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little minx
nauseous for no apparent reason?
I woke up feeling dizzy and nauseous this morning. Had breakfast and showered as usual but when I tried to work I just couldn't read or type for very long before feeling very nauseous. I haven't thrown up thankfully but I resorted to taking a nap. I've been making sure to drink water since I woke up but the light-headedness isn't going away and is worse when I stand up or try to concentrate. I've managed to eat now but all day i haven't had an appetite. Really not too sure what's caused it, only thing i can think of is I'm quite stressed out from writing my dissertation all weak and i found it hard to fall asleep last night.
Can anyone recommend any tips to ease the nausea and light-headedness so i can carry on writing my dissertation?
2 AntwortenPain & Pain Managementvor 7 JahrenHow do i tell him how i feel?
i dnt know what to do because everytime i see my boyfriend all i wanna do is tell him i love him but i feel i can't because the times i've brought love up in conversation he's told me he thinks it takes years to fall in love and having someone tell him they love him is scary because that means they can't live without you. I dnt doubt thats how he feels because he's fallen in love before. I believe that there's a difference between loving someone and being in love and i think i'm not quite at the point where i'm in love with him but i so badly want to tell him my feelings towards him and when i say i like you or i like you alot it feels like i'm lying to him. I told him before that i think that there's feelings between liking someone and being in love with them but he disagreed. He said there is no inbetween. We've been together 6 months now but i dnt wanna make him feel uncomfortable or feel horrible if i say i love him and he doesn't love me back. wht should i do? i know he has the same feelings for me even if our opinions on love are different.
1 AntwortLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendervor 8 JahrenMy housemates won't clean up after themselves?
The past year I have been the only one in my flat regularly doing all the cleaning. I've stopped cleaning up other peoples mess but i can't avoid doing tasks like taking out the rubbish because nobody else has done it.
When i tell them that something hasn't been done and that its inconvenient that it hasn't, they all agree that it was annoying it wasn't done but never do anything about it afterwards.
I try to remind them to do things in the nicest way possible but they never do it despite promising they will and then have a go at me for asking them a second time.
They then have a go at me when i so much as leave a plate on the side.
I had an argument with one of them last night because she starting having a go at me for asking someone to put some gone off bread in the bin. I told her i don't expect people to keep the flat spotlessly clean because i understand everyone is busy and stressed from uni but if everyone cleaned up as they went along for instance throw food peelings in the bin then i'd be happy. but she then told me that i'd just have to deal with the flat being messy and that no-one has time to clean up after themselves.
The next day i told her tht what she said upset me and i felt like my feelings had been disregarding and that people weren't respecting me or appreciating the amount of cleaning i did round the house.
She just said okay to everything i said like she didn't care at all.
I don't what to do because i tried to stop cleaning altogether before and the house got so unbearably disgusting and messy that i had to live at my boyfriends house for a week to get away from the stress of the mess.
I try so many times to suggest ways people could keep the place tidy without spending any time cleaning up like just piling their work up neatly after working on the table or put paper cuttings in the bin as they work or chucking rubbish nd food waste in the bin as they cook and they all agree to it but never do it and then when i point it out to them they say sorry and string a load of excuses at me but carry on not doing it.
I don't know what to do anympre, i really can't deal with it any longer.
10 AntwortenCleaning & Laundryvor 8 Jahrenmy laptop keeps restarting by itself?
my laptop was working perfectly untill i set up backup and installed avg. i also unistalled crome and firefox (firefox i had installed before because my flash player kept crashing on crome) and installed internet explorer. internet explorer was having problems loading pages and was very slow so i re-installed crome. ever since i installed AVG and made these changes my laptop has been starting up extremely slow (some days it loads fast other days it doesn't load at all and freezes) today while i was watching a programme on 4od my laptop suddenly closed down and a message screen came up telling me windows had failed to shut down (even though i hadn't pressed the off button or shut it down), i restarted windows normally and carried on watching 4od and it turned off again, this time i started it in safe mode then in normal mode but my laptop would not load completly and would freeze. this is the first time i've managed to load up the laptop without any problems.
