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Favorisierte Antworten18%
  • Owe back taxes, Ed Credits, already worked out PMT Plan and filed and accepted?

    I was audited from a previous marriage, went through 2 appeals, my tax auditor was a gem and I was relieved of my ex-husbands lies. I was honest and said that I owe $131 for taxes on an IRA cashed out, and penalties, and we agreed I would pay an additional $250; he would pay the $3200 (yeah, that divorce was messy and then messier when I found about this). I went to school and paid my own tuition through my loans, I had fin aid but my loans paid originally and I have the receipts, the school said they paid, which is bullsh*t, but to be safe I claimed my tuition expense and claimed their aid as "income" and paid taxes. So already it was delayed from the ed credit.

    So.... I have been accepted, I'm not afraid of what they will find, hell they can audit me again, just wondering since I have agreed for a full garnishment, if while it is being processed (already accepted) if it is going to take longer to "process" it, or will they just see my flagged name, garnish and keep the delivery date of 03/06? I did a NetSpend card this time as they said it was faster.

    1 AntwortUnited Statesvor 8 Jahren
  • No 1098-T but TurboTax is showing an amount from school that would come from Line 7?

    I went to school full time for the last 2 years, I have never had a 1098-T, still don't have one, but have access to info saying tuition was 2545. When I summary file it has a $2590 addition, which would be on scholarships. But I have no idea what I would do for other boxes since I don't have? My school said I wasn't sent one either..... so what do I do about filling out the billed vs. received? I took out loans in addition, but tuition and such was paid via financial aid.

    1 AntwortFinancial Aidvor 8 Jahren
  • Summary Review of TT is higher income than W-2's received and Imported? Why?

    My "filed review" wages are $2590 (says SCH 2590) higher than my W-2's? Why is that?

    My W-2's show a total of around $16k, however when I do a federal review and see the actual filing it says on LINE 1: SCH2590 and that is the exact dollar amount that it is above my reportable wages. I went to school for 6 months, received aid/grants/pell which paid for the tuition and I had a residual that I used; however have not seen a 1098-T ever, so I haven't reported it as income.

    Is that a factor? Is the residual being reported as income? I don't have a way to report it as I don't have info about. Also, I thought it wasn't taxable? I went full time the previous year and used grants and fed loans to pay school expenses, tuition, and then the remaining fed loans were for me......

    Basically, why are my W-2's at 16k and my F1040A review is at over $18k? I don't want to be audited by not having matching info.

    2 AntwortenUnited Statesvor 8 Jahren
  • Guys .... boyfriend went soft? Women.... has this happened to you?

    Ok, a little TMI. My partner and I have a great sex life, however lately it has been mostly him that's the dominate one. I used to jump all over him, we had a more intense sex life when the baby was a baby, but again not so much like that. So I got done working out and we went at it, everything was great, he was having a great time, I was and then...... it went .... soft.

    My esteem was shot to the point that we haven't had sex since. He tried every reason to explain why, but it doesn't help me thinking it's not me. His original response was because "you're on top and usually I am so I can't stay hard" at that point it really didn't matter what he said.

    He has NEVER, not even being drunk, gone soft - and now he did, and I just am having a hard time believing it wasn't because I wasn't "good enough". There is the part of me that just wants to be celebate, and the other part that wants to be wild and prove that THAT isn't happening again.

    Thoughts? Was that it had been awhile since I dominated? Did he lose sensation? He was almost to orgasm when it happened..... if that's any help?

    4 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 9 Jahren
  • Mothers in Committed Relationships...... wandering thoughts?

    Briefly, my long time partner are best friends, lovers, parents, I just don't believe in marriage - I've done it before, don't want to again. We have our issues as all families do, and work through so much, we have this relationship that regardless of how bad it feels we have walked through so much hell together and triumph, there is just no one either of us could picture living life with.

