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What might cause warped disk rotors on a truck ?
Service tech suggests "excessive braking" or riding the brake and accelerator at the same time to cause overheating. But so what ? I've seen brake adverts with the rotor running red-hot.
In any case, it's a supposedly inspected pre-owned vehicle, and I don't drive like that. Problem showed on the first big downhill.
6 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 5 JahrenWhat do you do when there's no toilet paper ?
11 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 5 JahrenHow common is it for a voicemail system to call you ?
I got a new phone number recently, and had a couple of wrong numbers where when I answered the phone a recorded voice said "please hold".
A human secretary saying "please hold for the president of the united states" I can understand - at least I've seen it in films. But a computer ??
1 AntwortMobile Phones & Plansvor 5 JahrenWhat do you do if a smoke alarm goes off at 3am ?
- assume someone else will deal with it
- disconnect it
- put a pillow over your head
- actually go look for a fire
9 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 6 JahrenAre motorcycles at risk of hydroplaning ?
Just saw an informercial on TV going on about bikes being more at risk than cars. I've always assumed the opposite - that a wide flat tire is going to have more water buildup than a narrow rounded one.
They showed a dirt bike riding into a pond at maybe 40mph and taking a tumble - I'd have bet on a hidden pothole rather than just a water issue.
10 AntwortenMotorcyclesvor 6 JahrenWhy did my engine seize up ?
Suzuki DR200, air cooled, redlines about 110kph (no tach). Been riding normally (actually slightly conservatively, not pushing it to 100) all day at about 80kph in about 20C temperatures. Oil at least half full, just within range on the sight glass. Camshaft centre journal seized the next day after about 40km, then released so kept riding, but it's badly scored. Some debris in the filter, probably from that event.
About 40,000km on the clock, never any trouble before, changed oil & filter at least yearly, no change in riding habits.
I can get it fixed, I just want to know why it might have happened.
3 AntwortenMotorcyclesvor 6 JahrenAnyone see the lightsail ?
I forgot to look (3am or something).
They've got a kickstarter for another cubesat mission, I think to actually go somewhere -
1 AntwortAstronomy & Spacevor 6 JahrenHow to import a travel trailer from the US to Canada ?
Specifically WA to BC. I know BC insures and plates trailers separately from the tow vehicle, not sure about WA or what's required to transfer title, duty etc. Private sale, used trailer.
2 AntwortenBuying & Sellingvor 6 JahrenWiFi slow on my laptop this week?
I've got an old access point I've had for years. About 50ft away I've got an old laptop I've had for years. It's never been the best signal but it's worked. Since a week or two ago it's been really slow. I haven't changed anything - not moved the AP, not changed the OS, not started using more data or a new device. Wireshark shows unexpected retransmits, but I don't have data from before to compare with.
I might have got neighbours moved onto the same channel, but again I can't remember what it was like before.
Do wifi components deteriotate, or is it likely the neighbours ?
2 AntwortenComputer Networkingvor 6 JahrenHow does "share this file" work in Android?
Often in Android apps there's an icon to "share this". If I click that, I see a list of apps some I know like gmail and others I've not heard of. What I want to do is upload to my webserver. How can I do that ? Does each app have its own sharing methods, or is there a registry of ways to share different file types like there is in a web browser to display them ? If so, is there an app which will do WebDAV or POST to a configured webserver, or do I need to write my own ?
1 AntwortProgramming & Designvor 6 JahrenHow do planetarium apps work ?
Specifically how does the phone know which way it's pointing ? I know about accelerometers and GPS, but I'm pretty sure my phone does not have a compass.
1 AntwortAstronomy & Spacevor 6 JahrenHow can you install an Android app on an unsupported device ?
In other OS I can download and try running, and if it won't work it won't work. But Google Play just says I don't have any supported devices.
The app is a bluetooth camera that says it's supported on a few phones. It doesn't need to make calls, it just needs to display on a screen. I want to try it on my tablet.
1 AntwortSoftwarevor 6 JahrenHave you ever injured yourself on packaging ?
11 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 6 JahrenWhat is this bug ?
It's about 3mm long, found indoors, fairly slow-moving
Other - Home & Gardenvor 6 JahrenWould you have a head transplant ? With a pig ?
If there was a 100% chance you would die otherwise, would you agree to a 70% reliable head transplant leaving you with a pig's body ?
4 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 6 JahrenDo you shop around for neurosurgery ?
My dog doesn't have a medical plan, so surgery would be out of my pocket. If it was my car, I'd call around for estimates or do it myself.
2 AntwortenDogsvor 6 JahrenCan smartphone apps place calls ?
Like call someone and use voice sysnthesis to tell them something, or play a sound clip ?
Like, for instance, if you leave your phone in your car, and the accelerometer says the phone is moving, can it call you to say the car's been stolen ?
2 AntwortenMobile Phones & Plansvor 6 JahrenDo smartphones have a thermometer ?
My old Nokia tablet does; it's a reasonable record of the environmental temperature if the tablet's idle.
I wondered if there was a phone app to call or text or email etc. if the temperature got too hot. Or if one could write one.
4 AntwortenOther - Electronicsvor 6 Jahren