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Lv 117 points


Favorisierte Antworten16%
  • Can they expel me from school before leaving cert?

    I got Suspended/expeled from school today becasue i came in 2 hours late,and i did it often.I have been going in late becasue of personal reasons or health issues,but i never brought in notes from doctor or parents,neither do parent know about it,so i have leaving cert at 8th of june and the suspended/expeled me tilL that time.Is it allowed to do that just before exams like that? I told the deputy principal,Ill go to doctor get a note she said no your not going back in,i said see you tomarrow it wil be official,shes a real *****.

    3 AntwortenPrimary & Secondary Educationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • If i get Irish passport can i go to USA?

    Ok I am from Latvia,I live in Ireland for about 9 years,I can apply for Irish passport.

    When I get it,can I travel to USA without visa and if yes,for how long and what gate ways do I have from me having Irish passport?

    My dream is to live my whole life in USA,i am 18 years old,i will go to college next year.

    6 AntwortenOther - Irelandvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • If i get Irish passport can i go to USA?

    Ok I am from Latvia,I live in Ireland for about 9 years,I can apply for Irish passport.

    When I get it,can I travel to USA without visa and if yes,for how long and what gate ways do I have from me having Irish passport?

    My dream is to live my whole life in USA,i am 18 years old,i will go to college next year.

    4 AntwortenImmigrationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Ireland and LC,short and quick question?

    I live in Ireland subject i will do for leaving cert History,Chemestry,Biology,Geography,Math… and Latvian.

    8 subjects, how many are they marking? Is it 6 or 7 out of 8?

    They choose 6 or 7 best ones out of how many you got or they mark all subjects and calulate points from all?

    * 5 minutes ago

    * - 4 days left to answer.

    Additional Details



    6 AntwortenOther - Irelandvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How many subjects are marked in leaving cert Ireland?

    I live in Ireland subject i will do for leaving cert History,Chemestry,Biology,Geography,Maths,English,Russian and Latvian.

    8 subjects, how many are they marking? Is it 6 or 7 out of 8?

    They choose 6 or 7 best ones out of how many you got or they mark all subjects and calulate points from all?

    1 AntwortOther - Educationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is it possible to get feelings back?

    Is it possible to make someone feel good and even better again.

    So if its been like 2 years and feelings went off becasue of bad relationship and he/she starts to go to clubs,flirting,texting,with guys or girls.

    Is it possible to change relationship so much that that person he/she sees you as number one again,all the feelings,physical attraction and so on,make her/him not be interested in other girls/boys? Make her/him feel as strong or stronger as it was one the start again?

    6 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Something wirad going on with penis,need help?

    Ok i had sex with my girlfriend,after that i ddidnt take a shower for a about 20 hours,when i went to shower i notices that there is rash on my penis gland and foreskin,and wiard smell,and the feeling wasnt nice,wasnt sore but was wiard.What could this be,i noticed i get it if i dont take a shower after sex.Then i still had it but not much i had sex again now right now it got worse,and the smell aswell.What is this

    2 AntwortenMen's Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Do you feel better/happy/winner after revenge?

    Well here is what happend to me.

    Well i had a bestfriend,like a brother i gave him everything,anytime ,always together in bad and good moments.Turned out his actuly backstabber,anyway while i was gone he tryed to get my girl,he fail of course.But not only, he tryed to put everyone against me.He didnt fail.Everyone avoided me but i thought of a revenge that will **** him up.And i did it,everyone left him,they believed me,things i did werent lyes,ididnt make up **** about him,just truth.,its been over year that he is alone,no friends,no nothing,all the time at home.Trys to apoligise every way to me,but of course i never thought he wud do **** like that to me after all,so he lost. :) .Well i started to contact with him,felt sorry but i feel great and i feel like a winner.And what goes around comes comes around,exept i do it much more painful.

    My zodiac is Scorpio.Well im not a bad person,i help people ,im kinde,im nice person.But when it comes to that someon e trys to hurt me,it will be your biggest mistake.

    What about yous people?

    5 AntwortenFriendsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Literature and its history,German history.I need help please?

    Write a commentary on Wolfgang Borchert's '' Nachts schlafen die ratten doch'' setting it within its historical context.

    Can you help me please ,maybe atleast something.Thank You

    1 AntwortHomework Helpvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Literature and its history,German history.I need help please?

