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Billy Rowe
Hi, I'm 19, studying Computer Maintenance and Psychology. I hope to graduate college with a degree in Computer Maintenance, and maybe a certificate in Psychology. Then, I plan on going to another college to finish my education. If you need any help, or would like to talk, you can message me! As I always tell everyone because I've learned this way, don't wait until tomorrow to express a feeling towards someone, because with life, weird things happen that you don't have control over. People die, as well as feelings fade and enter extinction. Tomorrow, someone may not be here, or a feeling made a way into the darkness. I try very hard to give thoughtful answers, because I know relationships and love can rekindle if we just change the way we talk and think out problems. I had a lot of issues with my ex, and I admit, half were each others faults, back and forth - thus, increasing the amount of problems. I don't want anyone making mistakes my ex and I did.
Child Psychology Research paper on Outcomes of Abuse or single parenting?
I took Developmental Psychology last two semesters, which is a 258 class. Now I am taking 251, Child Psychology and I am to do a research paper on a topic of my choice.
In Dev Psychology, we had to pick a movie and explain development issues with a character. I picked the movie Enough, and explained the little girl who had an abusive Father towards the Mother, and then the Father dying, and outcomes of the single parenting. It was great, I got an 100% and was Wow'd on it.
Now -- I can focus on the outcomes of abuse, but it would be towards the child population. I'm assuming she is saying I need to focus on abuse towards the child, and not the Mother being abused.
OR, I can pick single-parenting, and the outcomes of how a Father not being around will effect the child -- and both topics are good, and there are a lot of information on them (professor wished to be a Harvard professor and got hired at the community college, so my professor is strict and is making us use EBSCOhost...) but I'm unsure of the abuse one because of all of the possibilities it can go into.
1 AntwortPsychologyvor 7 JahrenAttention problems - poor reading comprehension - trouble speaking and finding words?
So I want to know what someone thinks this could be - ever since middle school, I had a few problems with poor focusing and failing tests.
I'm a very quick learner, and very smart when it comes to hands on and things I want to learn, such as mental health - Psychology - Neuroscience, and many other areas. When it comes to reading something, I rarely remember what I have read. I read it, and don't even think about it. When listening to an audiobook, I'm thinking about what is going on with the sentences. When reading, I read, and don't even comprehend with what is being said.
Even talking -- I find myself focusing elsewhere, and then pausing half way in the sentence sometimes for a minute until I remember what I was talking about, or even give up.
I am a great reader and always was. I can read fast and normal and clear. My reading is perfect, but comprehension, not so much.
I've always failed State Assessment tests, and even the college Reading test back in 2011.
When taking a test - I make STUPID mistakes like forgetting to read the whole question -- not understanding the question -- and not understanding something in the book, which is the answer for the question.
The thing said "Having a teen who has experienced pregnancy and STD's in the group, can affect the decision making process of those taking the class."
To me, it sounded like having a teen who was pregnant influences other teens to get pregnant!
Another thing -- it had something like 'direct' assessment is biological assessment.
I chose this for the answer.
Below that, it said "indirect assessment is neuropsychosocial assessment" -- and that was the correct answer. So I forgot to look a sentence lower for the answer. So it's stupid mistakes. It's terrible.
I am VERY good on writing state tests. I have always got advanced+ and was actually called to the guidance office back in 2010 for an achievement certificate, being the top 6% in the school district for the writing state assessment.
I do not see letters mixed up, which is dyslexic but I looked it up, and mostly all of the 'characteristics' match me.
As I am writing this, I see it on the side about a learning disorder.
So what does everyone thing?
I am 21 - U.S.A. white male.
I know age, gender, and ethnicity matter in Psychology. It is my minor. I'm taking Abnormal and Child right now, and had already passed Developmental with an 100%.
2 AntwortenMental Healthvor 7 JahrenAttention problems - poor reading comprehension - trouble speaking and finding words?
So I want to know what someone thinks this could be - ever since middle school, I had a few problems with poor focusing and failing tests.
I'm a very quick learner, and very smart when it comes to hands on and things I want to learn, such as mental health - Psychology - Neuroscience, and many other areas. When it comes to reading something, I rarely remember what I have read. I read it, and don't even think about it. When listening to an audiobook, I'm thinking about what is going on with the sentences. When reading, I read, and don't even comprehend with what is being said.
