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Lv 56.434 points


Favorisierte Antworten16%
  • DUI and DWI really so theres two limits with same consequence?

    I don't quite understand how there are two, I understand what they mean by definition but wondering how 2 came about. If the legal limit is .1 and the dwi limit is .08 or .06 then why the hell do they even have a .1 setup....Is this something setup with MADD to get more money out of people??? It literally makes no sense, if I haev a DUI or a DWI I'm still paying outrageous fines, insurance hikes and potential of a lot of lost job oppurtunities so why don't they just have one and call it a day?

    1 AntwortEtiquettevor 7 Jahren
  • DUI and DWI so whats the real limit?

    I don't quite understand how there are two, I understand what they mean by definition but wondering how 2 came about. If the legal limit is .1 and the dwi limit is .08 or .06 then why the hell do they even have a .1 setup....Is this something setup with MADD to get more money out of people??? It literally makes no sense, if I haev a DUI or a DWI I'm still paying outrageous fines, insurance hikes and potential of a lot of lost job oppurtunities so why don't they just have one and call it a day?

    7 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 7 Jahren
  • Any Good Females left?

    I am wondering where all the good females are at? I notice these days a lot don't care about appearance, don't care about exercise, don't care to cook for their man or do anything but do Love spending money...Are there any good females still left out there that knows what it means to treat a man good and bring their share to the table???

    3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 7 Jahren
  • 20% tips bogus?

    Are people more greedy or do they deserve more money just for doing the same job? Very Very Very rarely does someone do an extra 20% worth of work in my eyes, but from what I'm reading if someone does an adequete job they deserve 20% and no less.

    I prefer 10% or less, 10% if they do a good job and nothing if they don't, why should we just give them money for doing their job?

    2 AntwortenFood Servicevor 7 Jahren
  • Why is 20% the new norm for tips?

    Are people more greedy or do they deserve more money just for doing the same job? Very Very Very rarely does someone do an extra 20% worth of work in my eyes, but from what I'm reading if someone does an adequete job they deserve 20% and no less.

    I prefer 10% or less, 10% if they do a good job and nothing if they don't, why should we just give them money for doing their job?

    8 AntwortenEtiquettevor 7 Jahren
  • TIPS now banned via Yahoo News and Law?

    I am seeing more and more about TIPs being banned. When do you think this will go through and finally be a illegal thing to do? I personally do not go to resturants because I don't like the fact I have to tip regardless if service was just regular. Now I do TIP at Taco Bell and McDonalds but not at resturants because those I feel forced to and I don't like being forced.

    There is a couple stories on yahoo saying that they are pushing to make it illegal which means resturants will have up their wages to 8 dollars an hour. How do you all feel about that?

    4 AntwortenEtiquettevor 7 Jahren
  • TIPs being banned reported by Yahoo News?

    I am seeing more and more about TIPs being banned. When do you think this will go through and finally be a illegal thing to do? I personally do not go to resturants because I don't like the fact I have to tip regardless if service was just regular. Now I do TIP at Taco Bell and McDonalds but not at resturants because those I feel forced to and I don't like being forced.

    There is a couple stories on yahoo saying that they are pushing to make it illegal which means resturants will have up their wages to 8 dollars an hour. How do you all feel about that?

    8 AntwortenFast Foodvor 7 Jahren
  • No More TIPS....Being Banned via Yahoo?

    I am seeing more and more about TIPs being banned. When do you think this will go through and finally be a illegal thing to do? I personally do not go to resturants because I don't like the fact I have to tip regardless if service was just regular. Now I do TIP at Taco Bell and McDonalds but not at resturants because those I feel forced to and I don't like being forced.

    There is a couple stories on yahoo saying that they are pushing to make it illegal which means resturants will have up their wages to 8 dollars an hour. How do you all feel about that?

    2 AntwortenFood Servicevor 7 Jahren
  • Student loan issues?

    I recently paid off over 100k in student loans but now am regretting it. There is talk of a bailout, I was wondering if I would be able to get some of my money back if there should be a bailout for those that choose not to pay them back or am I stuck for doing the right thing?

    2 AntwortenPersonal Financevor 7 Jahren
  • NY Resturant put bottom reciept NO tips Accepted?

    I guess a New NY Resturant opened up and said customers are NOT allowed to tip just enjoy the food and leave. Supposably more NY will be following this because the turnout has been fantastic. Good priced food, happy good paid waiters and no BS....I hope this follows suit all around the world, and those that only make 2 bucks an hour can quit and get a real job.

    2 AntwortenEtiquettevor 7 Jahren
  • NY Resturant put bottom reciept NO tips Accepted?

    I guess a New NY Resturant opened up and said customers are NOT allowed to tip just enjoy the food and leave. Supposably more NY will be following this because the turnout has been fantastic. Good priced food, happy good paid waiters and no BS....I hope this follows suit all around the world, and those that only make 2 bucks an hour can quit and get a real job.

    1 AntwortEtiquettevor 7 Jahren
  • FINALLY after 3 months, JOB at Walmart!!!!!?

    Just got picked up at Walmart after 3 solid interviews and 2 references they are hiring me as a Team Sales Member Associate electronics lvl 2. Starting pay is 12.50 which aint to shabby compared to what I thought, and I should be getting about 30 hours a week.

    Not sure though I start next Wed, do I just report in to manager or how does that work?

    4 AntwortenPersonal Financevor 7 Jahren

    Just got picked up at Walmart after 3 solid interviews and 2 references they are hiring me as a Team Sales Member Associate electronics lvl 2. Starting pay is 12.50 which aint to shabby compared to what I thought, and I should be getting about 30 hours a week.

    Not sure though I start next Wed, do I just report in to manager or how does that work?

    2 AntwortenOther - Careers & Employmentvor 7 Jahren
  • Yea NEW JOBBB McDonalds, bOOOYA 20 pts best answer!?

    Just got a job at McDonalds, had to do 2 interviews but they said I was good to go, go back in for a day orientation and stuff on Wednesday.

    Curious now that I have a job, how much will I need to move out on my own and live by myself, tired of living under the parents.

    1 AntwortEtiquettevor 7 Jahren
  • New Employee McDonalds!!!!!!!!!?

    Just got a job at McDonalds, had to do 2 interviews but they said I was good to go, go back in for a day orientation and stuff on Wednesday.

    Curious now that I have a job, how much will I need to move out on my own and live by myself, tired of living under the parents.

    1 AntwortFood Servicevor 7 Jahren
  • New Employee McDonalds!!!!!!?

    Just got a job at McDonalds, had to do 2 interviews but they said I was good to go, go back in for a day orientation and stuff on Wednesday.

    Curious now that I have a job, how much will I need to move out on my own and live by myself, tired of living under the parents.

    13 AntwortenFast Foodvor 7 Jahren
  • Help with McDonalds job please!!!!?

    I know I'm not the norm. Gonna be 33 this year, still living with the rents economy is pretty bad and not read to make the plunge, however I got the whole basement to myself and my curfew isn't till 1 AM :). I am wanting that new iphone and I need money parents said they won't pay for upgrade from 5s. Would McDonalds hire me if I only needed like a month or two of work to get my new phone? Thanks a bunch!!!!

    7 AntwortenEtiquettevor 7 Jahren
  • Job at McDonalds Help!!!!!!!!?

    I know I'm not the norm. Gonna be 33 this year, still living with the rents economy is pretty bad and not read to make the plunge, however I got the whole basement to myself and my curfew isn't till 1 AM :). I am wanting that new iphone and I need money parents said they won't pay for upgrade from 5s. Would McDonalds hire me if I only needed like a month or two of work to get my new phone? Thanks a bunch!!!!

    10 AntwortenFast Foodvor 7 Jahren
  • Getting a job at McDonalds help?

    I know I'm not the norm. Gonna be 33 this year, still living with the rents, however I got the whole basement to myself and my curfew isn't till 1 AM :). I am wanting that new iphone and I need money parents said they won't pay for upgrade from 5s. Would McDonalds hire me if I only needed like a month or two of work to get my new phone? Thanks a bunch!!!!

    2 AntwortenFood Servicevor 7 Jahren
  • How did this guy pay off 132K student loan 3 years?

    Saw a video on youtube where guy shows he paid off 132K in student loans....How the heck did he do that in 3 years?????

    Not sure if anybody has seen it, scam??

    1 AntwortTechnologyvor 7 Jahren