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Lv 1198 points


Favorisierte Antworten29%
  • How can you be sure that you can sing well? Can I sing? 10 points?

    my opinion on my singing is very shaky these days cause I'm getting hate from my sister and positive feedback on youtube... here is one video of me singing. How can I be sure I can sing?

    3 AntwortenSingingvor 9 Jahren
  • What do these pictures remind you of?

    This isn't a pro picture as u can see and it shouldn't be because it's for a school photo contest.

    I'm pure amateur...

    What word would you use to describe these 3 pics?

    1 AntwortPhotographyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • is it harder to sing from the throat than diaphragm?

    does it take more straining to volume up when you're singing from the throat?

    And what do people mean when they say that, when singing from the diaphragm, you have to push more air to be louder? I tried it an I was just overbreathing and I felt like I would pass out.

    1 AntwortSingingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Christian- What does Bible say about Jesus coming again?

    Will God literally wake up the dead people with their bodies and judge good ones from the bad ones? I haven't been really reading Bible, because I'm 14 and I would judge it all wrong. Yeah, my question is weird and it's deep for a teen. But I have been going through a lot of deaths of people close to me and that I really cared for, and I'm worried what will happen to our bodies when Jesus comes again? Cause, people see everything visually and body is a symbol of a person.

    9 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • The difference between my head voice and chest voice is too big?

    First of all, I'm 14. I don't like my head voice. It's too quiet, no matter how hard I try. I use it only to sing high notes, but when I change from chest voice to head voice, it's easy to notice and my chest voice is louder than my head voice. I like to use chest voice because it can really 'fulfill the room' and it sounds really nice, but when I must start singing higher, I start using my head voice and it sounds squeaky, it's not loud enough and it's weak. I don't know if it has to do something with puberty.

    I didn't take any voice lessons, and I won't take them soon cause they cost like 100$ per hour in my country. I'm a part of a church choir and everyone compliments me when I sing, but when I need to sing higher(often), everyone says I just need to be louder. I can't be louder no matter how hard I try, like I said.

    1 AntwortSingingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Criticism on my singing pls?

    here is a video of me singing. English is not my native language so don't oay attention.

    I think it sounded a bit weird in the beginning. What's your opinion? Be honest please.

    1 AntwortSingingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • When singing high, I either lose my voice or get a 'choking' sound from throat?

    When I start to sing high, I can't sing the normal volume. The volume is always too low, and no matter how much I try, I can't volume up. Usually, I can sing the comfortable notes any volume I want.

    If I try the other way, to push my voice and sing the high notes the same way I sing the ones that I'm comfortable with, I would get a weird voice crack that definitely destroys my voice, a 'choking' sound from my throat.

    I also have problems with confidence. In public, I can't sing notes that are just a bit high and that I KNOW I can sing when I'm home alone, when singing those notes my voice produces no sound.

    6 AntwortenSingingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I get voice cracks when I'm trying to "let my voice go"?

    When I'm singing just a little higher and I'm trying to be loud, my voice starts to produce some strange noises and it hurts. So, in front of other people, I try to control my voice too much(because I'm afraid what will my voice sound like next), and I end up singing very quietly in falsetto. I tried to let my voice just go and sing loudly and high at the same time, but I always ended up straining my throat too much and I'm afraid it might permanently damage my voice.

    I hear from people too much advise like, you should let your voice go, you sound nice, but should be louder when you sing... Btw, I'm 14. :)

    1 AntwortSingingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I can watch videos on the Internet but when I try to watch them on the computer my screen starts blinking?

    I can watch every video on the Internet, etc. Youtube, Facebook... Everything goes fine. But when I try to watch them on my computer, my computer screen starts blinking making it impossible to watch a video, and it won't stop until I stop the video. I also can't turn on my webcam, when I try to do it, my computer screen starts blinking again and totally blocks so I have to restart my computer, and when I open any video editor on my computer or anything in common with videos it starts blinking.

    1 AntwortMonitorsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I don't know what chest voice, head voice, falsetto and etc. is?