Even talking -- I find myself focusing elsewhere, and then pausing half way in the sentence sometimes for a minute until I remember what I was talking about, or even give up.
I am a great reader and always was. I can read fast and normal and clear. My reading is perfect, but comprehension, not so much.
I've always failed State Assessment tests, and even the college Reading test back in 2011.
When taking a test - I make STUPID mistakes like forgetting to read the whole question -- not understanding the question -- and not understanding something in the book, which is the answer for the question.
The thing said "Having a teen who has experienced pregnancy and STD's in the group, can affect the decision making process of those taking the class."
To me, it sounded like having a teen who was pregnant influences other teens to get pregnant!
Another thing -- it had something like 'direct' assessment is biological assessment.
I chose this for the answer.
Below that, it said "indirect assessment is neuropsychosocial assessment" -- and that was the correct answer. So I forgot to look a sentence lower for the answer. So it's stupid mistakes. It's terrible.
I am VERY good on writing state tests. I have always got advanced+ and was actually called to the guidance office back in 2010 for an achievement certificate, being the top 6% in the school district for the writing state assessment.
I do not see letters mixed up, which is dyslexic but I looked it up, and mostly all of the 'characteristics' match me.
As I am writing this, I see it on the side about a learning disorder.
So what does everyone thing?
I am 21 - U.S.A. white male.
I know age, gender, and ethnicity matter in Psychology. It is my minor. I'm taking Abnormal and Child right now, and had already passed Developmental with an 100%.
1 AntwortPsychologyvor 7 JahrenI need 25 seconds of Italian to English translated! Easy points!?
So this was a movie that I saw, but I am now really wanting the quote that was in the movie! It was either in this part, of minutes after this part, but I am pretty sure it was here!
I have added a video on this!
This was NOT me recording the video... this is in Italian and I can't speak that language, which is why I am asking this very easy question.
1 AntwortLanguagesvor 8 JahrenI need 25 seconds of Italian to English translated!?
Okay, so again, another translation! :/
I hate to keep bothering people, but this might be the last one!
Again, it is Italian, to English.
And note, this isn't my movie, or my recording of the movie.
1 AntwortLanguagesvor 8 JahrenI need 25 seconds of Italian to English translated! Easy points!?
So this was a movie that I saw, but I am now really wanting the quote that was in the movie! It was either in this part, of minutes after this part, but I am pretty sure it was here!
I have added a video on this!
This was NOT me recording the video... this is in Italian and I can't speak that language, which is why I am asking this very easy question.
He is basically saying something like "The second lesson My Father taught me was to live each day as I would, and then go back noticing."
Something like that! But I am requiring the full quote, and not just my memory.
1 AntwortLanguagesvor 8 JahrenPublic education persuasive speech topics - physical exercise? Grades?
I am focusing on finding a persuasive speech topic but when I focus, I lose all thoughts at times.
I am pretty comfortable with talking about public education and I have a few good topics but my professor is really closed-minded and really wants something 'perfect' as he says.
I am afraid to even ask him if it is good because last time I asked if persuading my audience that 'it should be required to graduate with a second language', was alright and he said no, it is rather informative.
So I am wondering if the below topics are acceptable as persuasive topics!
I am also knowledgeable in the fact the school system does not allow creative thinking but not sure how to persuade my audience anything around that.
Public education should not focus on grades
We should not go by age to go up to the next grade level
We should advance students to higher grades when we feel they are too smart for the grade level they are currently in
Should implement more career classes - rather than Math that we might not use
We should implement vocational schools more heavily with public schools (almost required -- but some don't want to tech careers)
Students should be pushed to get into a technical field
What are some good ones?
2 AntwortenHomework Helpvor 8 JahrenI need an Acer V3-551 BIOS version 2.02 - anyone help?
So - I updated my BIOS because it was a common practice where I had worked!
However, my RAM isn't working now because of the updated BIOS. I am not sure why - but everyone else has the same exact RAM and it works for their laptop - same model as mine!
