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I am a dog maniac! I absolutely adore dogs and puppy's and love to research them.

  • Is he just messing me around?

    Right okay so basically theres a guy in my school and even though we have known each other for 5 years we have only been talking for a few months now. We both have feelings for each other, i confessed a few weeks ago and he admitted that he likes me too and wants to be with me, but he also likes another girl who he used to be with, and he has liked her for a while now but then he goes on to say that he doesnt know what to do now because he likes me too.. so he said that we should stay friends for now but theres a really good chance we will end up together. right so basically he does flirt with me alot and i do it back, like we went round to one of my friends' house one day and he kept tickling me and i did it back and he was just really physically close to me that day, yet he wont do it at school. and recently hes been asking for like random pictures and he has been complimenting me a lot ...theres a lot more to it but anyway heres why im confused: he is really on and off with me, like he usually messages me every day without fail and all of a sudden he has stopped,like its only been a week but its so weird, like at school he hasnt really been acting the same or seeing me as much. maybe im just being paranoid, but something definitely isnt right, and i dont know how long this will last, maybe next week will be normal, maybe it wont ever be normal again? i dont know whether i should get over him completely, or i should just keep waiting, because i really like him a lot and dont want to lose him but the waiting is so frustrating like he never leaves my mind, even my dreams and its so hard to concentrate on school as pathetic as it sounds, and i have exams coming up which i arent very confident for, because i find it so hard to focus on my revision because i have a million questions going through my head. I just dont know whether he is genuine, or he is just hanging me over until he gets with the other girl he likes, i just dont want to be second best.

    please, any help on the situation would be appreciated, i am just so lost what to do.. thanks

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 7 Jahren
  • Stomach cramps after going to Egypt?

    So I came back from sharm el sheikh on monday, and on the sunday the day before i was having diarrhea (not really bad) and some stomach cramps. That carried on until wednesday and then i had no diarrhea but from wednesdsay till now i have had to go to the toilet more often and have real bad cramps beforehand and sometimes even during the day. Is this something i have caught from egypt? Will it go on its own?Also,i dont know if this is relavent but i have also suddenly became alot more hungry since i have come back?

    2 AntwortenOther - Health & Beautyvor 8 Jahren
  • Stomach cramps after going to egypt?

    So I came back from sharm el sheikh on monday, and on the sunday the day before i was having diarrhea (not really bad) and some stomach cramps. That carried on until wednesday and then i had no diarrhea but from wednesdsay till now i have had to go to the toilet more often and have real bad cramps beforehand and sometimes even during the day. Is this something i have caught from egypt? Will it go on its own?

    Also,i dont know if this is relavent but i have also suddenly became alot more hungry since i have come back?

    3 AntwortenEgyptvor 8 Jahren
  • Will travel sickness tablets have the same effect in an plane?

    I have used them in a coach, car and train and they have worked, will they work on a plane?

    2 AntwortenHealth & Safetyvor 8 Jahren
  • do travel sickness tablets work on long journeys?

    So tomorrow I am going on an 11 hour coach journey to disneyland Paris with school, which includes going on the eurostar from Dover to Calais. I have kwells,(travel tablets) which I have only used a couple of times before which was on short 1 and a half hour journeys, I found that they worked fine because other times I have not had them and felt terrible. But anyway, I was wondering Do you think they will work for such a long journey? I know they worked before but that was only for a shorter amount of time, will they have the same effect for a journey as long as this? Sorry about the long paragraph, I'm just paranoid because the last thing i want is to be ill,


    1 AntwortHealth & Safetyvor 8 Jahren
  • How can i persuade my dad to let me go to a rock concert?

    I'm 14 and I wanted to go with my sister who is 21, its like a campsite outside concert and I really want to go, but my dad is saying it will be full of pedophiles and I have tried explaining to him that it won't be, I know he is just trying to be protective but yeah, how can I persuade him to let me go? Thanks.

    7 AntwortenFamilyvor 9 Jahren
  • Is my dog still in season?

    My dog started bleeding on the 6th September and she stopped about a week or two after. Her swelling came down a little bit. Due to a family emergency she has had to go to my friends house for a while but the problem is she has a male dog and he isn't neutured but on the first night he didnt bother with her, but today he is going crazy over her wanting to mate her. It will have been 6 weeks tomorrow which seems too long but could she still be in season or is he just curious of a new dog? She is keeping them apart at the minute but I would like to know if ou have any idea when her season will end (if she's still in it), thanks.

    4 AntwortenDogsvor 9 Jahren
  • Maths homework help??????????????????

    I haven't got a clue what to do, my maths teacher is absolutely crap, she blames me if i dont understand something and expects people to pick up things straight away... but anyway can you answer this?

    Calculate the area of each of these circles, giving your answers to 1 decimal place, except a and , where your answer should be in terms of π (pi).

    a Radius 4 cm b Diameter 14 cm c Radius 9 cm

    d Diameter 2 m e Radius 21 cm f Diameter 0.9 cm

    If you know any, or even all of them, first answer will be picked as best.


