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  • Help me spanish speakers. How do I say "You are so special to me" in spanish.?

    Also, I don't want 'textbook' spanish (I can look up the individual words and string them together) but would like 'real' spanish. If it matters, this is for someone who is from Puerto Rico

    3 AntwortenLanguagesvor 4 Jahren
  • who here loves the 8mm Remington Magnum?

    Who here loves the great 8mm Remington Magnum?

    The factor loads are a bit ho-hum, but take a look at what a hand-loader can do, as well as what some of the smaller ammo companies are doing with it.

    When put next to the 300 winchester magnum (handloading both) it goes head-to-head with the best loads, and exceeds them by a small margin in many cases with slightly heavier bullets of relatively equal sectional density with nearly identical recol.

    A well loved 'general purpose' 8mm remmag handload is to throw 85 grains of either H-1000 or Magpro under a 200 grain bullet (like the awesome Nolser Accubond and Partition) going 2970

    Compare this to Federal's factory loads for the 300 winmag, two of them use 180 grain Nolsers (Accubond and Partition) and come in at 2960. A handloader can expect only the very smallest increase on that velocity, generally getting just shy of 3000.

    So with 200 grainers in the 8mm Remmag you have the standard 300 winmag load beat. If for some reason you wanted a flatter shooter (like to compare to a 300 winmag load throwing 165 grain bullets) you can use 180 or even 170 grainers in the 8mm Remmag and be neck-and-neck in flatness yet hit a smidgen harder at the end. (Not to mention hitting with a .323 not a .308 projectile)

    Now let's run her up against the 338 Winchester Magnum, which is a favorite for the big bears. 200 grain bullets tend to be the 'elk' loads and 225 are common for bears. The 338 winmag throws those 225 grainers 2800 fps and a handloader can throw a pocketful of change on top of that number.

    The 8mm Remington Magnum matches this with 220 grain Sierra SBT over 82 to 83 grains of various slow burning powders like the above mentioned pair which runs that bullet out the barrel at 2950! I've seen some guys claim to be kissing 3000 fps when they throw 82 grains of H450 under the same bullet.

    It is true that in the 338 winmag you can also step up to a 250 grain (and 275 grain bullet if you really look). "Them thar be true baar busters" But the 8mm Remmag matches those with the 250 grain Woodleigh Bonded...which are renown in all sorts of calibers because they penetrate extremely well and are top choice for the biggest toughest critters. The 'Big 8' using easy handloads pushes these to 2800 and a handful of pocket change on top while the 338 winmag is hitting 2660, 2700 with a good handload

    Again the handloading there isn't some secret pet recipes pushing into the red-zone, these are easy to make loads simply taking advantage of the 8mm Remmags big ole case.

    Guys who really push what the 'Big 8' can do (as well as boutique ammo companies) are getting 3200 fps out of 200 bullets, 3000 fps out of the 220s, and 2900 out of the 250 grainers.

    So after that, why is there so little love for the Big 8, when it should have pushed both the 300 winmag and the 338 winmag out as the one gun that could match or exceed BOTH of those at the same time?

    8 AntwortenHuntingvor 8 Jahren
  • why can we answer questions that are over 6 years old and already have a best answer chosen?

    why can we answer questions that are over 6 years old and already have a best answer chosen?

    I see these questions popping up on the 'related questions' section.

    3 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 8 Jahren
  • Why are my paragraphs smashed together?

    I just got done spending about 15 minutes crafting what I thought was a good answer, including links to the products I mentioned.

    When I went to post it the links were gone and all the spacing was gone and it was all smashed together.

    Why is that happening?

    Note I thought maybe it didn't like one of my links, but upon removal it was still smashed all together

    5 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 8 Jahren
  • ford taurus 2007 radio fuse?

    I need to find out what fuse (or fuses) control the radio/stereo of Ford Taurus 2007.

    Fuse box states check manual. Manual doesn't list radio on fuse diagram, nor anything that might be radio related. (Maybe cigar lighter?)

    Anyways, this is for a more complicated problem. Radio is stuck on. I don't want to drain my battery etc.

