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Favorisierte Antworten7%
  • Why do I feel so frustrated?

    Me and my ex broke up just over two months ago, we have a two year old daughter together. He has always depended on drinking, he doesn't always drink every day but he spends most of his time drunk, he doesn't drink when he looks after our daughter. I'm finding it difficult because he has the freedom to do what he wants when he wants, where as I always have to think about our daughter, I wouldn't have it any other way though, and she is my world and I don't drink very often at all and don't want to. But I don't get why I'm feeling like this and why it's upsetting me so much, I know it will be difficult for him not seeing his daughter everyday. I'm soooo confused!! Anybody else ever felt like this? Thank you in advance :-)

    4 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 9 Jahren
  • Can anybody help, what is strep b?

    After I had my daughter 2 years ago, the midwives told me I have strep b, they said that they found out when I had a miscarriage but I wasn't told then or throughout my pregnancy with my daughter. I have researched it but don't understand all these medical things, could somebody please help and fill me in on what it is?? Thank you in advance x

    2 AntwortenPregnancyvor 9 Jahren
  • My partner and baby's father always naps on the sofa during the day?

    My partner gets his blanket and pillow out and goes to sleep on the sofa during the day when he isn't working and in the evening leaving me to look after our 20 month old, cook, clean etc, it's really frustrating because even when he hasn't done anything all day he will still do it, and when I've been busy all day he doesn't even ask if I want to go for a nap or offer to cook and give me a rest, I'm getting soo angry with him! I don't dare talk to him about it cos he would just say if you don't like it, leave, and I don't dare give him a peice of his own medicine and do what he does before he gets chance because it's not fair on our daughter, what could I do about it? He's only 27 and I'm

    Only 20. Thank you in advance

    3 AntwortenFamilyvor 9 Jahren
  • Bloody, stringy vaginal discharge?

    A few months ago i noticed clear stringy discharge when going to the toilet, then about 2 weeks ago i started bleeding lightly, usually just abit brown, it went away for a day and now has come back abit heavier and now red, and my stringy discharge has now become blood stained, i have not bled since i had my daughter 10 months ago and i had the implant inserted in oct 10 and havn't bled once, i also have itching down there, but no smells, but defo not an std. Thank you for any helpfull comments

    2 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How do I leave my partner even though I am still in love with him?

    I have been with my partner for nearly 3 years and we have a daughter together, he has always been a heavy drinker and short tempered, but the drinking is no longer a problem to me. He doesn't spend any time with me and our daughter, she is 8 months old and he has done something with her once, and even then he just sat and watched while I played with her, he spends alot of time sleeping even when he hasn't been working and never shows me affection, and always makes me feel like I have dun summat wrong and hardly talks to me, I know he loves me and I love him, but I don't want to live my life being unhappy and I don't want my daughter being brought up with this atmosphere, he told me that this was how He was when I met him and he wont change, and I feel like I am moulding my life around his, its not all bad, on the odd occasion when he is nice he is lovely, and encorages me to go out with my mates, (which I do anyway) but I am only 19 and this isn't how I imagined my liee and a don't think I should have to live so unhappily. Any advice on how to leave him, or on how to try and make things would be really appreciated! W x

    8 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Im 19 weeks and 4 days pregnant and my midwife has only seen me once?

    Okay so as you no im 19 weeks and 4 days pregnant... and my midwife has only seen me once and that was when she took my bloods about 13 weeks. i haven't had a health visitor visit me or anything, and looking on websites its saying i should be having check ups every month.. my blood pressure, where my uterus is etc... is this normal? and if not what do you suggest i do? Thanks :)

    13 AntwortenPregnancyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Extremely uncomfortable cramping in 14th week of pregnancy.. please help?

    I am 14 weeks and 5 days pregnant, and this evening i have been getting extremely uncomfortable cramps in my lower abdomen, i wouldn't say it was a pain but it hurts if that makes sense, im not bleeding, but have been feeling a little light headed, and going to the loo very often, some times when i go to the loo it feels like my bladder is squishing up tryin to get every drop out and can hurt.