    One of our largest issues in the past has been parenting, we do it 2 totally different ways. I finally let go and just let he and our daughter have THEIR relationship that works for them and leave what I "think" is the "ideal" family situation. Which is way more relieving than how I was before. For instance, my house looks like a preschool, I am VERY INVOLVED in every aspect of my daughters life, I'm just that kind of a mom, crafts, school, mommy and me dates, very social; he on the otherhand is SO OPPOSITE in literally every way, even down to our political choices lol but it works. He is interested for sure, but not involved.

    After 9 months I received the scholarship for our daughter to go to a Montessori school. She is 3 and is in the 4.5-5 Pre-K/Kindergarten class. There are 8 students total and 2 teachers. They have a science program, she is writing her name, she LOVES learning, a huge reason why I had to get her out of "daycare" she was bored. They have cameras in the rooms, intercoms, the teachers allow me to be there as often as I want, emails throughout the week, they can come to dinner, it's an amazing environment.

    My partner is so happy that we got her into this school, is so supportive, but again not involved. So..... her teacher is amazing, he is my age (30), plays in a band, has tattoos (I have 8, partner hates them and doesn't lfind any use for learning how to play music) loves kids and education, and finally told me he is sober. (I am too) so my partner of all people brought it up and said " so... you and Mr. ***** are like identical people, from music you play, to your views on kids, education, so involved, you talk like you've known eachother for years, you and he exchange ideas about our daughter's behavior and moding, and he's sober" I was like I know! and He's our teacher so we'll have him till 1st grade! He just looked at me....

    So I thought about it.... ****.... my partner was my best friend for YEARS before we became a family, and knows that ALL of these attributes were my "ideal" and made it clear when we moved formats, that he would never be "that guy"; I knew that and still wanted us to be "us"

    so..... now 1. I have thought about Mr. ***** in a "different" way, not an entertaining an idea way, but yes he was the ideal I had for years and my partner isn't and 2. Now I feel that my partner feels that way as well and 3. Now I don't feel like I can bring up any of the conversations I have with her teacher ......

    So my question is 1. Is it normal to be attracted to your child's teacher/coach/mentor as those attributes are attractive in general 2. How do I keep from thinking about Mr. ***** in a way that would lead to me entertaining ideas? It sucks because now I feel like someone that is around my child FINALLY agrees and parents like I do, and I can't even be happy about it.

    5 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 9 Jahren
  • Why in the political section does it appear misrepresenting your party is a "good thing"?

    I fully understand the emotion, uproar, fear, joy, excitement; all the roller coaster of emotions. I was a Poli-Sci major, full ride to a private institution, SBP and used my learning in the right context and became a "liability" and my scholarship was revoked. So I got out. However, it was there that I learned about actual politics, bipartisanship, and ought-should be's. I don't broadcast my severe distaste for the other party. The deal is, I represent my position. So If I act like an irrational citizen, write like I am ignorant or don't care, and bash rather than debate; THAT is how I am representing my party. I am all fine with passion for your party and interest, but why intentionally misrepresent them? I am just wondering as this is a forum that I enjoy. Does anyone out there feel the same or is it just me?

    1 AntwortElectionsvor 9 Jahren
  • Should I get a business license to pay taxes as a Nanny?

    I have the opportunity to do some nannying, and I don't mind claiming the income and paying the taxes - however the family isn't interested in that. I am an Accounting Graduate, so I know about all of the schedules (H)/ nanny tax, and such. I thought to do a 1099 however they will need to provide it; again the whole IRS thing.

    So, I used to do business licensing, but have never needed to know how to do business licensing for someone that would just want an open business where they could be a nanny, or contract worker (I do taxes on the side - yes it's under $600) but I figure if I had a S-Corp, I could roll all additional income, regardless of amount, and pay taxes - without needing multiple 1099's or W-2's for "contract" jobs.

    As for the nannying; I am using my vehicle, outside of the home, pick ups/drop offs, community classes, and home time with me if necessary. The hours are more of an availability of when I have time, I'm a bookkeeper in the medical field again, not nannying, and no just because I have a degree doesn't mean that the teach EVERYTHING, it means the generalize everything and then you specialize in certain areas. (I actually specialize in preparing for audits - again for medical and construction companies not Household Employee or Retail)

    So..... thoughts? There are so many different options but I would like an open business license, possibly it falls under consulting if I were to use it to claim any extra income form anything I may do within the year.


