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Lv 622.606 points

clown(s) around

Favorisierte Antworten18%

I am a fan of Martial Arts, MMA and most things physically demanding. I get on here from time to time. I am not sure if I do this out of boredom or if I have become slightly masochistic. So much stupidity (yes, there is such a thing as a stupid question.) First and foremost the father of a 7-year-old son. He keeps me going when everything else just doesn't seem worth it :D

  • Wow!!! I haven't been on here in forever.?

    The news still breaks my heart. 

    What happened?

    4 AntwortenMartial Artsvor 4 Tagen
  • Deleted important video on my phone?

    I have a cheaper Samsung phone. I had a video my fiance and I both loved. I deleted it :(

    I tried several apps to try and retrieve it. But none seemed to work. However, I just found a file that has a recovered mp4!!

    I extracted the video (480 mb). But I cannot play the video. This has to be it. I've had no other vids near that size :(

    I have tried 8 different players. They all say they can't play it, or just close after looking at it.

    Is it still lost

    Softwarevor 1 Jahr
  • How to build a car body?

    I've been messing around trying to find my next "have to" project I may never do lol. But I cane across this fascinating formula 1 kit car (furore formula). Basically the guy used an MR2 and built a body for it. But that isn't exactly what I want.

    So how can I build the body I want put on the car?


    I am not looking for step by step here but pointer and good reads on the subject.


    3 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 7 Jahren
  • Noob cooking question?

    I always use boneless chicken when cooking with chicken. But I grabbed the wrong bag this time and got chicken thighs. Twice now I've lost patience trying to cook these (stove top) cut them up and finished cooking them that way.

    Is there a way to quickly cook boned chicken or should I just cut it up after dethaw.

    4 AntwortenCooking & Recipesvor 8 Jahren
  • This question needs attention?

    We hear all the time MMA has rules and that TMA do not. So how many TMA practitioners wye gouge their training partners, hit their partners full forces with blunt object, nut shots during class. Also what does / would the instructors reaction be?

    If these do not happen, how are these not rules?

    12 AntwortenMartial Artsvor 8 Jahren
  • What was the last little thing that?

    Made huge progress in your training?

    I had my grappling instructor showed me some stuff to tighten up a couple of my subs. But all in all it has really helped me tighten up my entire game.

    As all martial artist know the little things are huge. What are some of your experiences in this?

    5 AntwortenMartial Artsvor 8 Jahren
  • You're being attacked by a karate dog?

    Is there a better defenses than the tried and true throw a stick and say "fetch"?

    7 AntwortenMartial Artsvor 8 Jahren
  • So, what would you do (doctor recommends)?

    A little while back I went to a doctor because I developed some tendinitis in my elbow. We went a head and checked out all of my popping, aches and pains. Xrays and other fun tests. He came back and advised me to stop martial arts, weekend sports and other extracurricular activities if I wanted to have an OK working body at 50-year-old. (I just turned 30.)

    My dad is mid-fifties can still sprint like a normal mid-twenty-something guy, thow an 85 mile an hour fast ball, hit home runs into the wind and more! After having his Achilles tendon rupture and surgery. Now, I know I am not my dad and he is above the whole family in athletics. But in my family Fifty is not a slowing down point... by any mean. I'm going to be the exception I suppose lol.

    I did have a second opinion and the other doc was only slightly more optimistic. I've lived a rough, rough life. All in all, I can't stop training or doing what I do. I'm going to be using a walker saying it was a hell of a ride getting here.

    But I am curious as to what other here on Y!A that I have gotten to know would do in my shoes.

    Thank you.

    P.S. Yes I am a lil depressed about this. Prolly why I am asking this at 2 am lol

    12 AntwortenMartial Artsvor 8 Jahren
  • 97 Nissan maxima breaks?

    The front driver side break will not engage. The pump is working and will bleed the line at the caliper but the cylinder will not push the pads. How do I fix this.