However, they are on an earlier BIOS - they never upgraded theirs!
So I am in a deep urge to find someone who has an Acer V3-551 who didn't update their BIOS and still has 2.02 which is the stock.
I need someone to download the BIOS backup toolkit and then it is so easy to do - you click backup and then save the ROM somewhere and upload it and send it to me. :(
Can anyone do this? I know Yahoo! Answers isn't my personal army, but I don't know anyone with this series of laptop.
3 AntwortenLaptops & Notebooksvor 8 JahrenDying to talk to her but...?
There is this one woman I like. And we talked a while ago, but sometimes we would stop talking and she would message me saying 'talk to you later' and then never talks to me later.
I know I should message her, but I am the kind of guy that really wants to be liked, because if I'm not, I feel bad about myself.
Anyhow, we saw each other in the mall once and like our eyes met lol weirdly. She texted me that day, but my phone died. I got home and we messaged and she said she wanted to hangout. When we first kinda added each other on Facebook, she said I was cute and wanted to talk. So obviously she wants to talk, but we never talked after that day at the mall. :-/
So I posted my story on Tumblr (I have it just for quotes) and yeah! Nothing happened. However, I kept running in these quotes that said "Just text her" or quotes like in that subject.
I checked her Facebook (never do) and she posted "Sometimes the people who don't talk to you are the ones that really want to."
Like dang it's a sign again... :/
I would love to message her and talk, but when she stops talking, I feel like I am not a good communicator and that she isn't interested and I'll be crushed.
I had top contributor status on here for singles and dating, but I cannot figure out my own problems lol.
So what should I do and/or say?
This other woman I met in the summer, said that she does the same thing with me. She just said "I scroll past your name everyday and want to talk but never know what to say."
So obviously I guess it happens with girls too! Soooo maybe Gabby does want to talk just like how I want to talk.?
Honestly, I'd love to talk to her, but I don't want to feel like **** when it doesn't go anywhere.
1 AntwortPsychologyvor 8 JahrenDying to talk to her but...?
There is this one woman I like. And we talked a while ago, but sometimes we would stop talking and she would message me saying 'talk to you later' and then never talks to me later.
I know I should message her, but I am the kind of guy that really wants to be liked, because if I'm not, I feel bad about myself.
Anyhow, we saw each other in the mall once and like our eyes met lol weirdly. She texted me that day, but my phone died. I got home and we messaged and she said she wanted to hangout. When we first kinda added each other on Facebook, she said I was cute and wanted to talk. So obviously she wants to talk, but we never talked after that day at the mall. :-/
So I posted my story on Tumblr (I have it just for quotes) and yeah! Nothing happened. However, I kept running in these quotes that said "Just text her" or quotes like in that subject.
I checked her Facebook (never do) and she posted "Sometimes the people who don't talk to you are the ones that really want to."
Like dang it's a sign again... :/
I would love to message her and talk, but when she stops talking, I feel like I am not a good communicator and that she isn't interested and I'll be crushed.
I had top contributor status on here for singles and dating, but I cannot figure out my own problems lol.
So what should I do and/or say?
This other woman I met in the summer, said that she does the same thing with me. She just said "I scroll past your name everyday and want to talk but never know what to say."
So obviously I guess it happens with girls too! Soooo maybe Gabby does want to talk just like how I want to talk.?
Honestly, I'd love to talk to her, but I don't want to feel like **** when it doesn't go anywhere.
2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 8 JahrenAre BC and DIA supposed to change? Complete discomfort.?
I needed contact lenses because the one ripped and I had one eye in and could not see when driving. So my mother called the doctor and they said I needed to get a new eye exam in-order to order more contacts.
I switched the brand because I heard AIR OPTIX was better and could breathe much better than my Acuvue Advance.
I had NO discomfort with Acuvue Advance.
Anyhow, I went to PearleVision this time lol - I knew maybe it was a bad idea, but maybe I just assumed they had bad doctors? I like doctors that own offices in separate buildings - not sure why. And all my life, I've been going there, and not really sure why we had to switch and visit PearleVision.
Well he was kinda sloppy when he did the work lol. He held his finger up in the air and moved his hand with sloppy movements. I just had to laugh.
