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Why does internal bleeding cause vomit?
People might have internal bleeding in places like the stomach & duodenum, but what actually causes them to vomit it out? Irritation? Would there have to be a lot of blood for this to occur?
Other - Diseasesvor 5 JahrenWhy does internal bleeding cause you to vomit?
people might have blood in vomit but what actually causes them to vomit it out? Irritation?
1 AntwortOther - Diseasesvor 5 JahrenBowel and esophageal perforation?
If I had either a perforation in my bowel or in my esophagus, but it was small, would there still be any signs or symptoms? Or would I just not know about it?
2 AntwortenOther - Diseasesvor 5 JahrenI swallowed a fishbone?
I just swallowed a fishbone accidentally. It was mixed in with rice.
I read that in rare cases it can get pierce the aorta or travel to other organs. Is this true?
Am I going to die from this? What should I do?
Pain & Pain Managementvor 5 JahrenWhich is grammatically correct?
1 AntwortWords & Wordplayvor 5 JahrenIs this a leg anerusym?
Sometimes there's a protrusion in my inner thigh, which feels like a vein. This only really happens when I tense though, like during bowel movements. I think I've had this for a while. And there aren't any other symptoms. Would an aneruysm always have a protrusion, and not just become apparent when I tense?
Is this an aneruysm?
1 AntwortOther - Healthvor 5 JahrenIs this a leg aneurysm?
1 AntwortOther - Healthvor 5 JahrenAm I going to get food poisoning?
I bought vietnamese rice paper rolls that had shrimps in them. I forgot to put it in the fridge. The rolls were left out for about 7 hours before I had a few bites (I forgot to put them in the fridge). I probably ate a couple of shrimps before I realised it was a good idea to take the shrimps.
So I took the shrimps out of the two rice paper rolls and continued to eat.
Can I still get food poisoning even though I took the shrimp out of the rolls?
Will those couple of shrimps cause food poisoning?
If so how long until it starts?
Kind Regards
3 AntwortenCooking & Recipesvor 5 JahrenWhich is grammatically correct?
I would throw the ball whilst I watch television.
I would throw the ball whilst I watched television.
I just wanted to check whether I would make 'watch' present or past tense.
3 AntwortenWords & Wordplayvor 5 JahrenI might have vomited blood?
Last week I might've vomited blood however I can't be sure because I was really drunk. I woke up and saw blood where I vomited. I also noticed dried blood in my nose. So it might've been a nosebleed. I literally can't remember anything though. It could've been I had a nosebleed after I vomited. The two might not even coincide. A week has passed thus I doubt I have internal bleeding because I'd probably be dead right now. Assuming I still did vomit blood, could it be some form of cancer? If it was, wouldn't I have committed blood again?
Thanks. Sorry for the long paragraph. I've been rather anxious.
3 AntwortenCancervor 5 JahrenMy vomit was red?
Vomit is red?
I was drinking last night and vomited what I think was blood. But I had a few old fashioneds and a Manhattan which contains red dye. Could it be the dye and not blood in my vomit? Should I go to the doctors asap or see what happens? I only vomited once
3 AntwortenFirst Aidvor 5 JahrenVomit is red?
I was drinking last night and vomited what I think was blood. But I had a few old fashioneds and a Manhattan which contains red dye. Could it be the dye and not blood in my vomit? Should I go to the doctors asap or see what happens?
2 AntwortenOther - Diseasesvor 5 JahrenVomit is red?
I was drinking last night and vomited what I think was blood. But I had a few old fashioneds and a Manhattan which contains red dye. Could it be the dye and not blood in my vomit? It didn't smell like blood. Should I go to the doctors asap or see what happens?
2 AntwortenFirst Aidvor 5 JahrenWhat do you think of my short story?
I've already posted this once but just want another opinion. Thanks
3 AntwortenBooks & Authorsvor 6 JahrenWhat are your thoughts on my poem?
3 AntwortenPoetryvor 6 JahrenWhat are your opinions of my song?
It's not a proper recording
2 AntwortenRock and Popvor 6 JahrenWhat are your thoughts on my singing?
3 AntwortenSingingvor 6 Jahren