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Lv 31.050 points

Lilium Inter Spinas

Favorisierte Antworten22%
  • computer tech's wet dream?

    i recently bought a 16g USB flash drive, and the thing worked really well. i had a friend put some of his music library onto it. when i went to consolidate those files and folders into MY music library that is already on the device, the flash drive now seems to be in this infinite loop of file transferring.

    the sad thing is it isn't a defect on the manufacturer or quality of the product itself. it is completely my user error. when i highlighted the files and folders that were on it, i forgot to de-highlight(sp?) the music folder itself. where the infinite loop seems to occur is the task of cutting and pasting the files into the Music folder on the E:/ drive which includes the Music folder itself. i have tried to format the device again(as i had the presence of mind to make a back up folder of all the contents when i transferred them to it after i had bought it. ironic, huh?), and the little LED light that blinks when transferring hasn't quit. i can't format or just eject the device because i get a windows error pop-up that says windows cannot access the drive while in use.

    i've also tried to disable the drive in the Device Manager, as well as searching for the process in the Task Manager. All to no avail.

    is there hope?

    6 AntwortenOther - Hardwarevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Do i have a substantially winnable case?

    Following a horrendous downpour, i noticed, much to my chagrin, that water was coming in through the roof of my apartment. i immediately filed for a work order to repair the leak, which was answered promptly...or so i thought. they had told me that they called someone to come out and work on the roof of my unit and so i didn't think anything further until another rainstorm bore the same exact results. I filed the same work order for the second time. And then a third time shortly thereafter.

    After the fourth attempt to have them repair the cause of the leak(which, by my guess was a crack in the roofing material close to the air conditioning condenser unit which is located just above my closet.), they had replaced sections of the sheetrock that had been damaged due to the water standing in certain spots throughout my bedroom, bathroom and closet area, which looked really good but we got into more rain and, although the water didn't fall directly onto my floor, you could see where the water had been, and started mildewing the sheetrock all the way through it...just like mold on a slice of bread. that is when i had decided that i could no longer live in that apartment. Sad part is, they had suggested that i just relocate to another unit and they would supposedly close my unit down as no longer suitable for renting. This was a moot suggestion seeing as how my lease was due to expire in a couple of months. Before that time, i had assumed i could just wait it out...but it got so bad that i just couldn't stay in that unit any longer out of concern for my health.

    I have done a little bit of research into Renter's Rights in Texas, and i do feel as though i am well within my due rights as a tenant who was never behind in his rent or utilities and was not nuisance to the neighbors and am literally apalled by their demands that i shell out over $1500. i would really be willing to pay the remainder of my lease agreement(which only had two months left at the time of my departure), but as far as all the other BS charges...well, they know where they can stick them.

    6 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is the necessity for never-ending advertisements?

    Do we really have to have commercials blaring at us constantly from day to day to day?

    They have almost completely taken over every facet of our senses. We see billboard after billboard, commercial after commercial. The incessant repetitiveness of these campaigns are useless.'s cool to announce a new product, or even an improved version. But why are companies worldwide spending millions of dollars on the bombardment. It already costs a lot of money to make the commercials and to get the broadcasters to air the promotions. I always enjoy seeing the Super Bowl commercials and i really think that is where the line needs to be drawn.

    On average a half-hour television program is only 20 minutes long. the remainder of the time is spread out from beginning to end for commercials(personally, i'd rather be watching the show that is on, than to watch some stupid commercial on erectile dysfunction and the little blue pill that can make it all better or the stupid accident lawyer commercials that really make me wanna get into an accident just so i'll have the chance to be killed or what about the condescending college commercials? there's another reason to commit suicide). That's ten frikkin minutes that could be added to the program itself! Commercials on our radio waves are just as bad. I find it really amusing how radio stations will get their Top DJs to promo their segment's sponsors. That itself is just a shortcut in advertising to curb but a meager fraction of the cost. Not to mention when i listen to the radio i want to hear a nice run of music. Not stupid commercials with a music break in between.

    i have this weird feeling that should advertising be brought down a couple of notches, the major companies would probably to be able to lower some of their prices on the merchandise they over-pay to advertise as it were.

    Advertising has us chasing things we don't need with money we don't have(which is where them payday and car title loans advertisements come in). Advertising is designed to convince Consumer America that they cannot live their life sustainably, or will never be considered successful, or will never be able to satisfy their wife without that particular product. The problem is that Consumer America believes them! How is it that we as a nation can be so gullible and naive?

    It's a never-ending, vicious cycle of deception.

    2 AntwortenPsychologyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Dallas County area Police Officer Procedures and COC?

