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Lv 1244 points


Favorisierte Antworten46%
  • Some crazy question regarding atomic theory and electronics theory! please help...?

    Hi all! I am bit confused with atom theory and electronics theory, both these theories don't

    find any link with each (as I think) for example, we know that current is nothing but flow of electrons,then when joining this with atom theory, then atom would get unstable, when electrons will flow...! and one more example, by atomic theory we know that electrons revolve around nucleus and when we try to join this with electronics, we know that there are free moving electrons in a conductor, and they flow from higher potential to lower potential or in other words when we apply current... So am I doing wrong linking both theories? or my knowledge is wrong? please help...

    3 AntwortenPhysicsvor 7 Jahren
  • Why PIC16F628A suddenly stopped working?


    I have programmed PIC16f628A and was working well according to code,but when was testing I/O conditions suddenly Chip stopped working and the LED on Power Supply got DIM! that chip is now of no use.So how to find a perfect solution on this? I have lost nearly 3 chips in this! any help would be appreciated. Thank you

    1 AntwortProgramming & Designvor 8 Jahren
  • Problem with Electromechanical relay?

    hi all,

    Actually I am making a DTMF based appliance controller. But I am having a problem in Relay. I have used Electromechanical relay. problem is when 8870 gives output to relay it doesn't switched on! So I thought might be current is less provided by 8870. So iadded transistor between relay and IC. but then also its not. When I measured voltage across relay its 1.94V. and when i remove the IC's output to relay and measured on transistor then its 5V and again if I attach relay to transistor then again voltage drops from 5V to 1.94 V! How this is happening? please help.

    4 AntwortenEngineeringvor 8 Jahren
  • How to hear the sound of a voice call using ATcommands?


    I am working with controlling my mobile using AT commands from PC. I can dial a call and answer also. But problem is, when i answer I don't hear any sound on my pc speakers coming from other mobile. and also when I dial my sound cannot be heard on the others mobile!

    1 AntwortOther - Electronicsvor 9 Jahren
  • How PIC pins are connected?

    I am using PIC16f628A and when my PCB is power up, the pins 9,10,11 are connected and when I remove supply, they are not connected! please help! I haven't connected them internally!

    1 AntwortEngineeringvor 9 Jahren
  • Help in PIC programming?

    I am using MikroC Pro for PIC compiler and I having problem with External Interrupt. I am developing Water level controller using PIC 16f628A and I want to trigger external interrupt on RB0/INT pin. When I compile my code my code is compiled but when I practically test it, the RB0 pin acts like GND! in circuit.

    My Code is:

    sbit OVR_WL at RB2_bit;

    //sbit I_WL at RB2_bit; //Input Water sensor

    sbit WL_M3 at RB1_bit;//Water level sensor for M3-small motor

    sbit M1_M2 at RB3_bit; // Input Pump no.1,2

    sbit M3 at RB4_bit; //small motor

    sbit M4 at RB5_bit; //large motor

    void Overflow(){






    void interrupt(){










    void Waterlevel_M3(){







    void main(){

    CMCON=7; //disable comparators

    TRISA=0x00; // PortA all O/P

    TRISB=0b00000110; // PortB RB1,2,3 are I/P other are O/P


    OPTION_REG.INTEDG = 0; // External interrupt on falling edge of RA2/INT pin



















    1 AntwortEngineeringvor 9 Jahren
  • Which type of Relay is good for switching AC water pumps?

    Actually I am doing a project in which I am going to switch ON/OFF water pump with respect to time. I am using PIC16f628A by which timing is controlled. So I am not getting that for a 3A load water pump which type of relay would be suitable? Electromechanical, Solid-state or etc. but please don't recommend contactors! I've searched on net and found that Solid -state is best option! but on other website found that solid state is suitable for static loads and not moving loads! I am confused please help!

    3 AntwortenEngineeringvor 9 Jahren
  • Help for programming PIC!?

    I tried to program PIC 16F628A for Project of"Programmable digital Timer" from website "" and downloaded source code and hex code. But when I tried to Burn hex in micro controller then software shows error message "verify failed at 0000h".So though verification failed is my micro controller is programmed? will I get result? there was ICSP header used for programming the PIC in the circuit diagram but instead of that I tried to burn hex into the PIC individually.So is this error is because I haven't used ICSP? Please help...its urgent

    2 AntwortenEngineeringvor 9 Jahren
  • How to display output of IC CD4020 on seven segment display?

    I am doing a project in my College and I need some help. My project is Programmable timer for appliances so, it got two rotary switches at the output of 2 CD4020 counters.The rotary switches are used to adjust desired time from output of counter.So I wanted to display the output of counter on 7-segment display for e.g. If I set 2 min on counter so the display should show 2. In this way I wanted to show my output.Please help me.

    4 AntwortenEngineeringvor 9 Jahren
  • I want to know how to connect potentiometer (4K7log) practically?

    I ve created a power supply of 030V and output I got but not variable I think that pot I have connected is wrong! so not variable please try to give me a diagram of that pot with its terminals numbers! please help.

    2 AntwortenEngineeringvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Help me sparking is there?

    I have created a power supply of 0-30V and my input fuse is frequently breaking and their is sparking in switch and smoke is also coming from switch! PLEASE HELP ME!

    1 AntwortOther - Electronicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why all monkeys didn't transformed in humans?

    we know that we first monkeys but now we are humans so why not all monkeys transformed into human why only some?

    3 AntwortenBiologyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why capacitors bursts when connected?

    I created a power supply of 0-30V and in that when I switch ON it the capacitor goes on bad ! and slowly it is bursting but output I am getting but in negative.And due to this my fuse too broke ! the

    fuse is of 0.5A and I/p is 5A so is this fuse correct?

    1 AntwortOther - Electronicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • my email is not sending to

    she sent me a email for love relationship and I am not getting who is she so what I could do? Help me

    1 AntwortNotices and Errorsvor 1 Jahrzehnt