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    okay...i have to tell you that i'm in a big mess here!!! my mind is blank right now that i can't even think!! WILL U PLZ HELP ME ORGANIZE MY INFORMATION! AND MAKE THE ARTICLE BETTER??? here it is:

    Having an interest in a language, Karen Nelson, a sophomore at High School likes studying Chinese. Even though she is only a quarter Chinese, she finds the language interesting, and feels like it’s important to learn more about her own culture.

    Karen had been studying Chinese for eleven years, ever since she was in kindergarten. “ Since kindergarten, my mom signed me up for Chinese Immersion Program, hoping that I could learn not only the language, but more about my own culture too,” Karen says. As the years went by, Karen finds herself more and more into the language and tries speaking Chinese to her family.

    From elementary to middle school, she had been studying Cantonese. Recently, she was switched from Cantonese to Mandarin, and finds it more difficult for her. Now she had many more trouble that she had before. “ My pronunciation isn’t very good, and I am not that fluent,” Karen stated. It was difficult for her because she normally doesn’t speak Chinese at home. “I don’t speak Chinese at home. So I don’t get extra practice,”



    5 AntwortenMedia & Journalismvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What would be an interesting topic to write on?

    my teacher assigned us an assignment that is: write an essay on any INTERESTING topic.

    i want something that's interesting and i could gather alot of information of.

    any suggestions?

    14 AntwortenHomework Helpvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Journalists?Can you help me please!!!I'm stuck!?

    Journalists?Can you help me please!!!I'm stuck!?

    okay, so i have to do an article for the school newspaper, but i am having trouble with determining what the angle is.

    i was planning to write about this girl who is not asian, who learns chinese.

    Can any of you help me determine what the angle will be?

    like, the difficulty of her learning chinese or something like that.

    Those of you who are journalists would know what is an "angle"

    but if you are not a journalist, please tell me if this story would be interesting or not.

    would you be interested in reading this story if you were the reader?

    if not, what can i do to make it more interesting?

    thanks 4 your time!

    1 AntwortHomework Helpvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • any journalists out there who can help? plz help!?

    i am working on an article but i don't know if there is an angle in this or not.... also i'm hoping that you guys can help me make this a FINAL DRAFT! for those of you that aren't journalists...please give me suggestions to make this better! those of you who are journalists, please help me improve this article, and feel free to add or correct anything! i know i'm asking alot...thank you!

    here's the article:

    What should she do? Should she follow her own dream or her parents’ wishes? Working hard to achieve her dream, _________, a freshman at ________ School hopes to become a funny and entertaining talk show host. On the other hand, her parents want her to become a lawyer.

    ______'s parents had tried to convince ______ into being a lawyer. They believe that being a lawyer can earn a lot of money and is a more stable job for her. “ They don’t want me to become a host because they think being a host cannot earn as much money as a lawyer can,” ______ says.

    ______ thinks the opposite of her parents. She thinks that being a host can also earn a lot of money, at the same time it can be exciting and fun. But it’s not the money she wants. All she wants was to bring joy to the people. “ I hate seeing people being depressed. Hopefully, I can become an entertaining host and make the people who is sad happy,” Wendy stated.

    _____ had thought of insisting to follow her own dream, but she didn’t want to let her parents down. She tried explaining to her parents that money is not as important as her own interest.

    3 AntwortenMedia & Journalismvor 1 Jahrzehnt