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Does Best Buy have lay way?
1 AntwortOther - Business & Financevor 5 JahrenWhy didn't God rescued a juice drink hit her in the Holocaust?
2 AntwortenOther - Food & Drinkvor 5 JahrenWhy can't there be a united states of Africa?
Why not? Why is this so difficult to achieve?
9 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 5 JahrenHow can we truly save ourselves from Hell?
9 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 7 JahrenDo people who commit suicide go to hell?
12 AntwortenPsychologyvor 7 JahrenAre there children in Hell?
25 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 7 JahrenPolitics: What is your opinion on the Buffett rule?
2 AntwortenInvestingvor 7 JahrenIs Education a privilege or is it a right?
3 AntwortenSpecial Educationvor 7 JahrenWill the Simpsons ever be on netflix?
1 AntwortComedyvor 7 JahrenWhy do I have to believe in God?
27 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 7 Jahrenin the movie panic room why does it show kristen stewart's feet?
3 AntwortenMoviesvor 7 JahrenCan I buy Family Guy, all seasons on one DVD?
I was in walmart a few years ago and I saw a one disc dvd of family guy season one through seven (if my memory is correct)
Can anyone help me do a search on Amazon for this dvd?
More seasons would be great. Thank you.
3 AntwortenComedyvor 7 JahrenIs there really a Hell?
What do you believe about Hell?
If there is a Hell, where is it?
What do other religions say about Hell?
28 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 7 JahrenDo you really think it's fair that God would send me to Hell, just because I no longer believe he exists?
Is this really fair?
Is eternal punishment really necessary?
9 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 7 JahrenWhy do I have to believe in God?
I mean it is getting really weird lately...
Why do I have to believe in God? Because of eternal punishment?
Okay, well I don't believe in Unicorns...
....but guess what? The shadow unicorn is gonna come down from the bad rainbow and beat me senseless with her hooves.
I also don't believe in aliens...
... but I just found out that since I don't believe in aliens, then they are going to come in my room late at night, abduct me and perform horrid medical experiments on me.... without any anesthesia or painkillers....
Do you guys kind see the really ridiculous in these cases?
Atheists am I right in this?
30 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 7 JahrenDo you believe in Hell?
What is Hell to you?
What does Hell look like?
Are you scared of Hell?
How did you get over your fear of Hell?
40 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 7 JahrenWhy do I always do this to myself?
Bad Psychology: I always seem to scare my self.
My mind goes through Disturbia alot, even at a public place. For example I stayed at a camp school and there were people there (no roommates though) but I still manage to scare myself to the point of needing the hallway light on. Good thing I did not bother anyone's sleep.
I think about weird scary things, such the movie paranormal activity, scary faces, scary video games with no music, scary ghost stories, etc, etc.
Or scary silent places. I always scare myself when I'm home alone, the house is creepy silent sometimes and it is hard to go to bed alone when this occurs.
I have to close all the window shades so I do not feel people (whether there or not) staring at me at night, all alone.
Just really scary things, it keeps bothering me. I am 22 years old, if that helps.
Why do I always do this to myself?
What is my problem?
1 AntwortPsychologyvor 7 Jahren