    3 AntwortenSmall Businessvor 9 Jahren
  • Period Symptoms after Delivery?

    I had my LO July 22, 2009, I bled for almost 6 weeks after! Now Sophie is almost 6months, (in 2 days!) and sometimes I feel like I did when I would ovulate? Is that normal? Has anyone else had those feelings? Sometimes I worry that I would be pregnant again, but I EBF on demand, and am on birth control. The feelings I get feel like phantom kicks, or like I am going to start my period, but never do. In the last week, my bottom belly feels bloated and I have gained water weight, like always with a period but no period!?

    Just wondering if anyone else also experienced "period" symptoms every month after birth with no period. My period used to come b/w the 24th and 28th of every month if that matters.

    What's your thoughts? Also, do you suggest I take a pregnancy test JUST to be sure? I haven't missed 1 pill and have taken it RELIGIOUSLY at 6:30 every morning since week 3 postpartum...


    2 AntwortenNewborn & Babyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Infant Kicks Left leg only all the time while eating?

    my LO has the "kicks" is what we call them, while she is eating she is always kicking her left leg. We have talked to her Dr. and they say that she is normal, she is a very active baby and that maybe she is just getting her legs ready for walking, but she also does this hitting thing too.... Anybody else? Is this normal? She has been doing it for about a month.

    5 AntwortenNewborn & Babyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why do some mothers take their opinions as a Fact when other mother's ask a question?

    So, its really been bothering me lately how many mothers use their opinions as a fact, and I am wondering why? If every baby is different, than every mother has a different need, right? So why is it that when I read questions that people ask I also read these answers from mothers that state their opinions as it is the ONLY solution, instead of a suggestion? For instance, I read about a mom putting her LO to bed at 6, adn almost EVERYONE said that was TOO EARLY? How is that too early for bedtime when you as the mother are an early riser (like me) and am fine with waking up at 6am with your LO? These mother talk so much of a schedule and routine so I wonder why they would break that when the child is older, like would you let your 5yr old go to sleep at 9:30pm, probably not, so why not start the early than later routine, earlier than later?

    I am just wondering if anyone else gets offended by this? I know I do, as unsoliticed and "fact" advice really damaged my ability to feel confident about mothering my child when she was first born (this is my first) until I finally just told everyone to quit.

    Why are so many mothers bashed for asking questions? I thought that the "mom's club" was a safe outlet to get grounded by advice, which are simple suggestions, why do other moms feel that their way is the end all be all?

    I try to be open about my suggestions, sometimes I add the facts like percentages of a child's existence in the long run, and get a thumbs down, when it IS A FACT, not an opinion.

    Just wondering if others notice this?

    6 AntwortenNewborn & Babyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Former Prison Inmate getting out and wanting a better life, need some inspirational books. biographies of thos?

    I have a cihldhood friend who I have not seen in almost 12years. When I run into his mother at the grocery store, she had said he has been in prison for a good number of those years adn was actually getting out finally in Jan. I said to give him my number if he needed someone to talk to. (We lived together for 3 years, before I moved and that was before he changed his ways.)

    Anyways he did call me from Prison, and we had some catching up to do. His family invited me and my family over for dinner when he gets out for a reunion. He has changed his way of thinking, and now wants to re-enter society NOT as he left it. He also has 2 kids, one he has never met.

    I am looking for a good book that I can give him when I see him, that will talk about the rehabilitation of a criminal and there life (positively) thereafter. If anyone knows of a good book, PLEASE let me know, I would love for him to get keep his thinking on track on the "outside"


    3 AntwortenLaw Enforcement & Policevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Inspirational book for a former prison inmate?

    I have a cihldhood friend who I have not seen in almost 12years. When I run into his mother at the grocery store, she had said he has been in prison for a good number of those years adn was actually getting out finally in Jan. I said to give him my number if he needed someone to talk to. (We lived together for 3 years, before I moved and that was before he changed his ways.)

    Anyways he did call me from Prison, and we had some catching up to do. His family invited me and my family over for dinner when he gets out for a reunion. He has changed his way of thinking, and now wants to re-enter society NOT as he left it. He also has 2 kids, one he has never met.

    I am looking for a good book that I can give him when I see him, that will talk about the rehabilitation of a criminal and there life (positively) thereafter. If anyone knows of a good book, PLEASE let me know, I would love for him to get keep his thinking on track on the "outside"


    9 AntwortenBooks & Authorsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Have a 5month old, Married, but can't get along with my own parents!? -Sorry so long!?

    (I also posted in Family section, just to try to get as much advice as possible) I'm 27, married, with a 5 month old. My mother's husband and I have had our ups and downs (he has 2 adult children, 2 grandchildren, that refuse to talk to him now) and my husband and mothers husband DO NOT GET ALONG! My step dad has HUGE communication issues, as well as a chip on his shoulder towards everyone. My husband is a point blank, if you disrespect me we're done kind of a guy.

    My mom and I have had a different relationship as well throughout my adulthood, where we have always been able to have harsh conversations, take time away from each other and make up. But since being married, she has always taken HER husbands side, and sacrificed her own feelings on issues...... like my step dad didn't come to our wedding because we wanted to elope and not have a "wedding" until we have been married 10years. Its just our philosophy, we want to be able to say "let's keep doing what we have been for the last 10 years," rather than hoping we can fulfill ALL those promises, kind of makes us feel less pressure, also both of my parents have been married and divorced 3x/each a piece, and his parents have been married FOREVER (they eloped too!)

    So now comes the point where I am married, and choose take my husbands side on a lot of issues as 1. I am married to him, but most importantly 2. I fully agree with his perspective (he doesn't make irrational justifications like my step dad) My mom takes her husbands side and uses that as the reason "its my husband and we are a team" especially for things that are REALLY important to me to have my mom present for but he doesn't come (like the birth of my child and wedding!) And when I was the reason, its my husband and we are a team, she says that doesn't matter I shouldn't rely on his needs before my own. My husband even set aside his differences for Christmas, and went away with us for a family weekend out of town- THAT IS HOW MUCH my husband is willing to do for me just so I don't feel bad- but he is now finished with my parents, Xmas was the last straw for him, nothing HUGE just reinforced why he doesn't want my parents around me if they can't love me unconditionally, my MIL is my BFF if that matters.

    But we have a 5 month old, that I don't want her to lose her relationship with her grandma, that would break my heart, but I can't stand my step dad's waivering feelings all the time, and my moms docile attempt to "make it work." Also, my mom has brought up numerous times what she thikns my husband is or isn't doing, and the idea of what a marriage looks like, however hers doesn't match that ideal at all. (She and her husband have been married 8 years, adn in counseling for 7.5) My husband and I have been married a year, and took parenting classes together, no need for counseling at a year of marriage!

    So my question is HOW do I approach my mom, whom always becomes defensive about her husband, and tell her that our relationship needs to separate form our husbands, without her losing her cool with me?

    I have gone to counseling with her NUMEROUS times, I have tried the "good daughter no matter how you make me feel" I have tried the putting my foot down, only to take it back, but NOW I am at the point where since I have a daughter, I don't EVER want my parents to treat remotely the way the have me..... conditional love, and I am afraid since they haven't changed their way of thinking in the last 8 years, why would they now?

    What is the better course of action? Parents with adult married children s advice would be extremely great for perspective.

    1 AntwortParentingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Double Standard of my marriage and parents- sorry so long, really need some perspective!?

    So I asked a question last week about what do with my parents, and I agree, I need to step away from them- however I need to talk to them as well. I'm 27, married, with a 5 month old. My mother's husband and I have had our ups and downs (he has 2 children, 2 grandchildren, that refuse to talk to him now) and my husband and mothers husband DO NOT GET ALONG! My step dad has HUGE communication issues, as well as a chip on his shoulder towards everyone. My husband is a point blank, if you disrespect me we're done kind of a guy.

