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Lv 145 points

Nick B

Favorisierte Antworten14%
  • Ex-GF who has been married for the past 8 years wants to be friends on Facebook?

    We were together for 7 years....she's now been married to a guy for the past 8 years and had a couple kids along the way....sends me a Facebook request. Have not had any contact with her since we broke up around 9 years ago. Nobody can know what's going on her her head....but thoughts? Could this be a totally innocent thing? I'm still single to this day and have no intentions of wrecking anyone's marriage.

    5 AntwortenWeddingsvor 8 Jahren
  • Ex-GF who has been married for the past 8 years wants to be friends on Facebook?

    We were together for 7 years....she's now been married to a guy for the past 8 years and had a couple kids along the way....sends me a Facebook request. Have not had any contact with her since we broke up around 9 years ago. Nobody can know what's going on her her head....but thoughts? Could this be a totally innocent thing? I'm still single to this day and have no intentions of wrecking anyone's marriage.

  • Ex-GF who has been married for the past 8 years wants to be friends on Facebook?

    We were together for 7 years....she's now been married to a guy for the past 8 years and had a couple kids along the way....sends me a Facebook request. Have not had any contact with her since we broke up around 9 years ago. Nobody can know what's going on her her head....but thoughts? Could this be a totally innocent thing? I'm still single to this day and have no intentions of wrecking anyone's marriage.

    1 AntwortFacebookvor 8 Jahren
  • Ex-GF who has been married for the past 8 years wants to be friends on Facebook?

    We were together for 7 years....she's now been married to a guy for the past 8 years and had a couple kids along the way....sends me a Facebook request. Have not had any contact with her since we broke up around 9 years ago. Nobody can know what's going on her her head....but thoughts? Could this be a totally innocent thing? I'm still single to this day and have no intentions of wrecking anyone's marriage.

    7 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 8 Jahren
  • Ex-GF who has been married for the past 8 years wants to be friends on Facebook?

    We were together for 7 years....she's now been married to a guy for the past 8 years and had a couple kids along the way....sends me a Facebook request. Have not had any contact with her since we broke up around 9 years ago. Nobody can know what's going on her her head....but thoughts? Could this be a totally innocent thing? I'm still single to this day and have no intentions of wrecking anyone's marriage.

    5 AntwortenWeddingsvor 8 Jahren
  • Charitable organizations for diseases, are we being lied to about any progress being made?

    Have you ever noticed that charity organizations for disease never tell you what's coming out of all the peoples efforts to find a cure? They will always tell you how much money has been put into it, but never the progress they've made. That's because they haven't made any progress, and they never will.

    I do know that all diseases have cures or are preventable by doing small lifestyle changes.

    3 AntwortenCommunity Servicevor 8 Jahren
  • life advice need! thanks in advance!?

    Lost my great paying job with a fortune 500 company a year ago, been unemployed since.....and feeling absolutely stuck...where do I start?

    My issues:

    33 years old

    poor credit

    about 7k in total debt

    no college education

    no job

    no kids

    no significant other

    big time sports gambler(about break even)

    1-2 nights a week drink way more than I ever should

    live with parents

    have 13 year old truck

    no truck insurance

    no health insurance

    nothing of significant value

    about 100 lbs over weight

    don't mind speaking my mind to others

    owe parents 4k or so

    like I said where do I even start? Jobs are **** around here mostly pay $10 an hour or so...and most I interview for I am over-qualified the don't hire me thinking I'm gonna quit soon anyhow. Anyone with words of wisdom, thanks in advance. This sucks, I don't know where to go, what to do and where to start.

    5 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 8 Jahren
  • Stuck in life, help!?

    Lost my great paying job with a fortune 500 company a year ago, been unemployed since.....and feeling absolutely stuck...where do I start?