    1 AntwortMathematicsvor 9 Jahren
  • Do i hace heat exhaustion/ heat stroke?

    Ok so I've been in the sun today and by breathing feels a bit heavy and I'm a little shaky, I kinda feel a bit weak too, am I just a little warm or is it something a little more serious :/ thanks

    4 AntwortenOther - Diseasesvor 9 Jahren
  • Cough, sore throat, stuffy nose, weakness, headache, loss of appitite, high temperature...?

    Is this flu?... it started on sunday with a sore throat, on monday i felt like all of the above, tuesday afternoon i began to feel a bit better, but today i woke up and felt worse again. Is this flu? Or is it something more serious? (Im 14 5ft 5st and a hypochondriac). Is it worth a visit to the doctors or will i be okay if i just have paracetamol? Any advise? Thanks.

    1 AntwortOther - Diseasesvor 9 Jahren
  • I have all the signs of my period but it still won't come?

    Im 14, 5ft, 5 stone so yeah im very skinny and small. I started developing breasts last year ( even now though i am only a 30aa) have underarm hair and hair 'down there' got a few spots on my face but constantly have them, i suffer from anxiety and depression ( i dont know if this could be due to hormones?) I get mood swings alot, i have discharge literally EVERY day, my boobs keep going sore lately, my hair keeps getting quite greasy, sometimes i cry for no reason... but yeah i have all these signs but nothing! Is there anything i could do to speed things up a bit? I know your gonna think im crazy for wanting it to come but my 10 year old friend has started before me and her mum keeps boasting about it and i want it to come so i can actually feel like a woman!

    Any help would be great... thanks

    3 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 9 Jahren
  • Will all of this stop motion sickness?

    Ok, so im going to Disneyland Paris at the start of next year with the people in year 10 taking music or performing arts. We are going from stoke on trent to dover, then getting the eurostar to paris then taking another journey to the hotel next to the theme park. The journey to dover will be about 4 hours i am guessing then another couple of hours of the train.

    Anyway, I haven't been on a long journey like this before, and when i go on a journey i start to feel sick after half an hour, but (touch wood) i haven't actually been sick from travelling before, just feel VERY sick. But from these journeys, i haven't actually had anything to try to stop feeling sick before so I think im gonna need it for this disneyland journey.

    Ok so what I was thinking was to have a dramamine tablet before i go, take some ginger tea in a flask, take some food like salty crackers and ginger nuts, take some ginger sweets, take some fresh mint, wear pressure wristbands on each wrist, take some lemon drops, sit at the front of the coach, listen to music, and finally, the night before, stay up all night so that I can fall asleep on the coach.

    So do you think if I do all of this it will work, as a would really like to pass on the being sick part D:

    2 AntwortenAlternative Medicinevor 9 Jahren
  • Im 14 and no period, any ideas?

    All of my friends and the whole of my year have started, even my friend who is 10 years old has started. I'm 5 ft and weigh 5 stone, so I'm very small and wondering if it could be because of this? I go to the peadiatrician at hospital every 3 months because they are monitoring my weight at the minute because I am underweight and they are concerned that I haven't started yet. I have started every other part of puberty and I get mood swings and depression. I also have discharge everyday and that has been going on for about a year. So what I want to know is, is their anyway I can hurry things up a little bit? And also does anyone know any tips for foods that will help me put on weight or any tablets? I eat like a horse but don't put weight on, its very annoying. Please help, my 10 year old friend has started and she has become a woman before I have and she's gonna be rubbing it in my face :(

    3 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 9 Jahren
  • Im 14 and no period, any ideas?

    All of my friends and the whole of my year have started, even my friend who is 10 years old has started. I'm 5 ft and weigh 5 stone, so I'm very small and wondering if it could be because of this? I go to the peadiatrician at hospital every 3 months because they are monitoring my weight at the minute because I am underweight and they are concerned that I haven't started yet. I have started every other part of puberty and I get mood swings and depression. I also have discharge everyday and that has been going on for about a year. So what I want to know is, is their anyway I can hurry things up a little bit? And also does anyone know any tips for foods that will help me put on weight or any tablets? I eat like a horse but don't put weight on, its very annoying. Please help, my 10 year old friend has started and she has become a woman before I have and she's gonna be rubbing it in my face :(

    4 AntwortenTrying to Conceivevor 9 Jahren
  • what is this game for android called?

    I went on my sisters htc desire s and it was a running game, it was where this girl ran and you had to touch the screen to make her jump and there were loads of levels, i think the girl was dresses s some sort of athlete but im not sure. the game was kinda 3d and at an angle. i asked her and she can't remember what it was called so she suggested temple run. Anyone know what this was? Thanks

    1 AntwortVideo & Online Gamesvor 9 Jahren
  • Are the parcels being posted in the UK going to people late at the minute?

    My mum said to me that on the news they said that people are getting their parcels late or something like that. I was just wondering what exactly is going on if this is true?


    2 AntwortenOther - United Kingdomvor 9 Jahren
  • what is the connection between nociceptors in the skin and the CNS?

    Any help would be very appreciated... 10 points best answerer!

    1 AntwortBiologyvor 9 Jahren