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Lv 58.147 points

Roosevelt Lennon Esq.

Favorisierte Antworten8%
  • Who should win the Emmy for Best Drama Series: Breaking Bad or House of Cards?

    I'm a huge fan of Breaking Bad but I feel that the second half of it's final season was far better than the first half and therefore it should win Best Drama next year. I am also very intrigued by House of Cards, it's acting as well as it's cinematography has been top notched. I would like to know which of these two series do you think deserves to win more. And if you think another series deserves to win (such as Downton Abby, Game of Thrones, Mad Men, Homeland or a series not even nominated) deserves to win please tell me which ones and why.

    1 AntwortDramavor 8 Jahren
  • Is it true that women can only get pregnant at certain times of the month?

    I've always heard that women only ovulate during certain times of the month. It is possible for a woman to determine which days she is not ovulating and use this as a form of birth control?

    4 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 8 Jahren
  • Can a web series be nominated for a primetime Emmy award?

    I've been watching House of Cards and I must say it's better than any drama on "real" TV out right now. But it streams on Netflix and has no TV network broadcasting it so I don't think it qualifies as a "prime time series." But is there anyway this show could win an Emmy? You also have to consider the return of Arrested Development which won Outstanding Comedy Series for it's first season but it's newest season faces a similar dilemma. Now I know the awards aren't the most important thing but you have to wonder will the Emmy's simply ignore the brilliance of Kevin Spacey's performance which could give Walter White a real run for his money. So what's the deal with web series and the Emmy's? Kinda looking for a TV professional's answer on this.

    2 AntwortenDramavor 8 Jahren
  • Why does Yahoo allow only far right radicals to post comments on political stories?

    I have been unable to post comments on any political stories on for several weeks now. I believe this is because my comments are reasonable and intelligent instead of containing hateful comments about the government and Obama. The only comments I have been seeing on every political story on have been from far right radicals usually advocating the overthrow of the U.S. government. I am not suggesting that Yahoo remove these comments as stupid as they may be. My problem is that no other viewpoint is being shown. Either Yahoo is censoring anyone who is not a far-right radical or they have some serious system issues regarding the comment section of their website. If Yahoo is being run by right wing fascists I really don't care, but censoring every other point of view is just wrong. If you neocons are so right then your arguments should be able to withstand debate. Stop censoring the internet and stop allowing only one viewpoint to be shown. It's propaganda and it's no different than what Joseph Goebbels did for Nazi Germany.

    5 AntwortenGovernmentvor 9 Jahren
  • What do you think about this show?

    This is the first episode of a web series my friend is creating. It is intended to be a live action show and was made using animated software only to demonstrate the story. It's a short episode, only 6 minutes long.

    1 AntwortComedyvor 9 Jahren
  • Black lent-like specks keep popping up on my bed, it's not lent or bedbugs what is it?

    I have these black specks that keep popping up on my bed. I thought maybe they were left by bedbugs but these specks don't smear and there is no blood or any stains like that on my bed. I haven't been getting bites but my bed has been causing me to itch. These specks are like pieces of lent but they vary in size and they continue to keep popping up despite constant washing and they pop up fast. I used a lent remover to get all the specks off and within hours some were back so this can't be lent. I thought maybe they were mites but I'm not sure of that now. Can someone tell me what this could be and how to get rid of it?

    3 AntwortenCleaning & Laundryvor 9 Jahren
  • Why do politicians think it is their job to impart values?

    Parents are suppose to teach their kids what to believe in. Not the government. And as kids become adults they should be able to choose what they want to believe in. So why the hell are neocons always trying to force their values on individuals? They're always going on about the 2nd Amendment so they can shoot first and ask questions later. Always whining about the 10th Amendment so certain states can keep schools segregated. But what about the 1st Amendment? If I'm not mistaken it talks about freedom of religion. So when some boy scout presidential candidate from Pennsylvania talks about how I need "god" in my life I think about those Pilgrims who came to America to escape religious persecution. And aren't these the same guys talking about they want small government? Telling people what they should believe in and how they should live their lives is bigger government than Nazi Germany.

    3 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • If Ron Paul wins, the terrorists win...?

    Why did the terrorists attack us 9/11? To stop the spread of democracy and western influence in the world. If Ron Paul is elected that is exactly what will happen. I know I will only get nut job RP supporters answering this with their "civil liberties" crap but understand this, Ron Paul will lead to destruction of this nation and this nation will fail because everyone wants to be able to do whatever the hell they want. There is not enough education for Americans to have total "civil liberties." You blind followers of Ron Paul will ruin this nation and quite frankly you deserve what ever happens to you.

    10 AntwortenPoliticsvor 9 Jahren
  • How do I start a business in California without a permanent address?

    I'm living in San Francisco, CA and I want to start my own production company but I'm current living at a temporary address there. I have a permanent address in Alabama but I'm not sure if starting my business there is a good idea because I know I one day want to move to California permanently. If I start my business in Alabama will there be anyway to move it to California one day? And is there anyway to start a business in a state you don't permanently live in?

    3 AntwortenSmall Businessvor 9 Jahren
  • A question that requires different answers from liberals and conservatives?

    The question: What if Obama switched Hillary and Biden's jobs? In other words, made Hillary Clinton his VP for the next election.

    Liberals: Would this make you want to vote for Obama more or less?

    Conservatives: Would you be worried about your candidate going against an Obama/Clinton ticket or does this change up not bother you at all?

    If Independent: Would an Obama/Clinton ticket win your vote?

    Please specify your ideology or lack thereof before answering. Please no offensive crap. Let's try to have an intelligent conversation on this.

    3 AntwortenElectionsvor 10 Jahren
  • Serious Apple computer problems...?

    I have had my macbook for around 3 months and it has been working fine until a few days ago. It's very slow now. It takes Safari 2 or 3 mins to start, that stupid compass jumps up and down over 100 times before anything happens. I can't watch Netflix anymore, it keeps telling me i'm having "Plug-in Failure." First I thought I had too much crap on my computer so I deleted a bunch of files and even some apps. That did nothing. I have MacCleaner and i have scan the computer a bunch and it says nothing's wrong. So I updated my flash player and Silverlight and that did nothing. It's so bad I can't type more than a few words without it freezing up and that colorful pinwheel popping up. Can someone tell me what they think may be wrong and how to fix it?

    1 AntwortLaptops & Notebooksvor 10 Jahren
  • Watching the republican president candidate debate...?

    Why aren't these losers answering any of the questions? A mainstream republican just asked how will these GOP candidates keep a balance between the Tea Party extremists and moderate republicans and instead of answering the question, their just defending the Tea party when it is obvious from this man's question that center right republicans don't approve of the far right politics of Tea baggers. Bachman is looking like a robot chanting Obama will lose, I don't know what the hell Gingrich and Santorum are doing, Paul is the only one close to making sense. Is this suppose to be what "takes back America" from Obama. If it is, hello second term.

    8 AntwortenElectionsvor 10 Jahren
  • Can someone tell me what its like to ride on a greyhound bus?

    I'm going to be taking a rather long trip on a greyhound bus, I'll be on there for over two days. I would like to know about the safety of the bus and what things do I need to be doing to keep my luggage safe. And how much luggage can I take? Any tips will be greatly appreciated.

    3 AntwortenOther - Cars & Transportationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is life like in San Francisco?

    I plan on moving to San Francisco pretty soon. I would like to know what is traffic like there and is there a lot of crime? I'm moving to the nob hill area.

    2 AntwortenSan Franciscovor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why can't faith and science merge?

    Most religious people think that science is just a bunch of complex talk created to confuse the average person. Most scientists believe religion is just a bunch of nonsense and fairy tales created by humans to make them feel better about death and other unknown things. Well has anyone considered the possibility that you both could be right, wrong, and excluding things you don't even know all at the same time? Why can't we use science to prove certain points about religion? Or more so, why can't we use science to make religion real? Is that too big for simple human minds? It's not that science and faith disagree, the problem is people of one side refuse to even consider the thoughts of the other side. As long as we keep dividing ourselves and our theories, we will never figure out the real truth.

    5 AntwortenOther - Society & Culturevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is it possible for consciousness to continue in humans after death and do atoms have consciousness?

    Little is known about the nature of consciousness. For some reason, we humans believe our brains are the only thing capable of being conscious. My question is could trees, rocks, stars and inanimate objects have consciousness? Of course they wouldn't be able to see, hear, and feel the way humans and animals do but could they be aware of their existence and surroundings in some other way? Also, could some type of consciousness exist in humans after death? And could atoms have consciousness? Human bodies are made up of atoms and that doesn't change after death. If atoms had consciousness, we could still have some type of consciousness after death, scientifically speaking. I would like to know what you think of all this.

    2 AntwortenBiologyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What do you think about cryonics, mind uploading, transhumanism and digital immortality?

    I've been thinking a lot about cryonics lately, which is the freezing of the human body or brain in hopes that future reanimation will be possible one day. I've been reading about mind uploading, transhumanism and other things that would lead to digital immortality. Do you think these things will ever be possible and if so when? Also, does anyone think that in the extremely deep future (I'm talking millions, maybe billions of years from now) will it be possible to resurrect the dead using technology? I only want the opinion of people who are deeply into science, technology, futurism and physics.

    4 AntwortenOther - Sciencevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Are ghosts only spirits that are angry, evil, or lost?

    I've never seen a ghost and I don't want to. I'm not even sure if they exist. Personally I believe any afterlife we have would have to be created using future technology but that is a different subject for another time. I want to know from people who either study, believe in, or have seen a ghost are they just upset spirits? Do all people become ghosts or just those who had tragic deaths or were evil during life? If you don't believe in this stuff (by the way I'm very skeptical of it myself) then please don't answer.

    4 AntwortenMythology & Folklorevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • New York or LA: Which should I move to?

    I am an amateur stand up comedian who lives in a small town in the south. I want to move to a city where I could establish myself as a comedian. Between New York and LA which one has better job opportunities, is cheaper to live in and has less crime?

    6 AntwortenNew York Cityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How is a teleplay properly formatted?

    I have Final Draft 8 and I've been working on some screenplays but lately I've been having some ideas for a TV show and I wanted to know how is a teleplay differently formatted from a screenplay?

    1 AntwortSoftwarevor 1 Jahrzehnt