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John Dole
Best european football team and player in...?
Best Team in attacking
ball possesion
style of play
Best Player in Attacking
4 AntwortenUEFA Champions Leaguevor 8 JahrenOverrated football player?
2 AntwortenOther - Soccervor 8 JahrenBest Country in using English Language in Asia?
7 AntwortenLanguagesvor 8 JahrenWill Cristiano Ronaldo stay in Real Madrid?or he will come back to Man U?
RM is in danger if that happens
10 AntwortenUEFA Champions Leaguevor 8 JahrenAny guess who will win in CL?
I think Barcelona has the biggest chance but the problem is they only rely now on Messi.. Xavi and Iniesta is getting old but theyre still good.. Valdes is a joke, i think Pinto is better than him.. Well Good Luck Barcelona!!
16 AntwortenUEFA Champions Leaguevor 8 JahrenCan Nonito Donaire become the #1 pound for pound King?
He won 4 times in a single year winning the fighter of the year award.. Very consistent on ranking up.. Not as fast as Pacquiao but more powerful punch i think
6 AntwortenBoxingvor 8 JahrenWhat gift should i give to my girlfriend in our 1st monthsary?
I wont be able to see her in our monthsary even i really want to, cause shes out of town
6 AntwortenValentine's Dayvor 8 JahrenWhat do you look in a guy?girls only?
4 AntwortenLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendervor 8 JahrenHow do can I know if she really loves me 100%?
I love her so much and I want spend the rest of my life with her. She's so perfect, everything about her is beautiful. I know she loves me so much too, she already proved it many times and i really feel it.
Please tell me if she really loves me cause maybe my theories is kinda wrong.
And sorry for my bad English
Thank You!!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
6 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 8 Jahren