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Lv 2332 points

Sky Kay

Favorisierte Antworten47%
  • Is there a way to download apps on my old iPad?

    I recently acquired an old iPad running iOS 9.3.5 I believe and I can't download ANYTHING from Netflix to YouTube to Chrome, nothing. I'm an Android native and haven't had an Apple product since the original iPod Touch so I lack experience and a general understanding of how the OS works. With Android, I could just download APKs from the internet, but I don't think I can do that with an Apple device. Does anyone have some insight as to a workaround for these problems or maybe a way to force my device to update or download apps that are "incompatible" or maybe even another way to get the apps? If not, I'll just throw this thing out. Any real answer is appreciated. Thanks!


    3 AntwortenSoftwarevor 1 Jahr
  • Is my body becoming accustomed to being awake for 24 hours?

    At the beginning of the year, I've taken on a new job and I really really like it, the only downside being I am consistently having to pull long hours to get everything done. I'm going 24+ hours without sleep fairly regularly and it doesn't phase me as much nor do I feel the symptoms that I used to feel when I started such as fatigue, exhaustion, confusion, "overall mental yuckiness", etc. Am I becoming accustomed to a new life style or is my body just straight up shutting down while my bad habits slowly deteriorate my brain?

    1 AntwortWomen's Healthvor 2 Jahren
  • Why do I sometimes hear a baby crying?

    I m not a mother nor am I pregnant, I don t work around kids nor is there any newborn or expected children in the family that I know of. I ll be at home or outside and I ll just hear a baby crying. If first happened one night when I had woken up in the middle of the night at like 3 am so I turned on like every light in my house to look around and didn t find anything and eventually it went away, I checked in my flatmate but she was sleeping the whole time. I ve had many similar experiences, some in broad daylight, some at night, some even while I m in public. If it s a hallucination, is there any way to make it stop? If not, what is it?

    2 AntwortenMental Healthvor 2 Jahren
  • How can I tell if a cipher I helped create is secure?

    So a couple of friends and I have been working on a cipher for about a week now and just got it to a point where we can encrypt, send, and decrypt messages from each other but we don't have any way of knowing if it's actually secure. Is there a way of testing it like with a programme or do we just need to find someone who's capable and willing to attempt to crack it? I'm pretty knew to all this cryptology stuff so any answer or even just advice is greatly appreciated!

    2 AntwortenProgramming & Designvor 3 Jahren
  • Shoul I see a doctor about my ankle pain?

    So I go freerunning with my friends about twice a week and yesterday was one of our runs. I jumped from about a 3-4 metre roof, nothing we haven't done a thousand times before, but the landing was a bit more unpleasant than anticipated. I wasn't incapacitated, but I took it easy for the rest of the day. When I woke up this morning, it was enough to give me a slight limp and discourage me from bending my foot upwards, but still not incapacitating. It's the inside of my lower right ankle if that helps. I just don't want to drop all that money for a doctor's visit if it'll heal on its own, but if something is wrong I kind of want it fixed ASAP. Thanks in advance! :)

    3 AntwortenInjuriesvor 3 Jahren
  • Can someone acquire coulorblindness?

    I have a friend who says that he started to go coulorblind back in December and now has monochromatic coulorblindness. I looked up how to tell if someone is faking coulorblindness, and gave him little tests, but he responded as a coulorblind person would in that situation. Is it even possible for a guy to develope coulorblindness as a young adult? And if so, what might cause it?

    1 AntwortMedicinevor 5 Jahren
  • Can someone interpret this dream?

    (Posted once a few days ago, no answers.) I just woke up sweating from this dream. It started normal. I was at my friend's house hanging out with him, my other best friend, and my boyfriend, and some REALLY hideous disfigured person bursted through the door and I nearly had a heart attack and I was frozen and it started to walk towards me and I was like... Overwhelmed with panic, then I was in this giant endless white room and there were a bunch of disfigured people but they didn't scare me. Then I saw someone who looked normal standing next to me and he started to tell me things about my past that I had never told anyone, and I looked up and on the ceiling of the white room was the first disfigured person dripping blood and it fell on top of me then I woke up literally shaking. I'm not getting anymore sleep tonight, so an answer before tomorrow night would be nice. Thanks.

    1 AntwortDream Interpretationvor 5 Jahren
  • Can someone interpret this dream?

    I just woke up sweating from this dream. It started normal. I was at my friend's house hanging out with him, my other best friend, and my boyfriend, and some REALLY hideous disfigured person bursted through the door and I nearly had a heart attack and I was frozen and it started to walk towards me and I was like... Overwhelmed with panic, then I was in this giant endless white room and there were a bunch of disfigured people but they didn't scare me. Then I saw someone who looked normal standing next to me and he started to tell me things about my past that I had never told anyone, and I looked up and on the ceiling of the white room was the first disfigured person dripping blood and it fell on top of me then I woke up literally shaking. I'm not getting anymore sleep tonight, so an answer before tomorrow night would be nice. Thanks.

    1 AntwortDream Interpretationvor 5 Jahren
  • What did my dream mean?

    Ok, so it started out pretty normal. It almost felt real. I was in a neighborhood that I don't recognize now, but seemed familiar in the dream. My best friend and boyfriend and I were walking around and I saw at the gate of the community what looked like a demon trying to get in but neither of my friends saw it so we kept walking. Then the dream skipped to were I was with a whole new set of friends that I don't recognize note but seemed to at the time. There were six of them, four guys, two other girls. We were in a house and one of the guys had a some kind of beetle and they were putting it in their mouths and after that would start violently shaking. Eventually all six of them had done it and the scene skipped to a cemetery. Then I thought I woke up but I was in a pick up truck with my dad who I haven't seen in like ten years and he was taking me to like a bus stop. Then I was back in the house with the other six friends and we were all sleeping in the same room but there were no beds so we were using each other as pillows.

    I just woke up and it's bothering the sh*t out of me because it feels a lot different than any of my other dreams/nightmares. Any help or input is welcomed. Thank you!

    2 AntwortenDream Interpretationvor 6 Jahren
  • What are the NAMES of the other dimensions?

    I've been diving into understanding the idea of a multi-dimensional universe. I know dimension #1 is length, #2 is height, #3 is width, and #4 is time, but what are the names of the others? I'm not too savvy on string theory and I think that #5 and beyond kind of scratches the surface of that, so a simple RELEVANT answer is appreciated. Thanks!

    2 AntwortenPhysicsvor 6 Jahren
  • Am I completely out of line here or is it normal?

    I don't know if this is just me or whatever, but I find it so weird when a girl asks a guy out, like for the first time. It just seems to me like the guy should have to step up and take the initiative in the relationship. Please tell me what you think because I honestly have no idea how anyone else feels about that.

    6 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 6 Jahren
  • Would you say that having parents is essential to the growth of a teenager?

    I would like to hear anyone's opinion as long as its an actual answer and why you think what you do.

    3 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 6 Jahren
  • What are the names of the other dimensions?

    I've been trying to understand the idea of a multi-dimensional universe. I know dimension #1 is length, 2 is height, 3 is width, 4 is time, but what are the other ones? (I'm not to savvy on string theory so simple answers are appreciated.) THANKS!

    2 AntwortenPhysicsvor 6 Jahren