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Favorisierte Antworten22%
  • Should Monsanto be able to own the rights to seed produced from seed bought from them?

    This seems reasonable on the surface but if one takes it to the extreme a company like Monsanto could eventually control the food supply of the whole world putting them in an extremely powerful position. Something to think about eh. It will be interesting to see what the Supreme court decides.

    3 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 8 Jahren
  • Do you find it strange that Obama now believes the answer lies outside Washington but hates the Tea Party.?

    When you think about it the new breed of fiscally conservative people that have been elected are only there because so many people are sick of business as usual in Washington DC. How can he have it both ways? The Democrats want us to believe that career politicians are the only answer but Obama says we need answers from the outside. Could it be that he wants to destroy dissent but wants his answers from the mindless drones because drones will listen to the career politicians that know what is best for government and themselves.

    5 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 9 Jahren
  • Why do some people think government jobs are the answer to our dilemma?

    Our government and our nation is like a family. If we were a mom and dad and four kids and only mom was working we might be hard up like we are now. If mom decided more of us needed jobs to get ahead would it help if she gave Dad a job raking leaves and mowing the lawn and all the kids jobs around the house. We would all be payed by mom and our problems would be solved right?

    No, we would be no better off just like if our government borrowed more money to give us jobs that we would have to pay for later plus interest.

    The only answer is getting real jobs like raking leaves for our neighbor or selling our services to the nice Chinese lady down the street, or Dad working some other place besides at home and bringing money home from there.

    So, that is why more needless government jobs are not the answer.

    I am interested in your opinions however and will give them my full consideration

    1 AntwortGovernment & Non-Profitvor 9 Jahren
  • Why do some people think government jobs are the answer to our dilemma?

    Our government and our nation is like a family. If we were a mom and dad and four kids and only mom was working we might be hard up like we are now. If mom decided more of us needed jobs to get ahead would it help if she gave Dad a job raking leaves and mowing the lawn and all the kids jobs around the house. We would all be payed by mom and our problems would be solved right?

    No, we would be no better off just like if our government borrowed more money to give us jobs that we would have to pay for later plus interest.

    The only answer is getting real jobs like raking leaves for our neighbor or selling our services to the nice Chinese lady down the street, or Dad working some other place besides at home and bringing money home from there.

    So, that is why more needless government jobs are not the answer.

    I am interested in your opinions however and will give them my full consideration.

    4 AntwortenGovernmentvor 9 Jahren
  • Does anyone else think medical marijuana should be outlawed?

    Does it seem obvious that the Federal opposition to the state medical marijuana laws is just because the big drug companies pay plenty to guarantee their monopoly on pain relief?

    6 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why are so many people just plain stupid?

    In my world no one would dream of taking on an interest only house loan that they could barely keep up with knowing interest could go up or that they would need to pay principle some day? And why would banks loan money to people with no hope of repayment? And most important; Why is our federal government acting like a parent that wants to be liked by bailing everyone out. How in the world can this country ever be great again when everyone acts like morons? How did we ever go from most people doing the right thing and caring about their fellow man to a society of selfish little babies? Sorry for the rant but what I really want to know is how many of you really give a crap about working to make America a place to be proud of again instead of just getting what ever you can take from her? I am asking rich as well as poor here.

    5 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why are people so bitter about someone who is making ends meet?

    Whenever I mention that my family lives in a modest house and drives a ten year old car but we are still doing fine even with one of us losing our job I get all thumbs down. You would think people who lost their bass boat and Harley in bankruptcy and can't afford rent on their three storage sheds full of crap would be given hope to know it can be done with a lifestyle change.

    I put this in the politics section instead of finance because here is where everyone is always complaining.

    6 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 1 Jahrzehnt