Well he also said AQUA was dailies and they are not, so I said okay, give me the night&day.
So my prescription was changed to BC 8.4 DIA 13.8
Which all of my life, and even my sisters, we have been DIA 14.0. BC was also 8.7 - since I was 12 or 13. And I've never had any discomfort...
Now my eyes hurt like hell. Every other minute, the contact lens just feels SO tight and my eyes hurt, until they water. I have to squint like crazy because if I open my eyes real wide, they become very sensitive. Even putting them on, I noticed they are VERY tight and small. Like a cereal bowl... The AIR OPTIX is a small cereal bowl, rim size. However, the Acuvue Advance I had, was a bigger rim size. It covered my cornea more fully. But now it seems like the AIR OPTIX is smaller and doesn't cover the cornea because of the DIA change...
$70/per box of contacts, should not hurt at all.
So I switched from Acuvue Advance BC 8.70 DIA 14.0
AIR OPTIX Night&Day BC 8.4 DIA 13.8
Is that supposed to happen? I know different contact brands change BC and DIA, but I only heard of Silicone Hydrogel lenses switched. And I know Acuvue Advance is Silicone Hydrogel. However, my sisters contacts are not not silicone, just Hydrogel. So a different material requires different BC and DIA, I was told by someone on here, that was a doctor.
1 AntwortOpticalvor 8 JahrenHow to network router to router to servers?
I was a networking major but it is a bit boring to me, so I switched. I do have fundamentals of networking and such, been doing it myself, etc. I learned this in college but didn't fully understand...
I have my ISP router sitting on The IP range is -
My home network is on that router.
However, I want to run a cable to my rack. The cable will be static
This will go to a 5 port router/switch. Then, on there I have 3 servers 1gE lines. AND, 3 IPMI cables.
This is the issue. I can only have 5 ethernet cables in that router... So 1 IPMI cable is going to be disconnected.
Could I hook up another 5 port switch/router somehow and all be on the same network?
I'd like for my computer connect to 192.168.1.X - which will all be my servers network. Could I put another switch in somewhere so that my IPMI is off the Internal network, and is a bit private?
Keep in consideration, this line coming from the ISP router is a bit long. So I can't run TWO cables from there, to my TWO routers on the rack. It's a simple router for now, no switches as of now.
So I kinda need to daisy chain them somehow. :/ I'm not sure if it is possible...
Maybe 1 cable from ISP router. To then the server router, all three cables. Then one cable coming from the server router to the IPMI router.
BUT, would this be able to communicate to the different computers on the network 192.168.254?
If I think about it, I can probably design this somehow, but I am currently a bit busy with a lot of homework and I'm asking someone for a little insight here to what I should set my subnet masks and such to.
Thanks a lot!
4 AntwortenComputer Networkingvor 9 JahrenIdentify the developmental stage of the main character of a movie - analyze aspects of development. Confused.?
So this is what I need to do. The paper should identify the developmental stage of the main character from the list of movies. Analyze the physical, cognitive, and psychosocial aspects of his/her life development.
Now I'm going to do mine on the movie Enough. I thought of looking at the wife, that was abused and protected herself and her kid. However, she is developed mentally already, basically.
I could do the younger girl, had an abusive father, has no father anymore, divorced mother, no father figure...
However, I don't know the developmental stages yet. We are still on birth and labor, in our developmental psychology class.
What would be the developmental stage of the wife? What would be the physical, cognitive, and psychosocial aspects of her development?
1 AntwortPsychologyvor 9 JahrenWindow air conditioner - leaking inside - water is stuck in styrofoam near fan - how do I fix it?
I have a Quasar in window air conditioner - fixing it currently. My sisters said it leaked inside. I had it running for a while and noticed, the front radiator (?) is now populated with ice and their was water in the front. I leaned it back, so that the rear is lower than the front, to be able to be drained, however, there is water stuck in the fan area around the styrofoam.
I did fix my air conditioner twice, but this seems a bit impossible to take apart to get to the rear and wash everything out.
It is a Quasar Cool Look
5 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 9 JahrenWhat do you do when you meet the perfect person - and all of a sudden it seems like love was never there?
