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"Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem" (insha’Allah).[5:111].[7:199].[10:37].[48:7] Nothing is hidden in the light. All praise goes to Allah (swt)... All praise goes to God. May you/we be blessed. Amen.Ameen.Amin "We are a community of spirit. Join in, and feel the delight of walking in the noisy street and being with the noise. Drink all your passion, and if you are a disgrace, close both eyes and take refuge in God." "The LORD is merciful and gracious. Slow to anger and abounding in mercy." Psalm 103:8 Faith, Hope and Love... but the greatest of these is Love. Hazrat Ali on Al-Fatiha: "If I wished I could load seventy camels with the exegesis of the opening sura (al-Fatiha) of the Qur'an" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ oh Shania! [x]

  • What is the meaning of: Assalato wassalamo alaika Ya RasoolAllāh?

    Assalamu Alaikum,

    I believe that the meaning is: "Peace and Blessings be upon the Companions of the Messenger of Allāh."

    Can you confirm this please.

    Thank you.

    Wasalaams. Jazak Allāh.

    2 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 6 Jahren
  • Whose responsibility is it to find the Teacher?

    According to this video... It is the Teacher's responsibility.

    Do you agree?

    2 AntwortenTeachingvor 7 Jahren
  • What do you know of Islam?

    20 AntwortenRamadanvor 7 Jahren
  • When you gonna wake up?

    Salaams to all...

    i have been listening to the song by Bob Dylan...

    When you gonna wake up?

    i really like it and wonder if you have the answer?


    this is one version that i really like...

    hope you enjoy.


    5 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 7 Jahren
  • Would you like to hear some Sufi stories?


    i discovered this video this morning on Sufi Stories by Idries Shah.


    it is about an hour long...

    it has stories such as The Magic Horse and others.

    Q: do you believe in magic?

    wasalaams to all.

    4 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 7 Jahren
  • What is Spiritual Liberty?

    Salaams to all.

    What do the words, "spiritual liberty"....

    mean to you?

    here is what the Urantia Book has to say:

    "When did I teach you that you should all see alike? I have come into the world to proclaim spiritual liberty to the end that mortals may be empowered to live individual lives of originality and freedom before God."

    Jesus, (1591.6) 141:5.1

    thank you for sharing your thoughts.

    wa salaams.

    3 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 7 Jahren
  • Do you have a good definition for equanimity?

    Salaams to all.

    i have been working on understanding (groking) the word 'equanimity'.

    i have found these two definitions on-line in another forum as well as some equanimity quotes.

    can you add to these please?



    whatever arises


    even tempered always

    regardless of


    without goals to achieve

    desires to satisfy,

    or wishes to fulfill -

    such is a man of knowledge

    free from attraction and

    from fear.

    liberated from self identity

    unaffected by passing thoughts

    such one, anchored in equanimity

    reposes ever in perfect composure.

    I once asked a Pir about equanimity. He said "bring meditation into activity, peace into life."

    Thank you very much for any help you can give me.


    2 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 7 Jahren
  • Reaping and sowing?

    Salaams to all.

    a contact recently asked a question about patience and tranquility of spirit...

    this came in my mail and i thought to share it inshallah.

    A Thought to Ponder from The Urantia Book

    "Remember that the reaping is in accordance with the sowing. Pray for tranquillity of spirit and cultivate patience."

    Jesus, (2048.4) 192:2.8

    does this remind you of the Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi?

    thank you for your comments.


    1 AntwortReligion & Spiritualityvor 7 Jahren
  • In order to attain truth, one must make one's own life truthful?

    Salaams to all.

    what is the meaning of this?

    here is some Saki if you so desire inshallah....

    It is more important to know the truth about one's self than to try to find out the truth of heaven and hell.

    Bowl of Saki, March 9, by Hazrat Inayat Khan

    Commentary by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan:

    It is more important to find out the truth about oneself than to find out the truth about heaven and hell, or about many other things which are of less importance and are apart from oneself. However, every man's pursuit is according to his state of evolution, and so each soul is in pursuit of something but he does not know where it leads him. The first sign of realization is tolerance towards others. There are the words of Christ: 'In the house of my father are many mansions' and those of the Prophet: 'Each soul has its own religion' This means that according to his evolution so man knows the truth and the more a man knows, the more he finds there is to learn.

    In order to attain truth one must make one's own life truthful. This is life in its moral aspect. The more truthful one is in one's every day life the more one practices this moral despite its great difficulty, the more one approaches the only religion which there is. ... Truth is the very self of man. Truth is the divine element in man. Truth is every soul's seeking. Therefore as soon as the clouds of illusion are scattered, that which man now begins to see is nothing but the truth which has been there all the time. He finds that the truth was never absent; it was only covered by clouds of illusion. By changing his own nature, by making himself more truthful, he disperses the clouds of falsehood within and without, and begins to see life as it really is both inwardly and outwardly. From this time onwards, the meaning of religion becomes clear. ...

    When a person really wants to find the way, it is not very far from him. It depends on the sincerity of the desire to find it whether it is far or not. What is necessary for finding it is not much reading, or discussion or argument, but a practical study of self. One questions one's own self: what am I? Am I a material body, or a mind, or something behind a mind? Am I myself or my coat? Is this object "me," or something different? Is this body my cover, or myself?

    There is One Truth, the true knowledge of our being, within and without, which is the essence of all wisdom. Hazrat Ali says, 'Know thyself, and thou shalt know God.' ... The Sufi recognizes the knowledge of self as the essence of all religions; he traces it in every religion, he sees the same truth in each, and therefore he regards all as one. Hence he can realize the saying of Jesus; 'I and my Father are one.' The difference between creature and Creator remains on his lips, not in his soul. This is what is meant by union with God. It is in reality the dissolving of the false self in the knowledge of the true self, which is divine, eternal, and all pervading. 'He who attaineth union with God, his very self must lose,' said Amir.

    all comments welcome... and all Praise is for God alone.

    wa salaams.

    4 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 7 Jahren
  • Would you like a bowl of Saki?


    i read this in another forum and found it so good i wanted to share it here inshallah.


    Nature speaks louder than the call from the minaret.

    Bowl of Saki, March 1, by Hazrat Inayat Khan

    Commentary by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan:

    One may ask, what should one study? There are two kinds of studies. One kind is by reading the teachings of the great thinkers and keeping them in mind, the study of metaphysics, psychology, and mysticism. And the other kind of study is the study of life. Every day one has an opportunity for studying; but it should be a correct study. When a person travels in a tramcar, in the train, with a newspaper in his hand, he wants to read the sensational news which is worth nothing. He should read human nature which is before him, people coming and going. If he would continue to do this, he would begin to read human beings as though they were letters written by the divine pen, which speak of their past and future. He should look deeply at the heavens and at nature and at all the things to be seen in everyday life, and reflect upon them with the desire to understand. This kind of study is much superior, incomparably superior, to the study of books.

    The deeper we look into life the more it unfolds itself, allowing us to see more keenly. Life is revealing. It is not only human beings who speak; if only the ears can hear even plants and trees and all nature speak, in the sense that nature reveals itself, reveals its secret. In this way we communicate with the whole of life. Then we are never alone, then life becomes worth living.

    Just as there is a communication between persons who love each other very much, so the sympathy of a person whose soul has unfolded itself is so awakened that not only every person but even every object begins to reveal its nature, its character and secret. To him every man is a written letter.

    We hear stories of saints and sages who talked with rocks and plants and trees. They are not only stories; it is reality. It is also told of the apostles that at the moment when the Spirit descended upon them they began to speak many languages. When they understood so many languages, they understood the language of every soul. It means that the illuminated soul understands the language of every soul. And every soul has its own language. It is that which is called revelation.

    All the teachings that the great prophets and teachers have given are only interpretations of what they have seen. They have interpreted in their own language what they have read from the manuscript of nature: that trees and plants and rocks spoke to them. Did nature only speak to those in the past? No, the soul of man is always capable of that bliss if he only realized it. Once the eyes of the heart are open, man begins to read every leaf of the tree as a page of the sacred Book.

    In the swinging of the branches, in the flying of the birds, and in the running of the water,

    Beloved, I see Thy waving hand, bidding me good-bye.

    In the cooing of the wind, in the roaring of the sea, and in the crashing of the thunder,

    Beloved, I see Thee weep and I hear Thy cry.

    In the promise of the dawn, in the breaking of the morn, in the smiles of the rose,

    Beloved, I see Thy joy at my homecoming.

    5 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 7 Jahren
  • What do you think of this paragraph from the Urantia Book?

    "No thing is new to God, and no cosmic event ever comes as a surprise; he inhabits the circle of eternity. He is without beginning or end of days. To God there is no past, present, or future; all time is present at any given moment. He is the great and only I AM."

    (34.4) 2:1.5

    thank you for sharing your views.

    wa salaams.

    5 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 7 Jahren
  • What do you think of this Reality in which we live?

    Salaams to all.

    this is a wide open question to be interpreted in any fashion that you think is appropriate to you.

    "What do you think of this Reality in which we live?"

    the question is inspired by: In Search of the Miraculous, p. 77

    EVERY PHENOMENON, ON WHATEVER SCALE and in whatever world it may take place, from molecular to cosmic phenomena, is the result of the combination or the meeting of three different and opposing forces. Contemporary thought realizes the existence of two forces and the necessity of these two forces for the production of a phenomenon: force and resistance, positive and negative magnetism, electricity, male and female cells, and so on. But it does not observe even these two forces always and everywhere. No question has ever been raised as to the third, or if it has been raised it has scarcely been heard.

    bonus question: what associations/thoughts etc. does this extract make for you? please discuss if you feel so inclined.

    wa salaams.

    6 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 7 Jahren
  • What do you think fellowship is?

    Salaams to all.

    i stole this question and reworded it from RU55311.

    His question dealt specifically about Christians...

    but i am interested in what the word 'fellowship' means to you.

    here is the dictionary definition:

    fel·low·ship (fl-shp)



    a. The condition of sharing similar interests, ideals, or experiences, as by reason of profession, religion, or nationality.

    b. The companionship of individuals in a congenial atmosphere and on equal terms.

    2. A close association of friends or equals sharing similar interests.

    3. Friendship; comradeship.


    a. The financial grant made to a fellow in a college or university.

    b. The status of having been awarded such a grant.

    c. A foundation established for the awarding of such a grant.

    so how do you view fellowship if you feel like sharing.

    thank you for sharing your thoughts.

    wa salaams.

    5 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 7 Jahren