blog's on Yahoo! 360, and my Multiply I leave you with my feelings of Metta/Loving Kindness (((((All Sentient Beings))))) Manapa Bhojanadhika

  • what is "victim blaming" exactly?

    please define what you understand "Victim Blaming" to be, and provide real life examples (with links to evidence) of this happening.

    I asked this same question a short while ago and unfortunately my imprecision in the question didn't provide any useful responses.

    6 AntwortenGender Studiesvor 7 Jahren
  • what is "victim blaming" exactly?

    please be as precise as possible. giving examples of "victim blaming" is also appreciated.

    7 AntwortenGender Studiesvor 7 Jahren
  • Tablet issues/problems?

    My tablet won't turn off and has weired coloured lines on the screen.

    How do I sort this issue

    1 AntwortLaptops & Notebooksvor 7 Jahren
  • What does "health" and "morals" mean in the context of the law?

    Within the European Declaration of Human Rights is has phrase which repeats in three of the Articles [8(2); 10(2); and 11(2)]

    "for the protection of health or morals"

    What does “Health” and "Morals" mean in relation to the law in General and to the Human Rights specifically?

    Do “morals” in this context refer to the laws of a society?

    Does “health” in this context refer to personal health i.e., laws or judgements which can section someone with a severe mental health issue; and social safety laws against terorism and/or health and safety at work?

    The articles mentioned above are

    Article 8 – Right to respect for private and family life.

    Article 10 – Freedom of expression.

    Article 11 – Freedom of assembly and association.

    3 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 9 Jahren
  • What are "Morals" in Law?

    in the European Declaration of Human Rights is has the common phrase

    "for the protection of health or morals"

    What does "Morals" mean in relation to the law in General and to the Human Rights specifically?

    3 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 9 Jahren
  • Animal size question?

    recently was pointed to an article regarding food & digestive tracts

    and an interesting snippet from there

    "Human body size is measured from the top of the head to end of the spine"

    it seams quite odd to use that measurement to me as I do not know of any field where this is used for humans?

    is there a field where bipeds are measured in this way?

    if not it work out as 4.5 times the length for the intestines based on means of 1.76m tall person & 26ft long intestine

    1 AntwortZoologyvor 9 Jahren
  • Question For Atheists?

    Atheism is most commonly understood as being directed at the idea of an omniscient, omnipotent, permanent, independent, unique agent that is the cause of the cosmos, but would you accept any notion of a god?

    say a polytheistic model, or the Buddhist model?

    20 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 9 Jahren
  • what font is used for this?

    the font can be found here and is used for Tynwald

    1 AntwortDrawing & Illustrationvor 9 Jahren
  • Indian Elephants being herd animals, do they ever go off alone, avoiding the family?

    I am translating a spiritual text and as there are a couple of animals it could be describing (elephant and a mythical creature) I am wondering if Indian Elephants do this as they seam the more likely candidate of the two.

    so do Indian Elephants spend time being solitary?

    4 AntwortenZoologyvor 9 Jahren
  • what does this mean..........?

    Pauvre ti'gars,va

    5 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • buddhism and copyright?


    what if someone scanned and distributed freely the published work of a non-profit publishing company, without asking permission to reproduce this work.

    lets say it is the Visudhimagga and the Buddhist Publication Societys edition.

    would this be legal?

    would this reproduction be stealing?

    and as such be breaking the 2nd precept found in Theravada Buddhism?

    or would this be providing the gift of Dhamma freely? dhamma has several meanings from truth to teachings but both of these can be used here, and thinking of the Dhammapada verse the gift of Dhamma excels all gifts.

    As always With Metta (even though it has been a while)

    (((((((YOU GUYS))))))


    5 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Reproducing others publishing work.?

    if you work as a lawyer can you please provide what country and state you are in if you don't mind? or just simply state you are a lawyer if you don't!

    1 AntwortLaw & Ethicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • A question for Buddhists?

    What is wrong with calling yourself a seeker of truth?

    I received some mails via here in the early hours from a member here who says they are buddhist ranting at me about not calling myself a buddhist (even though I do not deny it, I just choose not to label myself). claiming I am ashamed of it, and not honouring the culture it is from (despite Dhamma not being from any culture but that of the noble ones).

    so what do you guys think?

    As always I ask this with metta/universal loving kindness

    ((((((May all find liberation))))))

    Thank-you for answering

    9 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • auto complete - forms & password for websites?

    my auto complete keeps forgetting the passwords and info for forms.

    not a clue why and can not find any help info in the handbook.

    I have a dell windows vista and windows explorer os

    2 AntwortenSecurityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • TaskBar Vanished help?

    how do you get the taskbar back if it disapears?

    4 AntwortenOther - Computersvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why is our Lhasu Apsu sick in the morning?


    My sisters Lhasu Apsu seems to be sick in the morning if she has slept in one particular room in the house. Has anyone had experience of something similar?

    If she sleeps in her bed in the front room she is fine, but if she sleeps at the bottom of my sisters bed then she seems to be sick in the morning.

    As far as we can see there isn't anything that could make her ill, and nothing in her diet or behaviour changes.

    Should she go to the vet for tests, or just let her sleep in the front room and not at the bottom of the bed?


    3 AntwortenDogsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • can I switch of the hot water tank while I'm on holiday?

    I am going on holiday for a week and don't want to heat water I am not going to use, would it damage the system if I turned it of?

    8 AntwortenOther - Home & Gardenvor 1 Jahrzehnt