4 AntwortenLaptops & Notebooksvor 1 Jahrzehntmy brother is addicted to xbox?
since my brother got his xbox he's been on it from the moment he comes in from school till he goes to bed. i've noticed that he's become more aggresive, touchy and rude since he's been playing and sometimes he is really hurtful towards people. Its like he's detached from the world and nothing else matters except the game. even cake! or pancakes! or trips to thorp park, he just isn't wories me because if he had his way he wouldn't eat, or sleep or do anything except xbox. whenever we say we want him to come off because we want some peace and quite or a guest is coming round or we want to watch a movie he gets really really angry and calls us bitches and says we are being unfair. normally he's really nice and a cool person but when he's on or been on xbox he is a royal jerk. can anybody suggest ways to get him to reduce his time on the xbox. its hard because xbox is also the only way he socialises with his friends and they refuse to normal things like meet up in the park.
4 AntwortenXboxvor 1 Jahrzehntshockwave flash crash help?
my shockwave flash crashing whenever i try to watch a video or it wants to load banners etc i can still watch youtube.
how can i fix this, i really want to watch online videos again
3 AntwortenProgramming & Designvor 1 Jahrzehntdoes my body think its younger than it is?
I'm 19 but people often think i'm 12 or 14, i'm only 4'11 and have a small bust plus i dnt get much hair on my legs or under my arms. my face looks young too and i'm skinny. i started my period at a reasonable age, about the same time as my mum and sister who look young but not to my extremes. they have big busts and are much taller. I hate it because guys dnt approach me or they treat me like a doll or a child, i've tried gaining weight to get curvier but i can't. i love the way i am but it would be nice to feel my age for once - sometimes i think i have the mental age of a 14 yr old. i grow very slowly so i hv no idea whether i've stopped growing or not but i deffo know my feet have stopped growing.
4 AntwortenBiologyvor 1 Jahrzehntfunny smell coming from my boiler?
i've been living in my student house for a term and a half now and the boiler is in my room. the whole time i've been here i've noticed a funny burnt/gassy smell (the kind of smell you find in a room which hasn't been cleaned in a long time) in my room whenever the boiler has been on. i've tried opening my window and burning incense but the smell will just dominate. Its kinda worrying me.
4 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 1 Jahrzehnti often become ill once or twice a week? why is this?
lately - expecially since i moved away to uni. i've been getting ill really often. i find that by wednesday i'm usually so tired i literally can't think and have to take a nap and if i dnt i'll get ill and won't be able to get out of bed the next day. i've been getting sore throats,lack of concentration, loss of appetite and i can't drink very many fluids yet i get thirsty really easy and being thirsty gives me a headache and makes me feel ill. Its affecting my uni work because i take days off - sometimes i literally don't wake up in the morning when my alarm goes off. i seem to get a 2 day ill streak or sometimes i'll just feel ill for half a day and this happens once or twice a week
can someone please say what might be causing it?
1 AntwortOther - General Health Carevor 1 Jahrzehntnever had a boyfriend, am i doing something wrong?
hi, i'm 18. I've never been asked out by a guy i liked or thought was attractive. Ioads of guy show interest but they never ask me out. loads will lead me on and then out of the bloom they're suddenly not interested. I'm not unattractive coz most guys describe me as cute. I dnt like to be hitted on by guys who are big headed or i dnt know so i never pull at clubs. I feel to embarrased to ask a guy i like out and loadsa people have told me the girl should never ask. I'm fed up of being single coz its just not fun anymore. am i doing something wrong. what would make a guy get turned off me? i'm always kind ans fun lovin :)
6 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnthow do i get over someone i've liked for 3 years?
I've really cared for this guy who's my friend, this summer he invited me round to his student house for a party and we hit it off. he told me over facebook that he'd like me for 4 years and wished that he had told me earlier. We can't be in a relationship because he's a uni and so am i now so we live in 2 seperate parts of the country. I cant get over him, whenever he see's me with someone else he feels happy for me but when i see him with a girl i can't help but get upset which upsets him. i know he's probably over me, can anybody tell me how i can do the same?
