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Jessica Nicole

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  • why is my dog against legalizing marijuana?

    i am a very very beautiful and attractive white female.i make videos on youtube,my videos are hot and sexy.i am a very very beautiful and attractive white female.i smoke a lot of marijuana.i support legalizing marijuana for me,because i am dog is against dog said that marijuana is a bad,drug,its bad,he said it.recently,i was arrested for selling marijuana to college,they went to college,but come to think of it,i think they were informants,why is my dog against legalizing a drugs,why is my dog against legalizing marijuana?i smoke it everyday,and i feel high,good,i am a very very beautiful and attractive white brother and i are very close,my dog is against legaling marijuana,but why?my brother touches me,we touch each brother supports legal marijuana,but my dog is against it.i am very hot sexy and beautiful.i am,in fact,a very very beautiful and attractive white female.that is a fact.that is the truth.

    9 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 8 Jahren
  • do the police have the right to bully and harass me?

    i am a very very beautiful and attractive white female.i am very hot sexy and hot,i am a very very beautiful and attractive white female.i smoke a lot of marijuana,for medical reasons,i smoke for the medical contents in the marijuana,for medical reasons.i have headaches asthma diabetees,panic attacks,i hear voices,i have night mares,i have acid reflux,diarhea,i am also constipated,i slao have 3 children who cause me stress,they have caused me stress ever since i gave birth to them,recently,my children told the police that they have nothing to eat,the police showed up,and they arrested me for having marijuana.the police made threats at me and bullied me.they put me in jail with black and mexican children are with my parents,my parents also bully me and thhreaten to take my kids and force me to give up my marijuana.i am being bullied by the president barack obama,he will not legalize marijuana,because he wants me to suffer,he makes threats at me on television.where is my ******* marijuana?answer that question,where is my ******* marijuana?the police took it from me.

    2 AntwortenLaw Enforcement & Policevor 8 Jahren
  • why are the police/DEA trying to kill me with bombs?

    i am a very very beautiful and attractive white female.i make youtube videos on videos are sexy hot and sexy.i am a very very beautiful and attractive white female.recently,i was arrested by the police for selling marijuana to some high school kids,shortly after that,the drug enforcement agency,DEA,raided my house and stole firearms,200 marijuana plants,and 20,000 dollars in cash.after i was bailed out,they sent me a text,they made a threat with bombs,and today,they blew up boston with bombs.luckily,they did not know that i was in florida today,they thought i was in boston.but,i am still facing prison time for drug trafficking,and this should not happen,i am a very very beautiful and attractive white female,i am not a criminal,i do not belong in jail.people who hate marijuana will stop at nothing to kill the legalize marijuana movement,they are making bombs right now to stop marijuana from being legal.these people are so full of hate,it makes me sick.i recently made a video on youtube,its me in a bathing suit,and my brother is feeling me up,next to the pool,it really hot and sexy,go watch it.

    3 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 8 Jahren
  • why wont the police protect me from violent mexican children?

    i am a very very beautiful and attractive white female.i work at a grocery store,i am the cashier,and,i sell marijuana while at work.recently,i tried to sell marijuana to some mexican people,and their kids started to get really agitated with me.they threatened to report me to the police,and than,they started,they startled me with violence,i was scared.the kids,they were mexican,from mexico,began to laugh at me.i called the police to have those ******* hooligans arrested,the police showed up,searched me,and arrested me for possession of marijuana with intent to sell to minors.those kids laughed at me as the police read me my rights,and than,the police raped me in jail.even now,i can still hear them laugh at me,and intimidate me with violent intent.even now,i can still hear those evil children mocking me as the police raped me reapetedly,over and over,they laugh,they raped me,they are out to get me,they burned my marijuana plants,and than,they murdered me.even now,sitting at home,stoned,naked,scared,even now,i can hear them laugh at me.right now,they are laughing at me,i cant stop them.they cant be stopped.i am a very very beautiful and attractive white female.

    1 AntwortLaw Enforcement & Policevor 8 Jahren
  • why should marijuana be legal,but not tobacco?

    i am a very very beautiful and attractive white female.i recently started smoking marijuana,recently.i am a very very beautiful and attractive white female.i also recently started selling marijuana.i am really really very beautiful sexy and hot,and i am a white female.i belive the marijuana,marijuana is doing me some good things,great things,i feel better about things,i think more in a clear way.i do not have cancer,smoking marijuana,i have no cancer.tobacco is bad for you,if you smoke tobacco,you are stupid and you are idiot,stop.smoking tobacco causes cancer and mouth cancer,and it causes cancer,and lung cancer.i sell marijuana to kids next door ,i sell to them,i sell marijuana to them,because they feel stress,they have cancer.marijuana cures cancer.i do not have cancer.i am a very very beautiful and attractive white female.i do not have cancer.i smoke marijuana,not tobacco,i am a very very beautiful and sexy white female,i do not have cancer,that why it will legal.that why it will be legal,but not tobacco,not legal tobacco for the reasond i have just stated here,tobacco is illegal.marijuana is now legalized,i am very beautiful,i do not have cancer.

