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What would have been a good slogan for Joe Biden to use in his campaign advertising?
My guess..." Vote blue, no matter who"
8 AntwortenPoliticsvor 14 StundenShould CNN do movie reviews?
They could do their friends in Hollywood a favor and tell people who might go to see a movie that it just appears to be crap and is actually worth seeing.
3 AntwortenMoviesvor 3 Tagenwhat is gonna replace Yahoo Answers?
We need another source of news.
Hopefully the Right will create it. They could print news on paper towels. With an independent news source, we could buy the towels in the super market and read truth
5 AntwortenMedia & Journalismvor 4 TagenWhy does requiring an ID stop some people from voting?
because somebody who would vote for Biden would find the process of voting a challenge. If he has to get an ID AND vote, that is 2 jobs he has to do, which doubles the possibility he would encounter a problem that would make him give up.
Source(s): MANY of the people who would vote democrat can't speak English or read. If you are a democrat the people who would vote for you need someone to take them to the polls and tell them how to vote for you and hope they can remember the instructions long enough to get the job done.
Electionsvor 5 Tagenwill there be a coup-d'etat Where America will fire Joe Biden and bring back Trump?
Is it time for good Americans to take back our country
13 AntwortenPoliticsvor 6 TagenCould Long Island secede from N.Y. state and become a state?
Long Islanders have to pay taxes to financially support all those bastard children in the rest of NY. state and pay for all the things governor Cuomo wastes money on.
If Washington D.C. can leave Maryland and become it's own state, why can't the Island do that too?
5 AntwortenGovernmentvor 1 WocheWill they do vote by mail in 2022?
Republicans consider vote -by-mail a tool to make it easier for democrats to cheat.
The republicans will see that it is now cheat or lose, so they will have to think up some new ways to create bogus mail in ballots.
When they count the votes and they find that the total number of votes is way more than the number of people who are eligible to vote will America become a military dictatorship?
13 AntwortenPoliticsvor 2 WochenCould the government fine people because they need more money?
Think about it, A local government of a place near the southern border keeps getting more people to take care of ,now that SO many people are sneaking across the border.
Will they need to get money from another source to deal with this problem?
It is illegal to pay an illegal alien to work for you., so maybe thats the answer. A local law that makes anyone who hires an illegal alien and gets caught must pay a big fine and when an illegal alien gets in trouble, the DA makes a deal with him, where if he rats out a guy he worked for and will testify against the gringo. we won't deport him.
How much money can they get from fines bad people have to pay?
5 AntwortenPoliticsvor 3 WochenIn the future will "somebody good" be president?
think about it, If you someone who was very electable you could be Governor of your state or the president, but if you consider all the things people did to show they hate president Trump, why would you want the job?
9 AntwortenPoliticsvor 3 WochenThe crisis at the border, is this a new kind of war?
Migration can be used as a weapon.
If you are doing an invasion, bring your kids with you and they won't shoot at you
7 AntwortenPoliticsvor 3 WochenCould republicans primary Kamala?
Think about it. If you register as a democrat, they HAVE TO let you vote in a democrat primary.
We can assume this is how Biden got the democrat nomination in 2020.
Republicans were not able to vote for their fearless leader in a 2020 primary so they voted for the Democrat nominee, and gave the d-rats the candidate who would be the easiest to beat.
If the next few years are anything like this year, by2024 She is gonna be the most hated woman on Earth.
4 AntwortenPoliticsvor 4 Wochenshould the federal reserve bank issue credit cards instead of paper money?
Think about it. You buy things without using cash. You don't use a credit card when you buy a hooker or illegal drugs. Is this because a computer keeps a record of every purchase you make? Would the wh0re or the drug dealer be able to do business if cash were eliminated?
6 AntwortenPersonal Financevor 1 MonatWhy did Joe Biden choose Kamala Harris?
My guess is he saw Maya Rudolf playing her on SNL and he thought she would make a good president
6 AntwortenPoliticsvor 2 MonatenCan America replace cash with a credit card?
Cash is used to pay for illegal activities. If cash were eliminated the computers would have a record of every time money changed hands, that would make things difficult for criminals.
8 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 2 MonatenDo you think Trump really attempted to overthrow the government when the capital was attacked?
There are members of congress who are on TV saying he did this.
To me it looks like a scene from a movie.
What kind of drugs were those guys who ran amok in the Capital on ?
6 AntwortenMoviesvor 2 MonatenDid anybody see the impeachment on TV today and believe what the democrat s were saying?
7 AntwortenPoliticsvor 2 MonatenCan the republicans do what they believe the democrats are doing and impeach Joe Biden?
Republicans beLIEve that Trump did not ask anybody to do the insurrection on the Capital and antifa's hooligans made believe they were Trump supporters. Those guys don't even believe that it is possible to fire someone from a job they already lost.
the republican congressperson Marjorie Green says she will do this.
4 AntwortenPoliticsvor 2 MonatenDoes America need to stop using cash?
Cash helps the drug trade and illegal aliens. Those $20 bills you can get at an ATM, that is a tool you use to buy drugs and hire undocumented workers. If we really wanted to, we could buy everything with credit cards (or debit cards). except drugs or hookers. Of course you want to get high or get laid, you need paper money for that.
Personal Financevor 2 Monaten