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Lv 611.712 points


Favorisierte Antworten23%

Hi,My goal is to reach 10,000 answers I WILL STOP ANSWERING AFTER THAT! WHY? I can not believe the rude rude responses. I have 40 plus years experience cooking. I am not saying I know it all but the advice I give is what I have learned trial and error. Over the years, I am willing to learn something new every day. To those that appreciate my answers, thank you. To those that are rude, Karma will get ya!! My mom was a fantastic chef. She lived in Sicily. Then came to America.She would cook with fresh foods.Grew A garden. Canned her own Tomatoes.I guess I was inspired by her.I went to the best military school. Cooked in many different settings. My experience helped me to learn about cooking. Cooking at home helped me to learn as I would try different ways to prepare food.I supervised in a airline kitchen that prepared10,000 meals a day 24/7.Worked in 3 hospitals. A rehab center. I am retired now. I hope my experiences in food. Will help you My best to all. Take Care Joseph


    My friend whom I have known over 40 years, screens his phone calls.

    (We have known each other since 1966.)

    It happened before Christmas too. He never answered or returned phone call

    I hate his moods.

    His birthday is Jan 10th, do I send a birthday card?

    Or ignore his childish attitude? And still send the birthday card?

    3 AntwortenFriendsvor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Today my virus protection went berserk today? I checked for updates and all is better now!

    did this happen to anyone else?

    FYI, The Aussie government set an edict that you cant surf the web without virus protection!

    1 AntwortSecurityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Been using Firefox browser for 3 years (no problems) Now it sucks!?

    Been using Firefox browser for 3 years (no problems) Now it sucks!

    It runs slow ,it locks up!

    I have used utility cleaners

    since the last Firefox update it really runs bad!

    I am tempted to go to filehippo and download an older version

    4 AntwortenOther - Internetvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Who thought the Oscars sucked last night?

    It was if everyone was stoned! The humor was horrible too.

    The only part that was good was the off the wall tribute to

    Meryl Streep

    8 AntwortenCelebritiesvor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Today I ate a banana it had freckles on its skin.

    So is it a Redhead or Blonde? Or too much sun without sun screen

    sorry I''m being sarcastic ROFLOL

    I have a headache too

    8 AntwortenCooking & Recipesvor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Happy Holidays,

    Here is a delicious wheat bread recipe,from a local Utah Monastery

    the Abbey of our Lady Holy Trinity

    a humble order

    if you desire, send a donation to help them build a new facility

    they also have a online gift store of local made honey



    3 cups water

    2 packages active dry yeast

    1/4 cup Trinity Abbey liquid honey (or light brown sugar or molasses)

    2 teaspoons salt

    2 tablespoons olive oil

    2 cups white bread flour or all purpose white flour

    6 cups unsifted whole wheat flour (more or less)



    3 cups Tepid water not hotter than 100 F.

    Stir in honey.

    Pour into mixer bowl;

    sprinkle yeast over warm water/honey and stir in.

    let rest 15 min

    Wait for bubbles/foam to appear.


    Thoroughly mix in 2 cups white flour with spoon until smooth.

    Let mixture rest for half hour in warm place; mixture will foam.


    Using mixer or spoon, slowly mix in 1 cup whole wheat flour.

    Add olive oil and salt.

    Continue adding whole wheat flour until dough reaches right consistency (just slightly sticky).

    Check consistency with clean, dry hands. If too dry, add a few drops of water. If too wet, add a little more whole wheat flour.

    4 .

    Knead dough for ten minutes on floured surface.

    Place dough in large greased bowl. Turn greased side up.

    In bowl Cover with plastic film let rise in warm place (85 F) until doubled in size (about an hour).


    Knock down dough by pushing fist into center. Fold outer edges into the hole and push fist into center again. Repeat this knock down two times more.

    Turn dough upside down and shape into round ball.

    Divide in two loaves and place in greased pans, 9 1/4 x 5 1/4 x 2 3/4”.

    (Optional:) Brush top with oil or soft butter for darker crust.


    Final rise and baking.

    Cover pans and return them to a warm place for second rise.

    Preheat oven to 350 F.

    Let loaves rise until pans are almost entirely filled with dough (less than one hour).

    Bake in middle of oven at 350 for 35 – 40 minutes.

    Turn baked loaves out of pans onto cooling rack. Enjoy!

    source Abbey of Our Lady of the Holy Trinity Home

    4 AntwortenCooking & Recipesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Antibiotic, Being A Vet the VA hospital wont prescribe unless I have a fever?

    I usually suffer from bad colds bronchial infections.

    The VA wont prescribe antibiotics unless I have a fever

    I usually get a sore throat then it progresses to a bad

    condition like bronchitis.

    I usually use zinc lozenges when I get a sore throat.

    I have tried gargle with salt, listerine,or Peroxide.

    I was searching the internet for alternative cures

    for colds sore throats etc.

    I found there are fish antibiotics I could buy

    without prescription.

    I also have looked at pill identitys for pills (photos)

    The same exact ones I buy for fish are listed

    I have heard all kinds of explanation that the pills

    are not pure or could case side effects.

    Needless to say at the onset of a sore throat I

    use the zinc tabs and fish antibiotics usually in 2 days

    I am cured. I have done this for almost 5 years and

    avoid the VA.

    Sorry to say, sometimes the VA sucks!! They use primary care

    people to exam you and prescribe meds.

    It is rare a real doctor exams you!!

    Appreciate the input.

    Thanks all

    Appreciate the comments

    1 AntwortRespiratory Diseasesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • My laptop freezes when thumbnail files reach 2MB?

    how can I stop it from freezing up?

    I have to run file cleaner each time,

    then it works fine. (I have 2 gig memory still available on my c drive)

    4 AntwortenLaptops & Notebooksvor 1 Jahrzehnt