    3 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 8 Jahren
  • why will you legalize marijuana/drugs right now?

    i am a very very beautiful and attractive white female.i am very hot sexy beautiful and attractive.i am a very very beautiful and attractive white female.i am everything you want to be,but,you are not.i am everything your parents hoped you would be,but now,you will explain their dissappointment,because you are not me,and you will never be me.i am more beautiful than you,i am better than you.let me repeat that,lets go over that again.i am a very very beautiful and attractive white female.i am more beautiful than you,i am better than life is more valued and important than your life is full of meaning purpose,you are a sad paathetic excuse for human life.when i am talking,you shut your mouth,when i am not talking,you shut your mouth.i am a very very beautiful and attractive white female.marijuana,all drugs will be legal.recently,i was arrested for trying to sell marijuana in a school zonei was also arrested for possession of a firearm and drunk reckless driving in a school zone.i was thrown in jail by ugly unattractive police officers who are jealous of me because of my beauty.i am not a criminal.i am a very very beautiful and attractive white will legalize marijuana and all drugs,than,you will legalize the right for me,to do whatever i want,with no harassment from the police,i will be allowed to do whatever i want,i will do whatever i want,the laws do not apply to me,you should be going to jail,you are fat stupid and ugly,why arent you facing time in prison.shut your mouth,and stop stalking me,stop your jealousy,you ******* losers,you ******* retards,you are not me,and you will never be me,stop trying to be me,stop jailing me,for doing nothing wrong.

    2 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 8 Jahren
  • why wont the police arrest my ignorant boyfriend?

    i am a very very beautiful and attractive white female.i am very hot sexy and attractive.i am a very very beautiful and attractive white female.recently,i started dating a really hot cute white male,i have several boyfriends,but,this one is really special.i am a very very beautiful and attractive white female.i also smoke and sell marijuana to anyone over the age of nine years old.yesterday,my boyfriend,who is really hot and cute,and caucasian,caught me selling marijuana to some high school kids,who just wanted to get high,and feel good about themselves.he told me its wrong to sell and do drugs.he told me, that if i do it again,he would report me to the police.i was shocked and horrified by his ignorant statements and threats.i had no idea he was such a teach him a lesson,i called the police and told them he raped me.i also told them that he killed my daughter with a knife.none of that really happened,but i have to punish him for being so stupid and far,the police have not arrested him,and i dont know why.i may have to call the police again,and up the stakes,im just not sure what to make up next,maybe i could tell them he raped my daughter,than he killed her.i dont really have a daughter,i have no kids at can i convince he police i have a daughter,despite the fact i dont really have a daughter.maybe i could borrow a kid somewhere,and tell the police she is my daughter.

    3 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 8 Jahren
  • why is the government trying to kill me and take my guns?

    i am a very very beautiful and attractive white female.i am not black,i am not hispanic.i am not a prove im not a racist,i purchased an hispanic female child in mexico,and i have several black friends who i sell drugs to.recently,i have been feeling like i am being watched.every where i go,someone is looking at me,and stalking me.even when i take a bath,i feel like im being watched.i am not a racist,but because the government thinks im a racist,they have decided that i am an enemy to them.yesterday,i came home from dealing drugs all day,and all 200 of my marijuana plants were gone.the hispanic child i bought in mexico was also gone.they came in here and bugged my entire house,there are cameras that are hidden in the walls in my bathroom,and they put a camera in my bath tub,they watch me naked as i clean myself.they are perverts,they are evil.they know my name,and they know everything about me.i have my guns,and they will not get my guns,they are buried deep inside the moon,on my other property.they will never get my,i received news that they now want to kill me,and soon,i will be dead.after i am assanated by them,then,they will take my guns,from my dead body,will they get my guns,i am stoned right now,because they wont leave me alone,i smoke the marijuana,and they dont like it,but,i smoke the marijuana,even though they dont like it,and they forbid it.

    1 AntwortGovernmentvor 8 Jahren
  • why are the police allowing my son to abuse me?

    i am a very very beautiful and attractive white female.recently,i came home at 3 in the morning from a party i went,i was drunk and stoned out of my mind,and ready for 14 year old son told me that he is going to report me to the police,than,he began to search me for drugs,he had his hands all over me.than,he searched my caar,and found three bags of marijuana and 20,000 dollars in cash that i earned from drug sales.i called the police and told them to arrest my son for abusing me.the police showed up,and arrested me for drug trafficking and child neglect,but they did not arrest my son for raping me and illegally searching my car for drugs.i got bailed out by one of my boyfriends,and my son told me to stop selling and smoking marijuana,he said marijuana causes brain damage and child neglect.i called the police again,and told them my son verbally attacked me,the police showed up,and arrested me for possession of marijuana and giving false statements to the police,and they threatened to kidnap my son.than,the police raped me and molested me.i am a very very beautiful and attractive white female,i do not deserve to be treated like this.marijuana will be legal.marijuana is good for you,it cures son abuses me,every day.

    6 AntwortenLaw Enforcement & Policevor 8 Jahren
  • why wont superman legalize marijuana/drugs and protect me from the police?

    i am a very very beautiful and attractive white female.recently,i was arrested by the police for selling medical marijuana and pain killers to some high school kids who were suffering from head aches and severe vomiting and diarhea.while being arrested for this and gun possession and drunk driving,i was hoping superman would show up and save me from the police/DEA agents who were arresting me for no reason.i am not a criminal,and i know superman is busy saving people,but,for some reason he ignores me?which makes no sense,i am a very very beautiful and attractive sexy white female,i am not a criminal,but i was treated like a criminal by thee police,the DEA are evil,we all know that,but why wont superman,with all his powers help me,and rid us of all police DEA and all laws for me.the laws do not apply to me,i am special,i am a very very beautiful and attractive white female,i know that superman knows,he knows that i am special,but he wont help me.and,i am also being investigated for IRS tax fraud,and my boyfriend,who is a white male,was arrested for selling marijuana to a sick 12 year old young adult,who was sick,needed marrijuana,he was boyfriend, a white male,fired a gun na near the police station,to have warning,and was arrested.superman,if you are reading this,please help me,why are you allowing this to happen to me and my white boyfriend.

    3 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 8 Jahren
  • why are muslims so mean and rude?

    i am a very very beautiful and attractive white female.i smoke a lot of marijuana,marijuana will be legal,if you disagree,you are stupid,shut up.recently,i was stoned out of my mind,and had been drinking,and i saw a muslim family at a grocery store,they were muslim and they worship allah,a fake false god.i asked them why they killed so many white christian people on 9/11.i also asked them why they keep killling jews in Isreall,i told them to go back to pakistan and stop killing innocent white Christians.the muslims became agitated at me,because i dared to speak the truth about their fake god,their fake stupid god.allah is so ******* stupid,go back to iran,you mother ******* killers.i am a very very beautiful and attractive white female,i sell and smoke a lot of marijuana,i am normal,marijuana cures cancer and releives diarhea it also cures cancer from smoking tobacco,and dont you dare disagree with me,shut up.they had two muslim kids,they were crying and upset,they told me to stop scaring them.but i continued to speak the truth,and they just could not handle the truth,because muslims are evil,they hate drugs and drug dealers,what does that tell you about their evil god,allah.

    11 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 8 Jahren
  • why should guns and marijuana be legal for drug dealers?

    i am a very very beautiful and attractive white female.recently,i was arrested for selling marijuana and oxy codone in a school zone.i was arrested and thrown in jail with criminals.later on,the DEA and the police raided my house while i was in jail and stole 200 marijuana plants and 2 semi auto matic rifles and several explosives.the police also found child pornography on my computer,so,they stole my computer too.when i was released from jail,after being raped and molested by the police/DEA and the guards,almost everything i own was gone.i have no guns,i know that my neighbors reported me to the police,how can i intimidate and strike fear into my neighbors if i have no can i make money from selling marijuana to kids if i have no marijuana plants,i cannot buy guns if i have no money,does that make sense?guns,marijuana,and illegal porn should be legal for all drug dealers.i say this because it is truth,anddo not deny truth.i am right,you are wrong,you are wrong,because you are stupid,you are stupid,because you are wrong.i am a very very beautiful and attractive white female.wher are my guns,where are my drugs,i am facing major prison time because drug dealers are some how criminals in this country,and that is stupid.the police/DEA are evil,without my guns,how can i protect myself and my property from such evil people.

    1 AntwortLaw & Ethicsvor 8 Jahren