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Leslie J
Travel from Reading Berkshire to Bradford on Avon Wiltshire?
I need to travel from Reading in Berkshire to Bradford on Avon in Wiltshire as quickly as possible on public transport and without breaking the bank. I am planning to travel by train the Paddington to Cardiff line and get off at Bath Spa, then travel back on myself to Bradford on Avon, however looking at the map, would it be quicker to get off the train at Chippenham and take a taxi cross country to Bradford on Avon? Any help from someone with a local knowledge would be much appreciated
3 AntwortenOther - United Kingdomvor 6 JahrenWho will take Maggie's place as a companion of the Order of the Garter?
and will they be ready for Garter Day in June?
5 AntwortenRoyaltyvor 8 JahrenBurns Night at the Chutney Ferret?
Tonight is Burns night, will Edward be serving the traditional Haggis or just the usual Fagg0ts at the Chutney Ferret?
Royaltyvor 9 JahrenI understand that Police Officers in the Royal Protection Squad are to be issued with stun guns,?
Should Camilla be worried ?
5 AntwortenRoyaltyvor 1 JahrzehntKate Middleton will be travelling to her wedding by car arranged from Buckingham Palace?
Should she be worried ? and should she check the seat belts ?
5 AntwortenRoyaltyvor 1 Jahrzehnt