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Lv 2970 points

Megan M

Favorisierte Antworten13%

    okay so i have to write a fable with a moral and im writing about a chicken who has ADHD and cant concentrate of sitting on her eggs, so the fox police arrest her for egg neglect and the foxes turn out to be one big conpiracy against the chicken. BUT I NEED A MORAL and idk what it is :P

    1 AntwortCommunity Servicevor 8 Jahren
  • Boyfriend Problems. HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    Okay so theres this guy... and we like are twins. its crazy. anyway he likes me and i like him. anyway we talk a lot and we are pretty close friends. i really like him but he doesnt want to get into a relatioonship in highschool because he is planning on going away for college and he thinks that long distance relationships wouldnt work. what do i do!? we arent in a relationship and we never have been but i dont know what to do because i still really really really like him and i know he likes me too. what do i do?

    1 AntwortFriendsvor 8 Jahren
  • I have a cut that just won't heal!?

    Ok so I was shaving the other day and being the clumsy person I am I accidentally slit about 1/4 of an inch cut on my pointer finger. It never started bleeding and not it's just this open gash that won't close up. It doesn't hurt very much at all.

    1 AntwortFirst Aidvor 8 Jahren
  • can you make sugar wax without lemon juice?

    so i have no lemon juice at my house and i cant go out and get some :P is there a substitute or can i leave it out altogether?

    2 AntwortenOther - Skin & Bodyvor 8 Jahren

    ok so me my boyfriend ryan just broke up. i am so depressed about it. he was the only thing getting me through school. i hate it and i just want summer. the school i go to is super strict and a TON of work everyone there hates it but most of our parents are forcing us to go there or be home schooled (which is not an option for me!!!) so i need advise on how to make school more bearable and how to get over ryan.

    2 AntwortenPrimary & Secondary Educationvor 8 Jahren
  • Shoulder dislocation?????

    Ok so I sliped on the tile before the first stair of my house and because of my reflexes I grabbed the railing and my weight popped my shoulder out and then back into its socket. It reaaaallly hurts whenever u move it but its not to bad if its just left alone. How long will the pain last? Should I go to a doctor?

    3 AntwortenMedicinevor 9 Jahren
  • Does this outfit go??

    Ok so tomorrow I'm thinking of wearing a white sweatshirt material shirt that's white with grey roses and Maroon skinny jeans and grey flat boots that go a little bit past my ankle. Does it go?

    4 AntwortenFashion & Accessoriesvor 9 Jahren
  • Should I wait or move on?

    Ok so me and this guy at school told each other we liked each other and we are totally in love with each other but we are 15 and so we both agreed that we should wait until we can drive to start dating. I love him an I want to wait but i don't know if its the right decision. What should I do? What could make the wait easier?

    4 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 9 Jahren
  • Should I wait or move on?

    Ok so me and this guy at school told each other we liked each other and we are totally in love with each other but we are 15 and so we both agreed that we should wait until we can drive to start dating. I love him an I want to wait but i don't know if its the right decision. What should I do? What could make the wait easier?

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 9 Jahren
  • What to talk about????

    Do me and my boyfriend have been going strong for about 4 months. However when we text sometimes the convo runs dry. So what can I talk about when that happens. I don't want some stupid answer like ask him about his interests because I already know them. And he's not really into cars or anything. So how can I keep the conversation flowing?

    2 AntwortenFriendsvor 9 Jahren
  • Why is he not texting me anymore?

    So me and this guy have like each other for about a year now and we finally told eachother. We've both been pretty flirty with eachother and he says cute stuff to me a lot and we text almost every day. He always texts me first but I do sometimes if I need to tell him something. Now he hasn't texted me in like 4 days. I texted him yesterday and he took like 6 hours to reply and it was the most pointless conversation ever. :( what does this mean? And he is starting to sort of ignore me at school. We barely talk.

    3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 9 Jahren
  • i need adventure plot ideas!!!?

    ok so for an english project we have to write a 5 page story that must include an adventure. i have NO idea what to write it on and i really don't want anything boring and i want it to be creative and not your average story. any ideas at all will help :) thanks!

    2 AntwortenComics & Animationvor 9 Jahren
  • What do I say at school?

    Ok so me and this kid named Ryan have liked eachother for about a year now but it's summer and we never see eachother outside of school because we live pretty far apart. Ok do then this summer we told eachother that we liked eachother and we've been texting a lot. But what do I say to him on the first day of school? I don't really want to be like really flirty because we are pretty good friends and it will be awkward. So really what do I say???

    4 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 9 Jahren
  • what should a draw??

    so there's this kid named cameron at my school and over the past year we have gotten to be close friends I DO NOT LIKE HIM! and he likes someone else but he is like and AMAZING artist and he draws me pictures sometimes and not he wants me to draw him a picture however i am extremely bad at art :P so what is something easy i can draw but still be cute?

    2 AntwortenDrawing & Illustrationvor 9 Jahren
  • SUPER EASY 10 POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    ok i don't uderstand this its a pac-man shirt can someone explain????

    2 AntwortenJokes & Riddlesvor 10 Jahren

    ok so as you know my birthday party is in 10 days i know that i don't want to go anywhere and i don't want a theme or to center it around Sy. Patrick's Day there are 10 girls coming including me and 2 of them HATE makeup or anything girly all i need to do is find back up activities to do like a treasure hunt or something like that i tried to do a treasure but but i couldn't find any items to hide so it didn't work out anyway the party is from 5 to 9 so i was thinking of watching a movie at my house but are there any good movies out on dvd or on demand? I also bought these buckets for party favors but i am stumped on what to fill them with PLEASE HELP! btw i am turning 13 so nothing babyish. :) thanks


    1 AntwortOther - Beauty & Stylevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • My birthday party on March 11th!?

    ok so i am having my 13th birthday party with 10 girls including me

    i have NO idea what to do and 2 of the girls HATE girly stuff like makeup and stuff like that so i am STUMPED on what to do

    i also need ideas for party favors i bought these super sute buckets but i don't know what to fill them with!!!!!! HELP ME!!!

    7 AntwortenOther - Beauty & Stylevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Stupid question easy ten points!!!?

    ok so my birthday is march 10th and i am having a party with 10 girls including me i'm turning 13 so i don't want anything babyish and i am stumped for ideas on what to do anything will help :)

    i do not want to go to a fancy restaurant or anything and no spa i need this to be affordable :)

    13 AntwortenOther - Beauty & Stylevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I need a reset button!!!?

    clocky mobile alarm clock reset button it broke and i can't find a reset button is there one?

    2 AntwortenPDAs & Handheldsvor 1 Jahrzehnt