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How do I wake up earlier?
I have a sleepover at a friends house tomorrow, but she always seems to wake up ages before me and I find it embarrassing. Therefore, I would like to wake up earlier, but if I set an alarm or something then it would make a lot of noise and her sister will be asleep in the room next door. How can I wake myself up without making noise or it being too obvious?
4 AntwortenFriendsvor 7 JahrenQuadratic Equations help?
I have a maths homework and I don't know how.
Here is part A: "Solve the quadratic equations, giving your answer in surd form."
I don't understand how to do this. Here is the first question: X²+4x+2=0
This is part B: "Solve these quadratic equations, giving your solutions correct to 2 decimal places where appropriate."
Here is the first question: X²+7x+5=0
please tell me how to work these out.
1 AntwortMathematicsvor 8 JahrenHelp With Little Man Computer?
I have a task to do where I have to input a number and make it countdown but stop once it reaches zero. Does anyone know what I would need to type to do this?
2 AntwortenOther - Computersvor 8 Jahrenis this outfit alright for a movie date?
I'm going on my first date with this guy i like. I'm 14 and he's 16. and we're going to the cinema in the daytime. I was going to wear a tan and black casual summer dress with casual leather shoes and a fitted leather jacket. it's sort of a girly style jacket as oppose to a biker sort of one. I wear this sort of thing to go out in a lot with friends and stuff, but not this particular dress because it's a new one i bought on holiday. but it's my sort of style. Do you think this would be alright to go to the cinema in? If not suggest what else. it's going to be a warm day, so jeans and long trousers are out of the question.
3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 8 JahrenHow to make my printer check it's ink level?
I accidentally made it so my cannon printer cannot detect it's ink levels. How can I change it back again? I really want to know how much ink is left. It is a cannon MP495.
3 AntwortenPrintersvor 8 JahrenGetting deleted apps back on nexus 7?
If I buy a game/ app on my nexus 7 and accidentally delete it, will I be able to get it back like on iPhone, and if so, how?
2 AntwortenMobile Phones & Plansvor 8 JahrenI need help bisecting lines!!!?
My question is: 'Draw a line of 10cm and by construction bisect the line'
Can anyone explain to me what this means?
3 AntwortenMathematicsvor 8 JahrenWhat are the groups of invertebrates?
I need to know what invertebrate groups there are and each groups unique features.
2 AntwortenBiologyvor 8 JahrenMy Braces hurt! Help!?
I am on holiday and the end of my wire of my brace is sticking into my cheek! I forgot to bring wax with me and there are no orthodontists near where I am. Even so, I don't want to waste a day if my holiday taking a three hour drive to an orthodontist and back. Are there any alternatives to wax that I can use to protect my cheek, just till I get back?
3 AntwortenDentalvor 9 JahrenWhat type of spider is this?
We found it in our swimming pool in Mojacar. (Southern Spain.) It is 4cm long, a greyish, browny colour and underneath it is yellow with one black stripe. It has two visible eyes, some very small hairs covering it that look sort of fuzzy and huge grey fangs with black tips.
Is is poisonous and should we be worried? What sort of spider is it?
2 AntwortenBiologyvor 9 JahrenHow do I ask a guy out that I really like?
I really like this guy and I think he likes me. I accidentally denied liking him to my brother in front of him without realising he was there. Ever since then he has been acting differently around me. I really want to ask him out since he won't ask me out anymore but I don't know what to do. I have never had a boyfriend or asked anyone out before! Please help
4 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 9 JahrenHow do you get a loose tooth out without pulling?
Hi, I'm 13 and I have this loose (baby) tooth and it was fine until I was hit in the mouth by a ski pole by accident. It is now really, really loose and sore. I really want to get it out because it hurts when I eat, however I don't like the idea of pulling it, I don't have access to pain killers or dentists at the moment as I am on holiday. Please help, it is stopping me enjoying my holiday as much!
3 AntwortenDentalvor 9 JahrenWhat are the facts about the Yellowstone Super Volcano?
I'm doing about it in school, and I need facts about it for my homework. I need to know things like:
When did it last erupt?
What are the chances of it erupting in the near future?
When will it next erupt? (approx)
Is it overdue?
and stuff like that. Just like facts and figures. Thanks x
3 AntwortenGeographyvor 9 JahrenWho thinks Scotland and Wales are in England?
I'm English and I was just wondering what amount of people think Scotland, Wales and/ or Northern Ireland are in England. I would just like to point out here that they ARE NOT!!!! England Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are separate country's inside the United Kingdom/ Great Britain. For a fact I know lots of people in the UK that are Scottish, welsh and some northern Irish that are offended. Quite frankly I don't blame them, as I think people in america and Canada would get offended if people said they were part of the same country, however British people don't so I think Americans shouldn't do it either!
9 AntwortenOther - United Kingdomvor 9 JahrenWhat are the opening times of the real china in Southport?
I want to go to the real china in Ocean Plaza, Southport this half term but I don't know when it opens. Please help!
3 AntwortenLiverpoolvor 10 JahrenWill the world end in 2012?
I don't thing it will but who does? If not why don't you? I am purely curious. I think it will end due to pollution in 2050. Anyone else think this?
8 AntwortenMythology & Folklorevor 10 JahrenHow can I get water out of my ear?
Okay so I went swimming in a lake in Spain around two or three days ago and got water stuck in my ear! And it's still there! I have tried sitting in the sun so it will evaporate, I tried the half alcohol half vinegar thing and putting olive oil in it to clear out wax. It sort of feels like I have a huge bubble in it. I can't really hear anything out of that ear and I'm getting worried incase I have an infection. I think it is deep in as I can hear a sort of sloshy sound. It also hurts to touch and throbs unless I take a painkiller. Please help!!!
4 AntwortenFirst Aidvor 10 JahrenHow to create an android app?
I want to create an android app. I already have an idea. Will I need my android with me. What programs should I use? How do I upload it on the android Market? I would like do do it for free or as little money possible. Thanks
4 AntwortenProgramming & Designvor 10 JahrenHow do I get more people to go on my website?
I have a website called (google it- it comes up as Front Cover), but I don't know how to get more people to go on! Please help!
2 AntwortenOther - Internetvor 10 JahrenWhat time does Pottermore give out clues?
I would like to know what time (approx) Pottermore will give out tomorrows clue, and is anyone has any idea of what it will be. Does anyone know how long they stay up for? And how long did today's stay on for?
10 AntwortenOther - Internetvor 10 Jahren