2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 JahrzehntHow do i get the smell of fish off my hands after filleting a fish?
i've washed my hands countless times thoughout the filleting and afterwards and the smell still wont go! and nows its been on my hands overnight, it smells even worse :(
11 AntwortenOther - Skin & Bodyvor 1 Jahrzehntwhere can i find a size 6 corset?
something affordable and not over the top
i've already tryed ann summers and corsets uk
7 AntwortenFashion & Accessoriesvor 1 Jahrzehntwhy are people so against vegetarians?
hi, i've been a vegetarien for 2 months and i'm absolutly lovin it. But nearly all time i get people giving me lectures why i shouldn't be a vegetarian or acting all surprised and angry when i tell them i'm one. it really offendes me and most of the time i'm to outaken by their sudden response to get my point of view across. i mean why do they act like that, they wouldn't do that if someone told them they were cutting cheese out of their diet. I always get told things like, you wont last long or your going to shrink away. my sister tells me i'm not getting enough vitamins and i'm going to waste away i have to get my mum to tell her that actually i AM getting enough vitamins and infact i'm getting more then i did before. People say that we are meant to eat meat but i see plenty of vegans who are so healthy and good-looking. in my personal view i dnt understand why people are so against me getting more vegetables into my diet.
11 AntwortenSociologyvor 1 Jahrzehntwhy doesn't he want a relationship?
i've liked this guy for 4 years but never said anything to him or anybody else because i thought he didn't like me the same, about a month and a half ago he invited me to a party at his student house and i stayed there for a couple of days, other people were staying over too and because there was no room or possibly because he wanted to be in the same bed as me we ending up sharing a bed for most of my stay. we got intimate one morning but didn't have sex because i didn't feel ready (i didn't tell him this) but for the rest of my stay he acted as if nothing happened so i swrapped beds with someone else and made up the excuse that i felt ill. a week afterwards i tred contacting him asking what was going on between us and he didn't answer untill a week later and he said he didn't think things could work out and reckoned we should stay friends. i was angry and accused him of trying to use me and he explained that that wasn't the case but he'd like me all those years too and wish that he'd asked me out sooner. i've asked him a few times why he doesn't want to be in a relationship and everytime he says because he's in uni and he doesn't want to wreck our friendship which confuses me because we are on holiday now, and in october i'm heading off to uni too and probably wont see him enough for us to stay friends anyway. i told him we should make use of the time we have together and he agrees but still says no to us going out. it really confuses me because he still flirts with me and a few times he's offered to walk me home (giving me signals that he wants to have sex) i've made excuses not to because it would wreck our friendship since we're not going out. please someone tell me his intentions :(
1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehntis the Halifax Student Account good?
I've got a choice between Halifax and Lloydes tsb, of coures Halifax is the obvious choice with an interest-free overdraft of up to £3,000 (typical 0% EAR variable) for up to five years but i was just wondering, is it a good choice, has anyone had any bad experiences with Halifax. Lloyds seems pretty good too but which one should i go for?
1 AntwortCreditvor 1 Jahrzehntwild peas - are they edible?
i just dicovered some plants with pea pods growing off them in my garden amoungst the weeds, they didn't have any flowers and the pea pods look like thin leaves intill you get close up unlike normal pea pods which seem to hang off the plant like a vine. I was wondering, are they edible? and if they are when do i know when to pick them. it baffles me how they got into my garden. Are they native to england? much thanks
1 AntwortGarden & Landscapevor 1 Jahrzehntleftover cinnamon sticks?
I used 2 large cinnamon sticks today to sweeten some plums i was softening and they are still cinnamony smelling now i've finished using them but i feel guilty throwing them away, does anyone have any idea of how i could re-use them :)
4 AntwortenOther - Food & Drinkvor 1 Jahrzehntcan anyone suggest a vege meal with loads of calories? :)?
heya can anyone suggest a healthy vegetarien meal which has a lot of calories, i havn't got much in my cuboards so no fancy ingredients :P
4 AntwortenCooking & Recipesvor 1 JahrzehntDoes being in a long distance relationship work?
i recently got told by this guy that he didn't want to be in a relationship because we lived too far apart (i live in London and he goes to uni in Hull), i just wanna know what you guys and girls think Does a long distance relationships work or not? and tell me about your experiences of them are if you have one :D x
9 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt