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Randy Bodandy
I banged Lucy and knocked her up, no big deal.
When will the federal minimum wage be a more reasonable $481 an hour so everyone may earn a living wage You ask me why does the federal?
minimum wage need to be $481 an hour? Who wants to be a millionaire? The answer is everyone! fair is fair you Nazi scum!
2 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 2 TagenWould you like to play smart guy trivia?
How many intentional walks did Roger Maris get in his 61 home run season? hintroider He was usually hitting in front of Mickey Mantle.
2 AntwortenBaseballvor 2 TagenWhy are the racist cons at Yahoo shutting down Y!A?
Are they tired of the Snarkster coming at them?
2 AntwortenPoliticsvor 5 TagenWas Dwight D. Eisenhower a good liberal that got it or was he a racist con?
He served before the old switcheroo the parties pulled in the 1960s but I know that doesn't matter when it comes to guys like FDR and Herbert Hoover!
1 AntwortPoliticsvor 5 TagenWhy oh why can't the federal minimum wage be $15 an hour?
I live in Arkansas and i have to work 30 hours a week at $10 an hour because my rent is $450 plus utilities plus I have to pay for some of my own food and the scariest thing is that the supplemental COVID19 money given to people such as myself, it will be $200 a month gone and I will have to work more like 40 hours a week! minimum wage will be raised to $11 an hour soon but that won't help me much what I need is more 415 an hour so I only have work like 25 hours a week you racists!
8 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 WocheWhy are the racist cons so racist they want to start going to concerts again once we have heard immunity and most people are vaccinated if?
no one has been hospitalized that has the vaccine yet despite the warnings from our socialist god D.r fauci?
1 AntwortPoliticsvor 2 WochenSince the racist cons are always being racist why don't we pay reparations to the poor black people especially the true destitute ones like?
Oprah Winfrey but since the racist cons are the ones that enslaved them originally why not make the racist cons of today be the only ones responsible for paying them?
2 AntwortenPoliticsvor 2 WochenWhat joke will the bringer of truth, freedom, unity, and hilarity think of next?
The one about him being in the Senate for 120 years was a real knee slapper!
3 AntwortenPoliticsvor 2 WochenHave I smoked enough crack that they won't be able to find me?
I've smoked an entire 8 ball tonight to myself but I am afraid they might still be able to find me! Should I buy more crack or call it a night? it doesn't matter what you racist cons tell me i am going to buy more crack either way!
Politicsvor 2 WochenIs there now a reeferist epidemic? I was robbed by reefer addicts?
So these guys broke in my house and I hid in the closet because I did not want to be killed.
I heard one of the guys say to his friend "I can't wait to get back home and smoke some more reefer than we can rape some women!"
His buddy replied "yeah, damn straight! I haven't had this much fun since the night I voted for Trump 8 times! I sure love my reefer, almost as much as raping women."
I called the police after they left but the cops said they didn't really leave any clues. There are too many racist conservatives that are reefer addicts to track them down.
2 AntwortenPoliticsvor 2 WochenVideo of a Trumpkin freaking out because someone wants her to wear a mask!?
It is clearly time for the bringer of truth, freedom, and unity the socialist dove Joe Biden to declare martial law to get control of the Trumpkins!
4 AntwortenPoliticsvor 2 WochenWhy are the racist cons so racist they want to try the socialist dove Andrew Cuomo for COVID deaths but they don't want to charge not my?
president for 500,000 COVID deaths?
5 AntwortenPoliticsvor 3 WochenLie, lie, lie that is what we good socialists that long for the downfall of the American way of life do best!?
Why are the racist cons so racist all they ever want to do is be racist and point out our lies? Do you not realize that saying bad things about good socialists is the definition of racism in 2021?
1 AntwortPoliticsvor 3 WochenWhy are the racist cons so racist they want to hold China accountable for their mistreatment of the Uighurs?
The socialist dove Biden realizes that China has different cultural norms than the US does and he realizes that the socialist doves in China are socialist doves so nothing and I mean NOTHING they ever do can be considered to be wrong! Why are the racist cons so racist they can't understand cultural differences?
4 AntwortenPoliticsvor 3 WochenWhy are the Trumpanzees so racist they think Biden may have raped a woman just because a woman claims he did?
Come on man! Biden is a socialist dove so nothing and I MEAN NOTHING he ever does ca e considered to be wrong!
7 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 MonatWhy is Trumpowitzler so racist he made certain that no vaccine would be released under his watch and Biden the bringer of truth, freedom,?
and unity rightly stated as well that the vaccine wouldn't be released until he was president even though Biden took the vaccine in December of 2012 but we good socialists that long for the downfall of the American way of life have never cared about those racist things known as facts?
5 AntwortenPoliticsvor 2 MonatenWe all know how not my president felt about states rights and that ancient racist document the Constitution so he would NOT send in the?
DEA to bust state legal cannabis dispensaries. But now that we got rid of that dictator and have a real president again how long will it be before the socialist dove lays the smack down on the gate way drug?
1 AntwortPoliticsvor 2 Monaten