    My issues:

    33 years old

    poor credit

    about 7k in total debt

    no college education

    no job

    no kids

    no significant other

    big time sports gambler(about break even)

    1-2 nights a week drink way more than I ever should

    live with parents

    have 13 year old truck

    no truck insurance

    no health insurance

    nothing of significant value

    about 100 lbs over weight

    don't mind speaking my mind to others

    owe parents 4k or so

    like I said where do I even start? Jobs are **** around here mostly pay $10 an hour or so...and most I interview for I am over-qualified the don't hire me thinking I'm gonna quit soon anyhow. Anyone with words of wisdom, thanks in advance. This sucks, I don't know where to go, what to do and where to start.

    2 AntwortenFamilyvor 8 Jahren
  • Stuck! Give me some life advice, please?

    Lost my great paying job with a fortune 500 company a year ago, been unemployed since.....and feeling absolutely stuck...where do I start?

    My issues:

    33 years old

    poor credit

    about 7k in total debt

    no college education

    no job

    no kids

    no significant other

    big time sports gambler(about break even)

    1-2 nights a week drink way more than I ever should

    live with parents

    have 13 year old truck

    no truck insurance

    no health insurance

    nothing of significant value

    about 100 lbs over weight

    don't mind speaking my mind to others

    owe parents 4k or so

    like I said where do I even start? Jobs are **** around here mostly pay $10 an hour or so...and most I interview for I am over-qualified the don't hire me thinking I'm gonna quit soon anyhow. Anyone with words of wisdom, thanks in advance. This sucks, I don't know where to go, what to do and where to start.

    7 AntwortenOther - Society & Culturevor 8 Jahren
  • Stuck! Give me some life advice, please!?

    Lost my great paying job with a fortune 500 company a year ago, been unemployed since.....and feeling absolutely stuck...where do I start?

    My issues:

    poor credit

    about 7k in total debt

    no college education

    no job

    no kids

    no significant other

    big time sports gambler(about break even)

    1-2 nights a week drink way more than I ever should

    live with parents

    have 13 year old truck

    no truck insurance

    no health insurance

    nothing of significant value

    about 100 lbs over weight

    don't mind speaking my mind to others

    owe parents 4k or so

    like I said where do I even start? Jobs are **** around here mostly pay $10 an hour or so...and most I interview for I am over-qualified the don't hire me thinking I'm gonna quit soon anyhow. Anyone with words of wisdom, thanks in advance. This sucks, I don't know where to go, what to do and where to start.

    3 AntwortenOther - Careers & Employmentvor 8 Jahren
  • Is FIBROMYALGIA a fraud?

    Like the title Mother was told she had this around 15 years ago causing her to retire at 45 years old....I've never been with to any appointments to actually hear a doctor say this and lets just say often wondered if it were another member of the family has posted on Facebook, that Fibromyalgia is a fraud and saying it's just a nicer way of a doctor telling a patient it's all in their head and medical tests find nothing wrong....and there's no documented proof that Fibromyalgia actually exists. Anyone know for a fact what the truth is? Thanks in advance!

    10 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 8 Jahren
  • Pioneer Premier DEH-P650 Car CD Player problem!?

    The volume wheel is the only thing working on the radio, all the other button are not responding.........will play CD's but cannot skip forward or back....volume wheel is only thing that will work when even a CD is playing...any help appreciated!

    1 AntwortCar Audiovor 9 Jahren
  • What's 280 acres in Richland County Montana worth?

    Right where the big oil boom is going on......getting all kinds of letters from corporations wanting to buy but none are mention actual worth yet. Anyone know the expect value of this? Doubt we'd ever sell just wanna know are we sitting on something not worth much or a a lot...

    3 AntwortenRenting & Real Estatevor 9 Jahren
  • What would it cost me to ship a pair of work boots in a shoe box to?

    ontario canada postal code n0n1p0 from Minneapolis, MN? and what is the best/cheapest method, thanks!

    2 AntwortenOther - Business & Financevor 9 Jahren