    So, I'm 14 and I don't know anything about this. I sing every day quite a lot since last year.

    I can differentiate only two kinds of singing.

    The first is when I'm not really singing, more like humming, trying not to be heard & trying not to be loud... Like I'm trying not to wake up someone... In my opinion, it sounds awful and squeaky, not like I really sound when speaking. And when I sing like that, I turn out accidentally imitating the singer who sings the song. It rarely turns out good.

    The second is when I sing powerful and loud. I can sing this way only when I'm sure I'm alone in the room. I feel like that's the "right" way to sing. But when I try to reach high notes singing that way, I end up with a voice crack or losing sound(just temporary, when I'm trying to sing high).

    So could someone explain which way singing is which voice, and what kind of voice do I not recognize or use at all?

    P.S. sorry for the long post. I just want to clear this up. :)

    5 AntwortenSingingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How can I report a hacker on twitter?

    Today my twitter account has been hacked. The hacker didn't change the password. It's a big group of people on account, fans of Justin Bieber. We found out who is the hacker. He doesn't hide anything! The account of the hacker is @crushingonjdb and I want to report it to twitter because he's MASSIVELY hacking accounts!

    1 AntwortSecurityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I want my hacked twitter account back?

    I've had a great twitter account with lots of followers and I had some celebrities(NO way they're gonna follow me again, now the most has too many followers)following me there. One day I has windows live messenger on and I got a message from twitter. It said that someone has changed the e-mail on twitter. I quickly went to twitter & tried to access my account, and I tried just typing the name instead of e-mail address but the password was changed. I've made a new twitter account and visited my old account. Nothing has changed on it. The last tweet was mine.

    Do you know some way to break/hack into my account now? I've searched it on google, but nothing seems to be working.

    5 AntwortenPassword and Sign Invor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Singing and breathing problems?

    I LOVE singing. I sing almost every day, but I'm pretty sure it's not the proper technique. I've already heard everything about breathing, but I just can't! I think I've ruined my voice because I have voice cracks often. One of my most annoying problems now is that I can't sing loudly. When I start singing loudly my voice cracks after a few seconds. I don't think I have much talent. And everybody else in my family thinks that too! They like only my older sister's voice( she's 24) cause she can sing really high and nice. My voice is a bit similar when I sing higher, but I can sing only what I call "middle" notes. That are not too high, and not to deep. Is it because of my age? I'm 14. Yeah, I'm deppressed, my dad has cancer now, and before that my mum was really freaking out and attacking neighbours cuz she's shizophrenic. She has been to hospital, and now she's alright. Ten my grandpa has died. It all happened in ONE year. We also don't have much money, and there are 7 of us, so you can see in what situation am I. I see young singers on youtube every day and it just keeps getting me more deppressed than before cause I don't think I'll ever have that ability to sing. This is my youtube: I hope you''l help me out.

    2 AntwortenSingingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What do you think about this video?

    What do you think about this video?

    dedication to my fav singer who died 2 years ago :(

    A bit messed up at some parts, but still love this song :)

    If you want to you can check out the original song I think it's much cooler than my version :D

    Here's the link:

    1 AntwortSingingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • PLEASE HELP!!!!!! I don't wanna sound flat... I WANNA BE A SINGER!?

    EVEYBODY'S SAYING I sound flat. Maybe it's something wrong with me just in videos or it's always like that? It seems to me that I'm singing in tune and they're saying I sound flat. I sometimes play synthesizer and sing at the same time and I can say I match the notes pretty well. Is something wrong with me or those guys? I may miss a note or 2 in videos but that's mostly because of some kinda fear or timidity, but when I'm alone I sound better. Please be honest, no haters or mean people!!! Here's my Youtube

    7 AntwortenSingingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I can't uninstall ESET NOD32 antivirus...?

    I tried to uninstall using the normal method first. It didn't work. Then I downloaded a remover and it didn't work. It says: "The feature you're trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable."

    5 AntwortenSecurityvor 1 Jahrzehnt