    **disclaimer** It is a friends car and while I've done hundreds of break changes I haven't seen this.

    5 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 8 Jahren
  • VW performance engines 2180, 2275, 2500?

    I am going to be doing a project car with a custom chassis. I decided to use a VW motor, but when looking at the info has me confused.

    Both the 2180 and the 2275 dyno tested at 200 hp or more. However, the 2400 and 2500 were rated lower than that (135hp to 175hp) according to manufacturer spec. But I've heard about insane drag times with the 2400 and 2500.

    Are the higher displacement engines really easy to mod or are they that flipping fast in spite of the lower hp? Or are under ten seconds times a little exaggerated?

    2 AntwortenVolkswagenvor 8 Jahren
  • How many of you are training for...?

    Fake life (OMG)

    So many questions about this, that, or the other working in "real life".

    So for those of you training for fake life: What are the advantages over "real life"?

    6 AntwortenMartial Artsvor 9 Jahren
  • Instructors, what (if any) reading material do you give to begginers?

    Is there a certain book from the establishments you offer or, do you have your own reading material you supply?

    What kind of information do these books contain?

    12 AntwortenMartial Artsvor 9 Jahren
  • If there are 24 hours in a day?

    How many hours are at night?

    8 AntwortenWords & Wordplayvor 9 Jahren
  • Fair question #2: What is with all of this escalation?

    Some one asks about a fight. One person says one thing and another says something different. Then it seems out of nowhere there is now fifteen assailants with automatic weapons, switch blades and AIDS-infected needles all over the place.

    Why is it that when a topic of martial arts comes about there is this need to be prepared for Armageddon? Why does it seem that fear (of the worst possible scenario) rules the mind when someone begs to differ with a point of view?

    14 AntwortenMartial Artsvor 9 Jahren
  • Fair question: What is a "way of life"?

    Often it is said here that martial arts is more than 'this' or 'that' but is a 'way of life'

    So, what is a way of life? How can someone know if someone else is living martial arts?

    This question is one of opinion. I will give BA to the person who presents their side of view the most logically and thoroughly -- whether or not I agree with it

    Thanks :D

    10 AntwortenMartial Artsvor 9 Jahren
  • About the greatest martial artist?

    When did they start holding tournaments to see who the greatest is? When have they been held? What are the judging criteria? What is the entrance fee?

    And most importantly, how can I sign up?

    6 AntwortenMartial Artsvor 10 Jahren
  • Poll/Survey: What would you like in a martial arts forum?

    Off and on people here at Y!A have talked about making a martial arts forum. The reasons mainly for better category choices and to get away from the trolls. I decided to try and make one and it was a fun little challenge :D

    I put in a general martial arts forum, an MMA section (to discuss fighters, events, and orgs), an off topic section, a welcome forum (if people would like to introduce themselves) and have thought about putting in a troll hunting section for people from here that would like to help clean this place up. Then I assigned certain groups to moderate the two main forums.

    (If the members show certain interests I can add more forums or subforums as requested)

    *Please note I am not advertising this forum*

    Here are my questions

    1. Is this something that you guys would be interested in?

    2. Would the interest be enough to make make this created forum an active one?

    I would not mind keeping this running, but is it going to be worth it? I feel I am at the point of no return, meaning I could delete it now with no problem. However, I do not want to move much further forward without knowing that there will be some sort of continual interest.

    All feedback is welcome

    Thank you

    11 AntwortenMartial Artsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Can Martial Arts training?

    Can Martial Arts training diminish, reduce or disable a persons biological wiring to protect themselves or loved ones?

    I am not asking about adding to the persons ability more about what is taught that may not be applicable to a life or death encounter.

    This question is purely subjective to a persons point of view and I will give best answer based soley on logic and how well that logic is presented, NOT ON MY OWN OPINION.

    Thank you in advance :D

    13 AntwortenMartial Artsvor 1 Jahrzehnt