    So what fuse do I pull that will stop the radio...but allow the car to be drivable.

    4 AntwortenFordvor 8 Jahren
  • If police see a known felon raping a woman in a public park what are they LEGALLY required to do?

    So, lets say two cops see a known felon chase down a woman, rip her cloths off, and start raping her. She looks at the police and begs for help. Are they LEGALLY required to do anything? If they were to pull out some lawn chairs, pop some popcorn and watch the show, would they be guilty of any crime? Could they successfully be sued in civil court? If they couldn't be successfully sued as individuals, could the department or city be successfully sued?

    Would it be different if it was a 4 year old child who was being raped?

    4 AntwortenLaw Enforcement & Policevor 8 Jahren
  • Yahoo please explain this?

    A person told us he frequently encounters police, and wanted to know how to disarm the police by disassembling their gun while it was pointed at him...something you will occasionally see in Jackie Chan type movies.

    I responded that "realize that grabbing a cop's gun is very stupid and TV isn't real."

    Yahoo tells me this is insulting to other users. Yahoo, how is this insulting to other users?

    Do any of you other users feel insulted when I tell you that TV isn't real?

    Do any of you other users feel insulted when I tell you that attempting to lay hands on a cop's gun when that cop has his gun out and is attempting to arrest you is stupid?

    That's the question the moderators should be asking themselves.

    Can someone please enlighten me on this?

    4 AntwortenOther - Yahoo Productsvor 8 Jahren
  • Steam Profile Time Played hidden from others?

    In Steam, if I put my inventory to private will that mean people won't be able to see the time played on games? Or do I have to set my profile to entirely private?

    2 AntwortenVideo & Online Gamesvor 8 Jahren
  • Eric Pfeiffer of YahooNews, how can he get a story so factually wrong?

    Eric Pfeiffer of yahoo news wrote the following blog

    Now, we'll for the moment set aside the fact that of all the Remington 870 models that could have been posted Mr Pfeiffer chose one that many people would think looks more 'scary' and 'military' than 'hunting'.

    Eric Pfeiffer starts out his article with a picture of a Remington 870 shotgun and states as much in the caption. He then goes on to call the shotgun a rifle twice in a row.

    A shotgun is a shotgun

    A rifle is a rifle

    A rifle is not a shotgun

    A shotgun is not a rifle.

    Come on! how about some basic fact checking. That's like calling a horse a cow.

    Second, Eric mentions that Iowa is a 'Shall Issue' state. This has nothing to do with buying a shotgun. 'Shall Issue' refers to the fact that in Iowa if you want to carry a concealed handgun you need a permit, and the Sheriff can no longer deny anyone a permit unless the Sheriff has a good reason. (In the past Sheriffs have denied permits to people based on race and religion, or because the person didn't donate to the Sheriff's re-election campaign)

    Yahoo News should be changed to Yahoo Spouting Off Uninformed Drivel if they continue to be associated with this nutball.

    Does Yahoo care nothing for facts and journalism in their news department?

    2 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 9 Jahren
  • vegetarian murder = murder?

    Okay, some troll was asking where he could go to eat human. A vegan chimed in that eating meat of other animals was exactly the same, there was no moral difference, and murder = murder.

    Now, I am not vegetarian, but I do have some friends that are, and I can respect their belief because through their diet they are trying to prevent what they view as unnecessary suffering. They say humans do not need to kill animals for furs because we can make much better winter cloths, humans do not need to eat meat because we know enough about diet to have healthy meals entirely from plants and fungi. But every one of them, if driving a car and faced with the choice of swerving right to avoid hitting person and instead hitting 2 deer vs swerving left to avoid the 2 deer and instead hitting one person, would ALWAYS choose to swerve right and hit the deer rather than the person.

    They also think that the hunter/gatherers of the neolithic, or the frontiersman of the 1700s weren't evil or even immoral, they just didn't have the technology to make alternate choices. But we do now.

    So, vegans, a bit of an informal poll.

    Which statement do you MOST agree with?

