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Alexis Nicole
Did he rape me?
My boyfriend and I have been together for about 9 months now and yesterday we had sex, no condom and I told him to stop because I had been out of my birth control for 3 days in a row. He continued to keep penetrating me, I said please stop and we shouldnt because I could get pregnant and he ignored me and continued to have sex with me. Did he rape me?
23 AntwortenPregnancyvor 2 JahrenPisces men can be VERY hurtful but WHY, I just want to love him.?
He lives in Queens, NY and I live in Houston Texas. I think what stuck out to me the most was him opening up and being romantic almost dreamy like. He would send pictures to me saying "this is what our baby will look like". I figured he liked me. Before all of this we fell out and he stopped replying to my texts. I got the picture and backed off assuming he found a girl in NY. Then out of the blue he texts me saying hi which i responded to. I asked him why he disappeared and he said he was being arrogant and was sorry. Of course, me liking him so much I forgave him. I realized Pisces men don't like when they feel threatened even when you're speaking in the softest tone ever which is what I was trying to do. Since we don't live near each other I wanted to talk to him as much as possible and everything was "I'm busy" even at night when I just wanted to hear his voice saying Goodnight. He would make excuses. I called him and asked if we were together and he yelled at me saying not to ask dumb *** questions. I said sorry. He would say things to me saying I was stupid and do you know who you're talking to. I even sent him a lot of messages about wanting to be with him and he replied "you still aren't asleep yet smh". When I saw that I burst into tears and sent him a picture of my face which was red and teary eyed. He said sorry and that he loved me but I knew he meant that and my words meant nothing. It hurt so much. Supposedly we are together but he can be so mean to me :(
6 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 7 JahrenFun time! Water Sign MATCH UP (Pisces/Scorpio/Cancer)?
*Match up which sign would more than likely do this or enjoy somebody else doing it. EACH QUESTION CAN HAVE MORE THAN ONE ZODIAC.*
1.Would love if somebody kept kissing on them while they were trying to sleep?
2.Talks about marriage and kids early in life?
3.Would more than likely cook for you?
4.Would look into your eyes every time you have sex?
5.Is more willing to wake up with you in the morning and stay instead of leaving?
6.A better Liar?
7.Bite your stomach in a very sexy way?
8.Is the least shy?
9.Would spoil you rotten?
10.Is more than likely to fight for you?
2 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 7 JahrenWhat makes Scorpio, Cancer, and Pisces different in bed from each other?
Be as sexual and detailed as possible please?
2 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 7 JahrenAre Scorpio men that intense and blunt?
These men are so dog gone sexy I just don't know what to do. My cancer boyfriend and his male friend who is a Scorpio was talking about he never meant to fall in love with this girl but something about her made him stay and keeps him there. Before he was smashing and even cheated on her. Shes an Aries and I know how Aries woman get, do them wrong and they will hold that grudge for a long long time. My mother is an Aries...Ugh. He said he doesn't wish anything bad on her but for her to have a horrible summer yet he just wants to see her happy and if her "cheating" on him with another man makes her happy then so be it. He kept talking about how stressful it is to stop thinking about it. Then he said he needed to find a girl to talk to which I think he meant sex which then he started talking about sex and how he needed to find a girl to take his mind off of it. How he needed some good good sex and its funny because he said it like its noooo big deal at all. His eyes are so dark like they're looking thru your soul yet it doesn't bother me because I met a Scorpio on my college campus that was staring at me directly when we talked and when I asked him why he looked me in my eyes he said it's disrespectful if he doesnt and it shows he is paying attention to what I am saying. Freakin scorpios are so sexy and the way they touch is is absolutley amazing. Its like a deep touch like a true I love you kinda touch. Are most like this?
4 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 7 JahrenGemini men play way too much!?
This Gemini man and I had talking for 4 years, he lives in BK, NY I live in Houston, Tx. I was use to the fact Gemini are distant and want their space. I have my moon in Aquarius so I know the feeling. However, my sun is in Leo and my venus in Libra. So i like attention and affection. He recently disappeared for like 5 months and I had found him on Instagram, tried to add him twice and he rejected both times. In his bio it had a girl name gabby in it and like a heart. I figured he was talking to another women so I left him alone. This morning I get a random message that said "hey <3" I asked who it was and it was him and he got sad. I told him I didnt like the fact he dissed me twice and I asked if he had feelings for another woman and he said yes. I said is it the girl from your instagram in your bio and he said maybe why. I said if you like her and she lives up there then why hit on me. He said he wanted both of us and I started getting mad saying thats ****** up. He also told me his account got hacked. HA REALLY GEMINI!? I'm not ******* stupid! He immediately said since I dont want him around then he'll leave and wont text anymore. I told him i didnt care and he said he hates arguing with me and I didnt respond. I just hate how you guys think because youre charming you can disrespect people. That two face sh*t is not cool at all and you need to find out where your heads are and stop playing the "im confused why youre mad" game because you guys are too highly intelligent.
4 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 7 JahrenDo Gemini men love to argue?!?
I ask that because I got into an argument with two Gemini men and both seem to find it attractive when I get upset and fuss at them. The first Gemini man had cut me off in the middle of my sentence when i was fussing at him and said "I know you're mad, but you sound so ****** sexy when you're mad". which made me even more upset! lol then the second one since they tend to give up easily and just run away like punks when they find out you're mad told me that he hates to ****** argue with me. My sun is in Leo, Moon in Aqarius, Mercury in Virgo, and Venus in Libra. Whats with therese guys?
4 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 7 JahrenGemini man is so sweet! is he serious?
