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Lv 2941 points


Favorisierte Antworten9%
  • Free time until August, what can i do?

    I will start work for 3 years in august. Until then i have nothing to do. I could work, but since this is probably the last time i have more than 6 weeks of break so i really want to use it.

    I can't think of anything cool to do, like some sort of a project or a journey or something.

    Please don't just say: travel!

    Tell me where to, what to do there. Or maybe the name of an organization that offers action-filled stuff.

    Additional Info:

    I like sports, mountainbiking especially, i live in europe (switzerland/germany) I'm a hobby photographer. I wouldn't mind working, if it was something really fun and interesting or you get to see cool places/people.

    1 AntwortOther - Holidaysvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Weiss wer, wo ich das lustige Video finden kann?

    Ich suche ein Video, oder Videos von einer etwa 4-5 Jahre alten Show. (Pro7 oder RTL)

    In dieser Show hatten sie ein Segment in dem sie Menschen auf der Straße in eine Box gesetzt haben und dann mit Schalldichten Kopfhörern zu Liedern mitsingen lassen haben.

    Es war sehr sehr lustig, da die meisten die Lyrics überhaupt nicht konnten und ihre eigene Stimme nicht gehört haben :D

    1 AntwortComedyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • linearizing a power function?

    I'm working on an assessment in Physics. I have a graph with a power function of y=kx^n.

    I need to linearize this graph so that I have a function like y=mx+b.

    Someone help me please :)

    1 AntwortMathematicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Will Lord of the Rings be the next bible?

    In 2,000 years will someone find a copy of Lord of the Rings and make it a new world religion?

    And at the same time someone will find a copy of twilight and soon there will be centuries of religious war between vampires and hobbits????

    Good thing belief allows us to be certain that the books we found so far are not fiction. *caaaaaaaugh*

    6 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • USA Olympics advantage because of size?


    I'm just gonna throw this claim in the room:

    I think that the USA is in an advantage at sport events such as the olympics because of the size of the country. If you look at Germany on the other hand, which is just a little smaller than Montana, I think it's amazing how well this country is doing. Ok now this might be confusing: I would almost say that the quality of athletes in Germany compared to it's size is by far higher than that of the states.

    Remember, just an opinion ;)

    7 AntwortenOlympicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • punctuation help please?

    Could someone help me with the punctuation here please. especially commas

    "On the one hand, Aung spent many years in captivity and was almost killed, but on the other hand she caught international attention for her nation, which, someday, might lead to freedom for the Burmese people. "

    2 AntwortenHomework Helpvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why is the Australian Dollar so strong right now?

    I read it's because of the rising interest rates, which would make sense. But then why are interest rates rising?

    2 AntwortenEconomicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Exponents and logarithms: solving for x with respect to E?

    Im studying for a calculus test and exponents will be in it. but I forgot how this works:


    how do you solve for x?

    4 AntwortenMathematicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt