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  • Should I pursue a career or have another child?

    I'm 28, happily married, and we have a 5 year old. I'm finishing up my bachelor's degree in 2 months. My husband wants another child. I do but I dont. I've had two failed pregnancies since the birth of my daughter. The second of which was a terminated pregnancy due to the baby being severly malformed. I'm scared of this happening again, as I also want another baby. What would you advise? Graduate and pursue a larger family or graduate and pursue a career ?

  • women, have you donated eggs?

    I want to donate my eggs, what was your experience like? I already submitted for it, waiting for response/to be picked. I want to do this for two reasons, to help others and help myself financially. I have one biological child who is healthy and I am not interested in having more of my own but I want to help others experience the happiness I have been fortunate to have.

    1 AntwortTrying to Conceivevor 8 Jahren
  • Bio father of my child subjecting her to inappropriate behavior?

    My daughter (4) spent the summer with her dad in Idaho. While there, she was taken multiple times to a compound where meth, alcohol, pot, and cigarettes are used. There's also a history of meth being manufactured there. While there, they have sleep overs with one of his female friend that entail two adults, my daughter, and his friends daughter all in the same bed. At this same compound my daughter is allowed to be filthy, doesn't get proper nutrition, and when she gets injured, no one thinks I should be informed....such as a dog bite in her face (Left a scar on her nose and fore head)!!!! He missed two Dr appointments in a week, doesn't have a job. Lives in his mommys income (He's 31 btw). Cps and the sheriffs department were called to do a welfare check...they couldn't find her for two hours, and when they did, her dad had met the sheriffs department away from the compound so he couldn't be affiliated as doing anything wrong. Also the sheriff dept. There is crooked and purchases method from these people. Sweet deal right? Cps said they would make a full report, over a week ago. Learned yesterday that the head case worker " got caught up with something else and forgot about the case". Now my daughter is back home with me. She was brought home with lice, which I didn't learn about until I got it too. She's telling me all these stories about how she learned to cry on demand to get her way and how her dads friend (whom she has only known for three months now) calls her one of her kids. I don't know what to do. Her dad lives 1000 miles away because he couldn't handle being an adult here in California so he moved back home ti mommy in Idaho which is a very shitty state to have ti deal with. I used to live up there for five years, I know how messed up that area is. I thrived contacting California courts and lawyers, with no result. I contacted cps and sheriffs, still nothing. I tried being nice to her dad. He lies to my face. Please give advice on what I can try

    3 AntwortenOther - Family & Relationshipsvor 8 Jahren
  • Recurring dream of a former home?

    About once a month i dreamof the house/property I used to live in 5 years ago. Ilived there for five years. Each time the location is the same but they're different circumstances. Even to the point of being different people and different layout of the same property but its the same property. Have you ever heard of this? I cannot simply go visit since it is over 1000 miles away

    1 AntwortDream Interpretationvor 8 Jahren
  • Any way to make him inderstand schedule?

    My ex has our daughter for a month. She is four. I tried like all hell to prevent it through court but it didn't work. She is now 1000 miles from me for one month. The biggest issue I have is his lack of understanding a schedule, bedtimes, routines, and the shitty people he hangs out with. With the routine; while she is home she has a nap around 11-12. Dinner around 6-7 and bathed, brushed and in her *own* bed by 9. I know the crappy people he hangs out with are or were tweakers and most definitely smoke pot. He smokes pot too. I want my baby taken care of with as much love and concentration as I do for her. I want her emotional and mental well being to be considered. How can I make him understand that? I've tried mediation and blatantly yelling at him over and over when asking him kindly didn't work. I'm so angry and sad and know when she comes home, all of my hard work will be undone. What can I do???

    2 AntwortenAdolescentvor 8 Jahren
  • Wold bird in cage and parents are still caring for it?

    On Saturday I found a baby bird in the yard that had fallen from our tree. At first I caged it to care for it until I could release it (incapable of flight and I couldn't put it back). I noticed on Sunday it was still chirping to its parents though an open window and they were responding. So every day since I've put him outside at 6 am ish and bring him in around 8 ish and his parent birds are constantly feeding and watching over him still. Has anyone heard of this before? Planning on release on Sunday since he's improving on his flight everyday.