I met this guy who I sort of suspected was a gemini, just his appearance and the way he spoke. We talked for about 2 weeks and started going on dates. When I asked if this meant we were officially bf/gf he said "I guess so" smiled so adorable and kissed me. I know gemini don't fall easily but he did. He is so sweet and he buys me things without me ever asking. He likes the fact I understand he is busy and doesn't always have time for me. I don't wanna lose him or his interest, I say that because we both work so our schedules are kinda tight to do things but we meet up and manage to make it work. I told him I'm scared he may lose interest because I know I'm not the smartest girl in the word and that a lot of times, I work or either I have class but since my semester is over I mostly work. Gemini like women that can keep up (mentally). He sent me a long maybe 2 page text about not to worry and that him being with me makes him feel like he can be himself around me. He also said that the people that really know him know that in order for him to date somebody and fall for them he really must be into somebody, he usually friend zones a lot of girls. He told me he sees something very special in me. That made me smile. then he said he "wuvs me" to be cute. he always talks about how cute I am and holds my hand in public. He isnt too aloof. Mostly every morning he texts me calling me baby girl or hun. He;s very affectionate yet he can be aggressive too. Seeing that aggressive side is oh so sexy. One thing I love about him is he is so versatile, he loves music and he can draw so amazingly. When I tell him how much talent he has he laughs and doesn't think he is that good. When he stares at me, I just blush and look away and laugh then he'll grab me by my face and kiss me. AND BOY THE SEX IS....OH MY........ I just hope he isnt trying to play me. Do you think he really is into me?
2 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 7 JahrenBest Vs. Worst Date Experience?
Which Zodiac Sign from YOUR, YES YOUR EXPERIENCE was your BEST Date experience and who was your WORST?
My Best was with a Taurus, he was so sweet and paid for everything. My worst was with a Gemini, he lied to me and I ended up paying for our date.
8 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 8 JahrenWhat is a MAJOR pet peeve of yours?
Also, What is your Sun & Moon Sign???
I am a Leo with an Aquarius moon, I absolutely hate when people call and then talk to people in the background 99.9999999% percent of the time. I will cut you off completely if you do that to me!
16 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 8 JahrenSims 3 Help, game keeps crashing!!!!!?
My "Late Night" and "Seasons" game during game play keeps crashing I guess. It flashes black and then regular and then black again. Then it just freezes. Is it the game or my computer. Please look at my laptop system and tell me.
Operating System: Widnows 7 home premium 64-bit (6,1, build 7601)
System model: R530/R730/R540
Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU p6200 @3.13GHz (2 CPUs), ~2.1GHz
Memory: 4096MB RAM
1 AntwortVideo & Online Gamesvor 8 JahrenPLUTO in Scorpio 3rd house?
I heard pluto in scorpio means that people are good in bed. Is that true? Also, what makes sex with a gemini and sex with scorpio different?
1 AntwortHoroscopesvor 8 JahrenIn your opinion and be honest?
What is your definition of a hoe? I personally just think of it as a girl that sleeps around with no more than 5 guys. I mean how do you define "many guys" everybody is different?
What is your sun sign,Pluto,Mercury, and Moon sign?
4 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 8 JahrenWhich zodiac sign is more likely going to?
Ask for naked pics from other girls, phone sex, and flirt while they have a gf/bf????
6 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 8 JahrenZODIAC SIGN to smack the heck out of..?
Then who would it be and you have to explain why!?
10 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 8 JahrenWhy do you GEMINI get into relationships?
Majority of you can't keep interest anyway. You become to intrigued by everybody else, you them get bored. I feel there is no pleasing you guys.
4 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 8 JahrenIt's Freaky time!!!?
From your experience, who's the best zodiac sign you have had sex with?
Mine was leo because I'm a leo and love it rough ^-^
8 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 8 JahrenJealous zodiacs response?
How would EACH ZODIAC respond to their bf/gf making them jealous?
Aries:Ignore that person FOREVER and say "If you want them, you can have them!"
Taurus:Sit in their room and pout all day
Gemini:Sit there listen to music and start drawing, probably go flirt with somebody else too.
Cancer:Argue over EVERYTHING and wanna fight the person they were flirting with.
Leo:I would go flirt too while i was feeling jealous deep down.
Virgo:Act out and throw things, maybe fight then cut that person off!
Scorpio:Get mad and start complaining, then sleep with somebody and feel like crap afterwards.
Aquarius:Be flighty and act like it didnt bother them when inside they are hurt
Capricorn:Talk it out then Read a book
Sagittarius:Start cursing and ignore them for a while and return.
6 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 8 JahrenDo all cancers love drama?
I dated a cancer man, yeah talk about nasty. clingy, emotional, reasurrance, god...all the negatives. Whenever we would argue and i would say just let it go because i know it will piss me off anymore and i knew how to make him cry he would continue to keep it going. Talking things out doesn't always work and he and i have two different mentality's he would keep drama going and telling me to open up and when i did he would argue so i cut it off and blocked his number. Why are cancers so damn annoying and love arguing?
7 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 8 JahrenQuestion about Scorpio men?
I have known him for about 2 years and on the phone he makes me laugh, very witty, acts like a cry baby if I don't hit him back or miss a call. Yet he says smart remarks and tries to make me jealous and sometimes i pay no mind but after awhile people can only tolerate for so long and it irritates me sometimes. Don't treat me like a special ed kid if I don't talk to you that way. So one day, I had it with him and ignored him. He then called and i answered and he became confused to what happen and i told him i dont like how he talks to me then i hung up. Ever since then he calls and says sorry and tries super hard to get into contact with me. Like every night or afternoon he will try to call me and i ignore. he tells me he likes me a lot and says he loves me and how sorry he is, he even starts whining but I know scorpios are good manipulators. Hopefully a scorpio man will answer this and tell me what his deal is because us leo's hate bull? Also, does he really like me?
2 AntwortenHoroscopesvor 8 Jahren