    My mom and I have had a different relationship as well throughout my adulthood, where we have always been able to have harsh conversations, take time away from each other and make up. But since being married, she has always taken HER husbands side, and sacrificed her own feelings on issues...... like my step dad didn't come to our wedding because we wanted to elope and not have a "wedding" until we have been married 10years. Its just our philosophy, we want to be able to say "let's keep doing what we have been for the last 10 years," rather than hoping we can fulfill ALL those promises, kind of makes us feel less pressure, also both of my parents have been married and divorced 3x/each a piece, and his parents have been married FOREVER (they eloped too!)

    So now comes the point where I am married, and choose take my husbands side on a lot of issues as 1. I am married to him, but most importantly 2. I fully agree with his perspective (he doesn't make irrational justifications like my step dad) My mom takes her husbands side and uses that as the reason "its my husband adn we are a team" especially for things that are REALLY important to me to have my mom present for but he doesn't come (like the birth of my child and wedding!) And when I was the reason, its my husband and we are a team, she says that doesn't matter I shouldn't rely on his needs before my own. My husband even set aside his differences for Christmas, and went away with us for a family weekend out of town- THAT IS HOW MUCH my husband is willing to do for me just so I don't feel bad- but he is now finished with my parents, Xmas was the last straw for him, nothing HUGE just reinforced why he doesn't want my parents around me if they can't love me unconditionally, my MIL is my BFF if that matters.

    But we have a 5 month old, that I don't want her to lose her relationship with her grandma, that would break my heart, but I can't stand my step dad's waivering feelings all the time, and my moms docile attempt to "make it work." Also, my mom has brought up numerous times what she thikns my husband is or isn't doing, and the idea of what a marriage looks like, however hers doesn't match that ideal at all. (She and her husband have been married 8 years, adn in counseling for 7.5) My husband and I have been married a year, and took parenting classes together, no need for counseling at a year of marriage!

    So my question is HOW do I approach my mom, whom always becomes defensive about her husband, and tell her that our relationship needs to separate form our husbands, without her losing her cool with me?

    I have gone to counseling with her NUMEROUS times, I have tried the "good daughter no matter how you make me feel" I have tried the putting my foot down, only to take it back, but NOW I am at the point where since I have a daughter, I don't EVER want my parents to treat remotely the way the have me..... conditional love, and I am afraid since they haven't changed their way of thinking in the last 8 years, why would they now?

    What is the better course of action? Parents with adult married children s advice would be extremely great for perspective.

    1 AntwortFamilyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • 27,married but separated, having issues with my parents!?

    A little long, but I will try to make it quick......

    My husband and I had a baby in July, I was laid off in June, my husband is in a fulltime school program that he can not leave, so 3 months after our daughter was born I fell into Severe PPD. Short end of it is I needed to be able to focus on my self adn my husband needed to focus on school, the stress was ruining our marriage, regardless of our love for each other we didn't like each other and (we are very independent too) we decided that we would live in separate arrangements and bring our stress level down. We still saw eachother everyday but we were also learning to grow with each other while not needing to sacrifice our needs.

    So my parent (mom and step dad) own a house with an apartment below, and their house) needed a renter and my mom said that if I broke my lease I would be able to live at their apt for 2 months free adn then start paying 800/month. I said great. My husband and I have reconciled fully, have our schedules and routines, and have our separate schedules adn routines and are ready to pull back together. My step dad all of a sudden has a no couples policy in the apartment and I do have to pay them back for the 2 months? (this is the step dad that didn't come to our wedding)

    So I told my mom we would move out, because those weren't the terms we agreed to and that we found something less expensive. (Me living there was giving them 800/month as they couldn't find a renter for months before I moved in) My mom, worried about not renting the place as before, said that my husband and I could what we could- but there was still a no couple policy, which would mean we would have to live separately still. Plus, its my step dad responsibility to rent the unit and he hadn't for months and it is my MOM's house. (We had been going back and forth in negations for 2 months about the rent and husband)

    Now it has come to the battle of finding a new place, packing AGAIN, and everything. So my step dad calls and says that he wants me to stay one more month for 400, so he can find a renter in March. Which again inconviences my new situatuion. My husband and he don't get along, however my husband is also an auto mechaninc and step dad constanly tries to get him to work on their cars for 20% of shop costs, which my husband refuses to do for many reasons.