I was a top contributor for singles and dating, and it's annoying when you find a post that is 8 pages long.
Anyhow, I met this girl online, just looking at who was out there after I left a bad relationship. :/
This girl and I talked for a week and then exchanged phone numbers. It became extremely amazing and she showed that she truly liked me in every way she could. IT surpassed the happiness point where my last relationship was, and I thought I'd never meet someone better. But I did.
She asked me to hangout, and I didn't want to because I wanted to go there with a lot of money - I'm not sure why. It's only an hour away.
She said a girl can only dream to hold hands and be with the most amazing guy on the planet. She had said that a lot of times. A bunch of times telling me she's going to go to sleep the happiest girl in the world.
AND, she also told her friend what I said, and her friend said she's jealous because she has a good guy (me.)
So, maybe four days ago, she said to her friend on FB that she asked a guy to the movies, but he was being a mega dick. I didn't tell her I saw it. I didn't want to hear about it. Then, we stopped talking every 5 minutes like we used to. :-/ We used to talk nonstop.
I told her it was bothering me, and she kept going and going about how a relationship won't work out if we hide things...
I also ask her if she still likes me, because I'm unsure if she does since this happened. She said she doesn't like that, either.
So basically, she said I'll never know if she likes me if I am continuously asking if she likes me, and also accusing her of liking someone else.
We don't talk as often, a few text messages each day. We don't share pictures, either.
We are both 19. She is an hour away from me, which isn't a problem. She also goes to college two hours from here, but she said I'm amazing and I make her so happy, that she is willing to work at that as well.
So, how can I restore this relationship? If I tell her I'm sorry, OR talk about this anymore, she will call it childish and it will hurt this relationship even more.
2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 9 JahrenCat is getting weak - skinny - and back legs walking wobbly?
Okay, so we took this 10 year old cat to the vet, and they took a full blood panel, and found nothing. Her back legs are starting to wobble. This happened in a term of a month. You can feel her spine.
What does this sound like? I can add detail if you'd like!
2 AntwortenCatsvor 9 JahrenGag when gargling salt water - what else can I do?
I gag when I gargle salt water. It is just a pinch of salt water, not a lot at all. I can taste the salt very mildly. Not a lot at all.
Anyway, what are some other variations so that is reaches my tonsils and throat? I put it in my soup - now that I'm not eating it anymore, the pain is slightly back.
Any beverages I can make with salt in it and barely taste the salt? :)
1 AntwortOther - Healthvor 9 JahrenWhat do TSA agents see on a body scanner image? The full image or just an outline?
Just wondering, what's the update on the full body scanners? I heard so much about them but now it's starting to die off. What do the TSA agents see?
Do they see an outline or the body, same for everyone? The one video blog I watch, the one guy says it's an outline of a body and then if it's metal detected, it will show a rectangle?
OR do they still see the full naked body image?
Just wondering because I haven't heard much about this anymore.
4 AntwortenAir Travelvor 9 JahrenRCA - red and white wires - rewiring surround sound cable. RCA pigtails two wires - 1 copper wire.?
My surround sound RCA wires had a short, and I ripped them. The RCA connectors ripped off. I was left with two wires rapped in rubber. On the other end was the RCA connectors They pulled out of a little connector.
The two wires have 3 strands of other wires. One set is copper - gray - blue. The other set is Purple - white - copper. I am guessing these were the pigtails from the RCA connects. These two strand of wires went into a piece that connected them.
Pictures coming soon.
So do I have to buy white and red RCA connectors that have purple - white -copper, blue gray copper endings?
1 AntwortHome Theatervor 9 JahrenWhy do I always dread public speaking? How to overcome the fear.?
I had a 5 minute presentation on suicide in English.. College.
It went well. At home, I was okay with it because I wasn't nervous.. until I walked in the classroom, and then I got nervous.
The presentation went well. Most people were fairly upset so the instructor told me to keep reading and hurry up.
Anyhow, when everyone was looking at the slide - I felt fine. I could talk and look into the audience..
How can I correct this? There has to be something I can do.. like read something that will higher my confidence and be myself.
Not sure but asking if there is anything I can do or watch.
2 AntwortenPsychologyvor 9 Jahren