    This is an area specific question, so anyone not from the Dallas County, TX area, please refrain from answering. If you must answer, please include viable references as to the Code of Conduct(COC) for this question.

    Are police officers allowed to use radar guns while in motion? Or does this just depend upon what city or precinct they are employed?

    Quite some time ago, i had heard that Arlington(Tarrant County, TX) police officers were no longer permitted to use radar guns while they were in motion. Apparently, there were some discrepancies about the safety of the radar's usage involving physical health because the officers would have the gun itself in their laps while they were driving on patrol.

    That's really the main reason why i'm asking this question.

    A second reason is that i received a citation for alleged speeding(45 in a 35), and the officer that passed me was in motion and stated on the citation that radar was used to assess my speed. I am already planning to plea nolo contendre(No Contest), with the option to take Defensive Driving. However, if the police officer was in direct violation of the Police Department's policies, i may push for dismissal. Not to mention that, while glancing in my left rear-view mirror, i also noticed that he performed a sudden U-turn(as he was in the opposite traffic) in front of two other vehicles that were following behind him.

    Please...any useful information will be most appreciated.

    Thank you.

    WARNING: Any ridicule or malicious, immature behavior will be reported.

    1 AntwortLaw Enforcement & Policevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • a mental block finding a song...can you help?

    i remember seeing the theatrical trailer for Drillbit Taylor(rhyme scheme totally accidental, btw). and in the scene where Wade and T-Dogg are going to that bully's house there's a clip of a particular song played. some of it are as follows, but not verbatim:

    "I said hallelujah to the fifteen royal benz.

    Get down on your knees..."

    To the best of my recollection.

    I have seen this song's video quite some time ago, as this particular artist and song aren't new(circa late '90s)...from what i can remember, the artist is known as Tinstar...but i could have read it wrong.

    Please help if you know what the song is. Ridicule and moronic behavior will be reported...just so we're clear.

    Other - Musicvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Should the National Anthem be changed?

    Okay...before you tar and feather me, hear me out...

    I have taken to account the circumstances surrounding our anthem, and while it is a moving piece, i feel that it should be changed.

    We all know that the National Anthem was written by Francis Scott Key...that's Day 1 stuff, right? But how many know that it was a song written to an old English drinking song?

    Don't get me wrong, i believe that Mr. Key had nothing but good intentions upon this inspiration, the coincidence of the melody set aside.

    But what of America The Beautiful or Stars & Stripes Forever? why are those songs considered to be inferior? Both songs happened to be written by American citizens. Whereas the Star Spangled Banner was written by a Frenchman. We already have two things of French heritage as symbols of our nation: Democracy and the Statue Of Liberty.

    Shouldn't our Anthem be one of our own? For us, by us?

    See for yourself:


    written by Kathrine Lee Bates of Falmouth, MA(1859)

    O' beautiful, for spacious skies,

    For amber waves of grain,

    For purple mountain majesties

    Above the fruited plain!

    America! America! God shed His grace on thee,

    And crown thy good with brotherhood, from sea to shining sea.

    O' beautiful, for pilgrim feet

    Whose stern, impassioned stress

    A thoroughfare for freedom beat

    Across the wilderness!

    America! America! God mend thine ev'ry flaw;

    Confirm thy soul in self control, thy liberty in law!

    O' beautiful, for heroes proved

    In liberating strife,

    Who more than self their country loved

    And mercy more than life!

    America! America! May God thy gold refine,

    'Til all success be nobleness, and ev'ry gain divine!

    O' beautiful, for patriot dream

    That sees beyond the years,

    Thine alabaster cities gleam

    Undimmed by human tears!

    America! America! God shed His grace on thee,

    And crown thy good with brotherhood, from sea to shining sea!

    When broken down, the first stanza represents the prosperity of this great nation. Capturing the essence and beauty of our land.

    In the second stanza, she also points out our perseverance to "make a go" following our independance from the United Kingdom.

    The third and fourth stanzas honor our fallen soldiers who have laid down their lives for our freedom. If you ask me, those two verses alone will ever be present during this nation's lifespan.

    14 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • A particular movie trailer at the beginning of Transformers...?

    It was more along the lines of a teaser trailer for an upcoming movie that looked to be very interesting slated for release in Jan 2008...but i cannot remember the name of it. I think it was the second or third trailer that was aired...but i'm not sure...and i don't really remember what it was about, as well. A remembered list of trailers at the beginning will be sufficient, but if you can tell me specifically what it was, that would definately earn a best answer vote on my part.

    4 AntwortenMoviesvor 1 Jahrzehnt