    So I talk to my husband and he says no, its not worth it, plus we are helping him when he has jacked us around on everything, including our wedding, so no we were moving anyways. I told my mom adn she looked bummed but understood.

    MY QUESTION IS: How do I sit down and talk to them about this behavior? Oh and now that we are moving they decided to lower the rent to $725, which we were paying 800, and they won't reimburse us for those months we rented, yet expect me to pay back a "gift" that was a help to my mom? My husband has decided that after this experience in addition to previous ones, he is done with my parents, and frankly so am I. I don't want to treat my daughter that way or my husband to our baby so why do I want to "learn" that from them? How would you want to hear a firm conversation like this from your child?

    2 AntwortenFamilyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Infant Carseat rear or front facing?

    So our bean grew fast!!!!!!! but is now slowing down..... we have a rear facing carseat up to 22 lbs, she is 20lbs now and only 5 months. So do I buy a front facing, or keep her in the rear facing, until a year, but what about going over 22lbs? We live in Washington State...... what did you do?

    Also, I feel like I could trust buying a used carseat from Craigslist, as I would hope no one would endanger a child, your thoughts?

    8 AntwortenNewborn & Babyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Polyvisol with iron and projectile vomiting!?

    I am severely anemic as well as my husband and our Ped, who is amazing, said it was time to give our daughter Polyvisol with Iron, even though I EBF and started taking 130mg/day myself. Well I gave it to her, and within 30 seconds she started choking, then couldn't breathe for a min her face turning red and then lips blue, and then projectile vomiting for 2 minutes!

    Anyone else have this experience? She is fine with a regular multi vitamin but this was horrible! I called her Dr and said I was never giving it to her again! I am almost ready to start a special interest group to have it removed from the market I was so scared! Anyone in?

    2 AntwortenTrying to Conceivevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • We are married, in love, but living separately?

    So, we are married, we have a 5 month old daughter, and have had to live separately not by choice for the last 3 months. Now he is a student, and I was layed off from work while pregnant. Our families have given us the opportunities to help financially, as we have accrued a ton of debt.

    By living separately, he with his parents and continuing school (this is his second degree) and me with my parents (they are over 60) and help them with their needs till August when my husband graduates, and then find a house, not apartment, will we also be out of all of our debt as we wont be paying 1000/mos for rent; do you think that this is a wise opportunity?

    Currently we have had a good schedule with our child for visiting, and will continue to see each otherr every few days. It just seems like while he is in school we don't see much of him anyways till the weekend and that doesn't really feel that different from what we are doing. It would just feel as though now that we are married and really livingseparatelyy,

    But in the other light its for a few months, we will be out of debt, graduated form school, and wont have all thestressess that we have had. I can focus on raising our child and helping my family, he on school and his, while building a unique foundation and trust.

    I don't have any worries ofinfidelityty or insecurity. We got all that out of the way before we said I do. We are also very non traditional people and have spent half of our relationship livinseparatelyly, as we found that we both thrive better with our space, and apartments were not the way to go for us.

    Just wondering thoughts or experiences.

    And yes, we got married because we love each other and will spend the rest of our lives together, but we're also HONEST about the fact that consumineach otherher everything dilutes our individualism and we are a couple, with the same name, values, dreams, and aspirations, yet we enjoy having our lives the way we want them. So please don't bash the "why would you get married" its for the same reasons everyone else does, just we are not going to be ignorant about facts of life. (Neither of us have ever had good co-living arrangements with roommates or previous partners)

    3 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 1 Jahrzehnt