    1. 'reduce animal suffering as much as possible, but killing people is more wrong that killing animals'

    2. 'animal = people...killing one is the moral equivalent of killing the other'

    If neither of those are correct, please post a third option, but please post which one of the above is the least incorrect.

    For those of you who choose the second answer please answer the following:

    -when you drive do you go extra slow as to not kill bugs on your windsheild?

    -when you walk do you make sure you never tread on an ant?

    -because we have skin mites that die in the thousands when we shower (or bathe) how do you stay hygienic without killing?

    11 AntwortenVegetarian & Veganvor 9 Jahren
  • Vegetarian philosophy question?

    People are vegetarians for many reasons.

    Some people choose that path for health reasons.

    Some people object to the amount of grain that could be feeding starving people is used to make burgers and choose to personally abstain.

    Others are against raising livestock on factory farms.

    Still others are against the utilization of one living being by another when not absolutely necessary...and we no longer need furs to stay warm and have enough food without meat to feed the world.

    Over the years I have had many vegans and vegetarians ask about hunting or want to go hunting. Usually it is people who have chosen to be vegetarian for one of the first three reasons (less meat equals better health, farm raised meat is a resource waste, farm raised animals live in bad conditions)

    But sometimes they tell me they are vegetarians because they are against eating animals, but they want to hunt and they will either not take the animal that is hunted, or they will give the animal away.

    This makes absolutely no sense to me. I figure someone who is a vegetarian because they are against the killing of the animals wouldn't mind if I was walking through the woods and found a squirrel that died of old age and cooked it up for eating. I always figured it was the KILLING part. Would the vegetarians really be happy if we kept on sending millions of cattle to slaughter each year, but just never ate the meat? (just let it rot or something?)

    Can any of you enlighten me?

    6 AntwortenVegetarian & Veganvor 9 Jahren
  • Lancashire Heeler proportions vs Corgi?

    The Lancashire Heeler is said to be the result of drovers crossing their Corgis with the Manchester terrier.

    Depending on Prembroke or Cardigan, Corgies should be 10-12 o 10.5-12.5 inches at shoulder. Lancashires should be 12 a shoulder ideally. In the pictures I've seen, the Lancashire looks to have slightly longer legs. Is this an optical illusion because the dogs are a bit lighter in build? (Which I don't even know if they are a lighter build, can't find any weight mentioned in standard) Are most Corgies actually right at the 10 inch mark or below?

    1 AntwortDogsvor 9 Jahren
  • what is a multi-poodle?

    A person at work was discussing their dog, and I asked what kind to which they said 'multi-poodle'. At first I thought they were trying to say a Maltese x Poodle hybrid designer dog but they were 'no, not a Multi-poodle...which they explained as 'it's all just different kinds of poodle'

    What's going on? I guess it does kind of fit in with your average back yard breeder who has a miniature poodle to have no compunctions about breeding it to a standard poodle or toy, and even do this for multiple generation passing it off still as a 'purebred poodle'

    Is this a wide-spread trend? Or is this just one clever BYB coming up with a catchy phrase for a mutt whose parents happen to be two different types of poodle? (Not that there is anything wrong with mutts, I am a big mutt fan)

    14 AntwortenDogsvor 9 Jahren
  • Why is coverage of the US shooting team suppressed?

    It makes sense to me that coverage aimed at an American audience stress the accomplishments of Americans, and give the viewing audience what it wants. If news teams think that the shooting sports aren't important enough to be covered in detail, that's their prerogative.


    CNN did a thing on all the Americans who won gold so far...but left off our 3 shooters who won gold.

    NBC did a segment on people who won golds in multiple olympics, but didn't even ONCE mention Kim Rhode, who won the gold this Olympics AND IN THE PREVIOUS 4 OLYMPICS. In fact, she is the first American to win a gold in an individual event at five straight Olympic Games. The only way to gloss over mentioning her on a segment on Americans who won gold medals is if she was purposely left out.

    Oh, there medals are counted in the total, but otherwise these guys and gals are getting the shaft.