    Any help or advice will be much appreciated as i am very worried. Thank you

    9 AntwortenPregnancyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • not scared easily, anyone know a movie which will scare the pants off me?

    Okay... i have watched so many scary movies and very few actually scare me, although i do find ones with zombies and disease rather interesting, but not scary as such... any one suggest anything that will scare the pants off me?

    thanks :)

    11 AntwortenMoviesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • majorly painful shooting cramp like pains in my bum :(?

    Okay, so when i was a baby my bowel collapsed and i had to have a major life threatening operation to correct it, but ever since i can remember, every once in a while i get unbearable shooting, cramp like pains in my rectum, it only lasts about 5 seconds and feels a little tender afterwards. i have never really worried about it as it doesn't happen all that often, but i am now 11 weeks pregnant and a bit of a worrier and would like to find out what could be causing it and if it could be harming my baby.

    2 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • 7 weeks and 4 days, woundrin if i can take gaviscon?

    and what other idigestion remidies would you suggest?

    6 AntwortenPregnancyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Morning sickness... is this normal?

    okay so im 7 weeks pregnant and i haven't had an morning sickness, i feel sick most of the time and the thought of most food just makes it worse. Should i be expecting morning sickness soon? Or may there be a problem? I had a miscarriage in feb so im Just a little bit worried about everything,

    6 AntwortenPregnancyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • 7 weeks and cant eat??? please help?

    okay so im 7 weeks pregnant, but just today ive found that most food just makes me feel sick, even the thought of it apart from plums, and im actually really hungry and don't know what to eat? Any suggestions please?

    13 AntwortenPregnancyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • does anyone have any idea what this could be? please help.?

    Okay, so i can't find anything on the internet which may result to this. My partner had a greeny yellow discharge while urinating, he has only just noticed it, does anyone has any idea what this could be? Any help will be much appreciated.

    8 AntwortenMen's Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • bleeding after inercourse?

    i am 7 weeks pregnant, i have had one miscarriage and after intercourse yesterday i noticed a very little amount of pink blood, is this anything to worry about?? please help

    2 AntwortenPregnancyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • cramps during pregnancy... is this normal??? please help?

    okay so in feb i miscarried, and a few days ago found out i was pregnant after 9 months of TTC, i am about 4 weeks gone, and i have cramps just like period cramps in y left hand side for the past 3 days, is this normal? could it be a sign of n ectopic pregnancy?

    5 AntwortenPregnancyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • HELLPPP!!! itchy red rash on my boob!?

    okay, so about an hour ago my boon started itching close to the centre of my chest. there are about 10 raised red lumps, which are tiny, but extremely itchy, its not a heat rash, but im just a liccle bit worried... any help will be much appreciated:)

    5 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • a small itchy rash of red bump on my breast?

    okay, so about an hour ago my boon started itching close to the centre of my chest. there are about 10 raised red lumps, which are tiny, but extremely itchy, its not a heat rash, but im just a liccle bit worried... any help will be much appreciated:)

    1 AntwortWomen's Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • vomiting when bending over?

    i was cleaning today, when i bent over i unexpectedly vomited a small amount, is this normal?

    3 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • ttc- taken 3 pregnancy tests all negative but im 3days late for my period?

    me and my partner have been ttc for a while now, i am getting up in the middle of the night and eating because im am starving, i have taken 3 pregnancy tests 1 before my period was due and two after all negative, i am 3 days late and still no sign of my period, any advice?

    7 AntwortenTrying to Conceivevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • what to do on a rainy day?

    i want to take my 3 year old nephew out and do something today, as i dont have alot of money we can't do anything too exspensive, and its raining! shocker. any ideas of where we could go or what we could do outside?

    12 AntwortenToddler & Preschoolervor 1 Jahrzehnt