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  • Quick African Grey Question.?

    I house sit quite often for my Aunt and Uncle. They have two African Grey parrots. Lulu is a sweet girl. She lets you handle her though she is still cautious when I try to pet her. We are getting there though. Obi on the other hand has been in the family since she hatched. She has never let anyone handle her. She remains in her cage until Lulu is put into her "night night" cage. Obi is my favorite and it makes me sad I can't bring her anywhere else in the house.

    Does anyone have some ideas to get Obi a little more friendly? I talk to her a lot and we sing together. She gets treats all the time but she just wont warm up to me.

    3 AntwortenBirdsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • More indications of Diabetes in beagle?

    My mother in law has an eleven year old beagle that she has had since the beagle was a pup. This little dog is super sturdy having successfully recovered from a broken back three years ago. She is still active and seemingly happy but just in the past week or so she has began drinking a huge amount of water. Its nearly impossible to keep her water bowl filled. She is urinating properly outside and hasn't had any accidents. When she first started drinking more then normal she was taken in for a Urinary Tract Infection and it came back negative. She has also started putting on weight. These leads me to believe it could be Diabetes but I would really hate to upset Ms Laura about it if its not. I am going to be doing some research online today but I thought I would ask if anyone had any experience with diabetes in dogs or any other symptoms. Thanks.

    11 AntwortenDogsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Slogan for Jaguars vs Tigers?

    My son plays on the Jaguar Pee Wee team and they play the Tigers this weekend. We have already done Tame the Tigers and we are looking for another slogan. Any suggestions? Thanks

    1 AntwortFootball (American)vor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Where would you look for dog shows or field trial information in your area?

    I am currently looking to get involved in showing my three year old Lab in a beginner dog show or field trials. I am young and would love to get involved in showing my future and need to begin somewhere. Jake is wonderful dog and I figured when better to get started then now with my current dog. I just don't know where to begin. Any information? Thanks.

    7 AntwortenDogsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why am I CRAVING soda?

    I never drink soda ever! I think soda is gross and I never ever drink it but since I started working out to lose weight I have been getting horrible horrible cravings for soda. I don't even finish a whole can but if I don't get a few sips I get cranky. Is there something in soda that my body has started using more now that I have started working out? If so can I get it someplace that isn't so gross?

    2 AntwortenNon-Alcoholic Drinksvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What can I do with Habenaro peppers?

    I grew some in my window box just to see if I could and they took off! I now have a bunch of habenaro peppers and no idea what to make with them. Any suggestions?

    3 AntwortenCooking & Recipesvor 1 Jahrzehnt