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Where to buy the Abonos album?
Just found the band Abonos on youtube, and I'm loving it! I've been searching all over the internet to find this group and buy their music (the actual album, not an mp3), but I can't find anything. The band's link to their site on myspace is also leading me to a Japanese website,which when translated has nothing to do with the band or music :/ Anyone know where I could find this?
Other - Musicvor 9 JahrenVery obscure Gothic metal bands?
Are there any really obscure gothic metal bands out there? I've been doing a lot of research and have found many, but I was wondering of any you guys might know that are very obscure and excellent all the same? Think bands like The Sins of Thy Beloved, Tiarra, Tristania, Draconian, Catafalque, Theatre of Tragedy, Beseech, Evig Natt, Via Mistica, Sunterra, Haggard, Elis, Withing Temptation, My Dying Bride, etc :)
4 AntwortenRock and Popvor 10 JahrenVery homesick in college?
I've been living on campus away from home for the past 1 and a half to two months, and I'm getting very homesick suddenly! It was really hard when I first got here, but then it started subsiding, and now it's back almost worse than before. Any tips on how to feel better? I keep thinking about my dad and how much I want to see him :(
2 AntwortenStudying Abroadvor 10 JahrenWhat annoys you most in text speak?
When you're texting or e-mailing, what annoys you most when talking with people? Are you annoyed by bad grammar, caps-lock, emoticons, one word replies? Anything! I would like to know, please share.
8 AntwortenLanguagesvor 10 JahrenPre-college anxiety compared to when you actually move to college?
I'm going to college in September for my first year, but recently I have been getting a lot of anxiety about it! I will be living in a dorm and I can already tell I am going to be really homesick, and I am scared about the course load and the college experience in general. So much so that I have even been thinking about going to a college not as good, but to which I could still live at home... Has anyone had similar feelings before moving away for college? Does it get better, or am I just over-exaggerating things?
5 AntwortenHigher Education (University +)vor 10 JahrenWhat do you think about WoW Version 4.01?
What is with the new talent tree, the constant tabard, and the new skill/character screen set up? I miss my old WoW! :( What do you guys think?
4 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 1 JahrzehntNo period for a year and a half?
When I went anorexic, I lost my period and even though I am almost a normal weight again I haven't had it (my BMI is 18.8 now, which is in the normal range). It's been a year and a half since my last period, and I was wondering if I will ever have it again?
5 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 1 JahrzehntRecurring dream meaning?
I've been having these odd recurring dreams for the past few months, about 1-2 times a week. In the dream, I wake up and it is night time, and I am in bed. When I look to the foot of my bed, a man is sitting there gazing at the wall behind me. When I say hello, there is no response, so I move to touch him. When I touch him, he falls over face down on my bed and he is dead. The man has an athletic build and is probably in his late 20's, but I have never seen him before. Help, I'm tired of having the same dream!
2 AntwortenPsychologyvor 1 Jahrzehnt