    2 AntwortenBirdsvor 8 Jahren
  • Neighbor problems, how to cope?

    So we live in a lot set-up. There is a duplex, four plex, and two single family dwellings. We live in the single family dwelling closest tk the fourplex. About 8 months ago, we got a new the fourplex, in the apartment closest to our house. Oh boy. This jackass is constantly having parties, his friends blocking our parking spots so no one can pull in or out, loud music, burning thier tires as they exit the driveway, honking thier horns for attention of whk is inside the apartment, etc. The worst is his roomates company vehicle parked next to our house. At 5:30 a.m. and whenever they get home for the day, they slam thier van door into our house, literally shaking the wall it hits and waking us up in the morning. Ive complained to the company about their hitting my car with thier doors. Ive contacted the fire and police departments about they blocking of vehicles but with no fire lane or identifiable painted parking spots, they cant do anything. I ontactd the landlord and it simmered a bit, but now its gotten much worse. No one came around while the guy was unemployed but now that he is back to work, it has escalated again. Im waiting for.response.from our landlord but he wont dk anything. Anyone have suggestions on how to address this situation. Im so frustrated i am about to start putting nails in tires in the middle of the night just to shut his car down for a day. But last time this jackass had a flat, he decided my parking space was the best place to leave his car for three days while he got hold of a compressor to inflate his tire. I need help. I know for a fact the other neighbors have also complained. We cant just pick up and move and we have been here almost three years. Im in California if that helps. Please help before i do something drastic. Thanks

    5 AntwortenOther - Home & Gardenvor 8 Jahren
  • Corset or spankx to lose two-inches around bust?

    I'm getting married in two months but my bust area is a little big for my dress. Bust and upper back fat. Should I invest in an over the bust corset or some sort of over bust spankx? My bust is 38dd but i need to squeeze it down. Im about two inches from zipping my dress completely. The hip and waist parts are fine, its just bust/upper back. Please give suggestion/cost/idea where to find product recommended. I have been dieting and exercising more but no results in that region, just other spots.

    2 AntwortenFashion & Accessoriesvor 8 Jahren
  • How to help a young child.cope?

    My daughter is almost 4. Her father is moving over 1000 miles away next week. I need suggestions on how to help her cope with his abandoning her. She may not see him again for at least 3 months. Possibly longer depending on court. This hurts me to even consider and ive done everything i could to keep him involved but he is giving up. How can i help her through this time?

    2 AntwortenGrade-Schoolervor 8 Jahren
  • Almost 4 and rebelling against only me?

    I am.a mom of an almost four year old girl. While I do understand some.tantrums and lapses in behavior happen. The last week has been especially awful: and directed only at me. My daughter has been more persistant in oushjng just my buttons. She behaves great for her dad and step dad, but for me shes been downright awful. Shes been screaming in my face, ignoring me blatantly. And making messes just for cleanup. Generally im the strict parent. I do time outs and take away toys when needed. Shes got a schedule we follow and she is a stay-at-home kid so i dont think shes learned this elsewhere. Please give me some ideas as to why she suddenly decided im the bad guy to be punished.

    3 AntwortenToddler & Preschoolervor 8 Jahren
  • What is a fair amount of time tk wait for reaponse?

    So I'm planning my wedding. I have a little over four months to do it. When contacting different establishments, what is a fair amount of time to wait for a response before contacting them again? I've been trying to give 24-48 hours. But I'll be honest, sometimes even waiting 24 hours is difficult. Lol.

    1 AntwortSan Franciscovor 8 Jahren
  • Wedding request of guests?

    We are planning our way adding and I wanted to see what the general consensus is for the following question.

    Since there will be 25-30 guests, and budget is tight, would it be rude or inconsiderate to ask guests not to bring gifts, instead ask them to pitch in like $30 a person? Or at least request 30$ per adult that is attending. That way we can better provide a beautiful ceremony and reception with three course buffet. Is this a high demand or a reasonable request? I look forward to everyone's opinions. Thanks..

