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Lv 55.925 points

Alex H

Favorisierte Antworten71%
  • Temporary Roommate - Creeper and Nice Guy with no Personality?

    Hi I'm looking for roommate help.

    I'm currently staying for another 2 months at a summer program and I have a roommate for the remainder of this period. All the students in the program are under 25 with a primary focus on undergraduates.

    Anyway, my roommate is also an undergraduate, however, he looks about 35 or 40. The first day I honestly mistook him for a valet service (he dresses rather awkwardly with a clip on phone) before getting to know him. Anyway, the warning signs started almost immediately, as did the good signs. He told me as long as I didn't use alcohol to creep on the girls, we would be good friends (I'm not into girls and dress very flamboyantly). He then wanted everyone to drink his expensive drinks that he was providing free of charge so everyone could "loosen up" and play a game to discover people's sex lives.

    Everyone ran and so he then started talking with me and made some very sweet gestures to me in terms of my food sensitivities (so I wouldn't have to worry about cross contamination with food allergies).

    The next day I heard he had already chosen a "hottest girl" in the program and was moaning later that day in front of her and others that "guys his weight don't get hit on". Still, nothing very creepy but still fairly odd.

    Anyway, over the last few weeks, everything has blown up a bit in both directions: he has effectively creeped out every girl, many of whom I hang out with every day, as well as stocked our entire kitchen with every appliances and offering to drive any of our group anywhere (so he often does a grocery store run a day for anyone who wants to go).

    He has done many CostCo and other grocery store runs, offered massages, offered food, bought insanely expensive alcohol with expectations of being reimbursed and been a designated driver for our group before going to clubs.

    However, on the flip side... he has been constantly caught staring at some of these girls for long periods of time (like several hours), patting them on the back when they walk by, trying to help them put their gloves on and sweaters when told not to and they were squirming away from him.

    But we thought he was just trying to be chivalrous and was just wayyy too socially awkward to understand how he was coming off (most "conversations" I've had with him involves almost exclusively what food he's stocked the fridge with, so very awkward). However, recently he has started to become a major creeper. While giving massages, when we thought finally he was misunderstood, he asked one girl to take her bra off because supposedly he would have difficulty "working around it". Another girl (the "hottest" one) had asked specifically only for a massage of her shoulders and he was working his way down to her butt, and she reproached him for it. Afterwards, when the massages were done, he positioned himself repeatedly behind this girl and started touching her back randomly as if to massage her bu without consent, while she moved away immediately.

    Then he offered massages again but only for the girls and saw a photo of a girl in her bikini before giving her an awkward smile and doing a "thumbs up" to her...

    Honestly, I'm wondering what to do... My friends and I mainly avoid him right now, which it seems he doesn't notice... But he's my roommate and so he inevitably sees what I do, and also invites himself over to these girls rooms fairly randomly when they obviously don't want him there. In the best situation, he's too awkward to be fun to hang around... most cases he's actively creeping.

    1 AntwortFriendsvor 9 Jahren
  • Uploading Wii Video's From Easycap to Youtube?

    I got a easycap recently and I have captured many replays into .wmv files. I captured them using Windows Movie Maker and used the high quality large screen setting. However, when I try to upload it, I do not get a high quality video, even though I believe my graphics and audio were good enough. I then tried to upload it and when it didn't work, I converted it to a .flv. I set the settings at in Allok Video (the converter) to superior for video quality, a size of previous format, 25 fps (I also tried 30) and an audio of 96 and 21550 something, with the format as .mp3.

    When I watch the video (even after all those conversions), I get great quality. However, when I upload it to youtube, I get a regular video. However, I accidentally (as in I wanted it but have no idea how to) got a high quality youtube video and I was wondering what am I doing wrong?

    2 AntwortenYouTubevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Wii SD Card Adapter 10 Points For Best Answer?

    I am trying to find a way to connect an SD card that I already have to my computer. It is a 1 Gb Wii SanDisk card. Can somebody please answer this with links to the product, preferably one I could buy in-store. 10 points for best answer.

    4 AntwortenNintendo Wiivor 1 Jahrzehnt