    3 AntwortenOlympicsvor 9 Jahren
  • Professional Wrestling event in Florida last weekend, what was it?

    My company just laid off some people. A relatively recent employee was NOT laid off, but he took last weekend off supposedly for Air National Guard training. One of my co-workers told me this guy was seen on TV in the front row at a wrestling event, and that the guy was twittering about it and was posting on in people are getting laid off and he is lying to get free vacation...IF it is true.

    I am trying to track it down, what big wrestling event would have happened March 29-April 2 in Florida?

    7 AntwortenWrestlingvor 9 Jahren
  • Pet store tale, true or not?

    I came across this on an internet forum where people were revealing the 'nasty unknowns' of jobs they have had in the past.

    "Pet shops only sell 2/3 of their puppies before they get too old, become less desireable and therefore less profitable. So, every quarter when The Puppy Truck arrives with new replacement pups, the older ones are loaded on the truck and returned to the breeders to be "recycled" into feed for something else. If it was widely known that all pet shops who sell puppies participated in this you can imagine the results. Therefore The Puppy Truck is designed to hide what it is. It's a clean white unmarked semi on the outside but stainless steel wall to wall and floor to ceiling inside with small cages along the walls. No lights inside. The sound of three dozen barking, yowling, crying 8 week old pups in that metal box is beyond description. The drivers arrive at the stores after hours to do the swap. They have keys. No employees are -ever- told when they will come due to the fact they love animals and would likely quit en masse if they knew what was taking place. In fact as a rule they are not told about any of this. They order new pups from a breeders FAX sheet and the pups come and go without warning. Only the owner/manager knows and they don't talk. "

    Do you buy it?

    (P.S. Yahoo suggested I put this in Pets>Fish)

    7 AntwortenDogsvor 9 Jahren
  • first amendment question?

    Let's say there is this book. It is 100% legal to own in the USA. (It doesn't contain nuclear technology info, top secret documents, or child porn or anything like that)

    The US government is opposed to what the book represents as well as it's specific content. It is well aware that it cannot ban the book. The US government has tried to ban very similar books but was denied on 1st amendment grounds.

    However, for some reason the book cannot be scanned. It has to be imported. The book itself does not contain any materials that are banned from import (example, it doesn't have ivory or a cover made of protected animal skins)

    Would it be an infringement of the 1st amendment for the government to ban the IMPORTATION of the book, while technically allowing the ownership and possession of the book?

    7 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 9 Jahren
  • Why does Yahoo Answers change my words?

    So, I answered a question in the hunting forums about a gas p.i.s.t.o.n. system.

    I talked about AR-15s, Eugene Stoner, and a bunch of gun companies. But every time I talked about the piece of machinery that pushed the bolt back, I used the word ending with N and starting with pisto

    So, when YahooAnswers displays your answers, they always take a few words and make them blue with a bunch of dots underneath them, which denotes that they are actually links use that term in a searchengine that brings up sales related to those words.

    Yahooanswers changed my word ending in N (piston) to pistol ending in L when their software 'mined' my answer looking for good keywords to link off of. It then converted the four or five other times I wrote piston ending in an N to pistol ending in an L.

    What the heck is up with that? I could see their programming accidentally changing the first one but not the next. And yes, I know it isn't a typo by me, because while I make a ton of typos, I'd not be that consistent. I'd at least have one pistone as half the time when I try and write pistol I end up with pistle; or pistole

    1 AntwortYahoo Answersvor 9 Jahren
  • How do I know what type of Gateway DX computer I have?

    Okay, I am a computer moron. I have a Gateway series DX computer (It says so on the case) but I don't know which of the long list of models of DX computers I have. (see )

    when I right-click to see properties of the computer I get this info

    Model RS780 (which i believe is the motherboard)

    Processor AMD Phenom 1900e Quad-Core processor 1.8Ghz

    Memory 4.00 GB

    System Type 64 bit O.S.

    I am trying to determine what kind of memory I should get if I get more, and if I can figure out what kind of slots I have for maybe a new video card.

    Yes I know it is old and not that great...I spend all my money on OTHER toys

    1 AntwortDesktopsvor 10 Jahren