    16 AntwortenWeddingsvor 8 Jahren
  • Getting married....frustrations!?

    We are planning our wedding. In four months. And my wonderful fiance has decided i get to plan everything since I didn't want to do the local courthouse deal. But since he's made that choice, he won't help me make any decisions; simply says "whatever you want". Its driving me absolutely insane! I ask to elope, he responds with the same thing. I ask how many people or location and receive the same response. Should i be feeling frustrated and overwhelmed to not have his help or should I try harder at making him understand I need his opinion , I can't decide on my own. I'm really over it. Advice please

    12 AntwortenWeddingsvor 8 Jahren
  • Selling military medals?

    I have inherited a number of medals that were found in an attic some years ago. I am aware it is illegal to sell them as they are but can I sell them for metal value, such as a gold/silver purchaser? Any info would help


    3 AntwortenGovernmentvor 8 Jahren
  • Is our home brewed beer "vegan"?

    My boyfriend and I brew beer. Our beer consists strictly of grain, hops, water, Irish moss, and yeast. I would consider it as vegetarian but the yeast, necessary for production of alcohol, is technically a living organism that is either consumed or disposed of post fermentation. Any vegans out there want give me your opinions?

    4 AntwortenVegetarian & Veganvor 8 Jahren
  • Still have acne at 26?

    Ill be 26 next week. While I have never had awful acne, I've had more prevalent acne as an adult 20-current. Anyone else have this issue? I don't use concealers or foundation. I wash my face daily. im not a big facial sweater.

    8 AntwortenSkin Conditionsvor 9 Jahren
  • My 3 1/2 year old wont sleep!?!?

    Starting to go crazy.... my 3 year old had never ben co-sleeper. She's been in her own room.for a year and half. She's been in her own big girl toddler bed since January. We have set schedule and bed time.every night. Dinner, walk, bathe, a show, some books, pee, brush teeth, and bedtime at 9. We don't watch inappropriate things when she's around or awake. She did have few months where shebslept all might and it was amazing!!! An then it all changed. What is doing this? She rarely complains of bad dreams. She falls asleep very easy usually. She doesn't stay asleep which is the problem. Any advice os helpful please! My fiance and I are at our wits end. One time a night or 2-3 night week is one thing. But this is every night. 3-8 times a night. I don't know what to do anymore

    2 AntwortenToddler & Preschoolervor 9 Jahren
  • how do you feel about the honeybee endangerment?

    I am doing a report for my LIB class that is based upon the honeybee population decline. I would like first-hand opinions of individuals, either religiously or non- religiously. honeybee population has been on decline for the last 20 years. over 50% of the honeybee population has been lost in that time. The leading causes are parasites, pesticides, and loss of habitat from urban sprawl. Nearly 70% of the global agricultural pollination occurs from honeybees. they are even on the endangered species list. How do you feel about this? do you think we, as humanity, should put effort into solving the issues or should we continue to shrug off the problem and hope it'll be ok in the end? it was once stated by Albert Einstein that once the bees have left the earth, humanity will only have four years left to live. I personally believe we as humans should be considered on of the environment, not above it, so we should protect it. Please leave your first name, age, and 3-5 sentences about how you feel on the topic at hand.

    2 AntwortenZoologyvor 9 Jahren
  • proof of service for serving someone?

    I need to have my ex served. was going to have my mother do it by mail. do i need confirmation of service of the envelope to be sure he received the papers? or does my mother just send it off as normal mail and hope he is honest about receiving them. we are in California, don't know if that makes a difference.

    2 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 9 Jahren
  • What the hell is wrong with my sister?

    My daughter's father lives with my sister and her fiance. The other night, while my daughter was there visiting her dad, my sisters fiance was arrested at their house. My sister told my ex not to inform me of the arrest, in case i over react. My 3 year old informed me. Additional detail. The guy admitting to molestation and abuse. My daughter is a potential victim. Since this has all gone down, my sister has been acting like it doesnt concern me at all. But she did call and tell me to take my child in for an exam. My sister has always been like this. Something awful happens, im closely involved, and yet my sister gives me the big f-u. There was another example for which we got in a car accident together, and she did everything she could to make sure i didnt intereact with the insurance companies. So my injuries were left tp me to pay for. Ive already distanced myself from her as much as possible, but when stuff like this happens, especially with the severity of the situation and my daughter being involved, why does she act like it shouldnt concern me? And should i call her and chew her out; knowing it wouldnt make a difference?

    2 AntwortenFamilyvor 9 Jahren