    Write a commentary on Wolfgang Borchert's '' Nachts schlafen die ratten doch'' setting it within its historical context.

    Can you help me please ,maybe atleast something.Thank You

    2 AntwortenHigher Education (University +)vor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Impossible is not a word? need a smart one here :P please?

    Impossible is not a word its just a reason for someone not to try.

    Why it says its not a word it this Quote? If it is a word,explain please.

    4 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Death becasue of fighting?

    Well when was born there was blood in by head or something,wanna go to mma and fight,anyway my sister said it can be fatal for me,is it truth/.?

    9 AntwortenMartial Artsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I had brain bleeding?

    Ok when i was small i had blood in my head,well i didnt die and i totaly fine right now,

    I want to go to MMA and fight,i love this sport,but my sister said it can be fatal for me,is this truth?

    1 AntwortMen's Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • English questions need help,very short.Exam?

    Rewrite the sentences eith the word given (inthe exact same form as you sre given),so that rit reads the same the first.provide as many words as required in the space of the partially writen sentence.

    The Question: I always enjoy a fil no matter how often i see it.

    The word : Tire

    However.............................................................this film

    Q2 : The manager praised one particular player.

    The Word : Singled

    One particular player.........................................praise by the manager.

    Q3: It is likely that she will get very angry when she finds out.

    The word:Liable when she finds out.

    Need the best answers for this,thank you very much.

    2 AntwortenHomework Helpvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Girls...I need your help...really much!?

    OK so i had a GF we broke up,its been more than year now,and we both are in different relationship for a year.

    To make it short,Recently we started talking,I went too meet her up to talk about what i should do with my girlfriend becasue i have no feelings for her,she said leave her or just be together,but better leave,then we went to her house for a tea,was going to her house for about 4 times,one time i wrote to her come to my house i will show you something well she was like what is it what is it,i told her just come into my house on way to college,then in morinig we had no college so i told her you dont have to come,she said i can still come if you want to,ok so she came,my plan was to tell her everything but i couldnt,so she went away,later on in day i went wit my friend to her (her cousin),well she was like btw im angry at u that u did show me that thing ( like in funny way. Ok later her BF found out all about it,and she said that dont come anymore,since then we havent talked again....I dont know what to do,her cousin says she still has feelings but she wount tell me. What should i do and what you think.

    We broke up becasue i didnt treat her good in the past,

    6 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is it ok for penis to be?

    Ok so long time ago when i had skin started to rip,after that i went more careful for long time,just few days ago,a girl used her hand and she pulled a bit too hard that my skin that is connecting to the penis head ripped,it was a painful thing,but i actuly dont really care about the pain,so i just cahnged position and did what i had to do,later i noticed that there was blood ,and i checked my penis and the skin has ripped off totaly from where it was half way,nothing is bad its been around 2 days,it has healed,not in pain but,i have like a bit of skin sticking out,anyway.Is this ment to happen? Is it a common thing or its a accident that should not happen.?

    3 AntwortenMen's Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Be honest girls :D :D?

    Ok the same question for girls,would you carry a condom in your bag even if you got relationship where you dont use condom?

    Maybe just to have it there,if your friend needs it?

    Myself i dont carry one but i thought it be a good idea,just to have it,becasue there is situations when you need to help out some one.

    31 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Condoms and girls,the big question?

    Girls a Question to yous,if your in a relationship and you have a sex life with your partner with NO condoms,would you still carry one in your bag,even if your not cheating,its just there.?

    8 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • The all mighty Condom!!!!!!?

    So thnik of a girl that is just doing this wdor you

    Shes fighting for relationship,trying hard,nearly gives up but does not,is been nice and everyhing.

    (My girl is like this.)

    Sex life,maybe isnt the best shes on pills to not have kids.

    Shes starte to go to college.And shes has condom in her wallet,she had it for smetime while shes wasnt in college also. Cheating? or just has it.

    we dont use condoms.

    4 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Having condom in bag?

    So thnik of a girl that is just doing this wdor you

    Shes fighting for relationship,trying hard,nearly gives up but does not,is been nice and everyhing.

    (My girl is like this.)

    Sex life,maybe isnt the best shes on pills to not have kids.

    Shes starte to go to college.And shes has condom in her wallet,she had it for smetime while shes wasnt in college also. Cheating? or just has it.

    we dont use condoms.

    3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt