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  • TMobile dumping Prepaid?

    My credit is destroyed so a plan that requires a credit check would be a waste of time to even attempt. I am currently on a Tmobile prepaid (monthly 4G) plan but these seem to be de-emphasized and I fear they will go away. I need a new phone so I am leary of buying a Tmo phone/. Also Tmo's coverage is kinda lousy here. I am thinking about going Sprint prepaid and porting my number over. I know I will have to pay a lot for a phone but I would hate to spend 200-300 on a used Tmo phone and have Tmo go credit check only plan on me. Any insight? Any word on whether TMo is really going to dump the prepaid plans?

    1 AntwortCell Phones & Plansvor 8 Jahren
  • Physical Exam at 40? Visit to Uranus?

    OK. Now this is serious despite the funny title. I am 40 and going in for a physical today. I am nervious though I have had physicals before. I am afraid though now that I am 40 they are suddently going to decide to boldly go where no man has gone before. Is this likely? Is 40 a magic age for this? I might cancel the thing if that is likely

    2 AntwortenMen's Healthvor 8 Jahren
  • Baby dilemma. To poor to be rich too rich to be poor?

    I am 40 and my wife is 35. I have a stable job that pays well for local standards. About 1/2 our income goes to student loans and supporting my mother. I have health insurance but to add my wife would set us back 400 a month which I do not see us being able to do. I make way too much to qualify for anything but live paycheck to paycheck (with absolutely no emergency fund or savings). We are barely scraping by. I dont foresee ever making much more money and my wife though she is the one with the degree is not good at getting high paying jobs and has no practical experience. We have no kids but want to have some before its too late. I dont want a lecture about handling money. Two layoffs put us where we are and I choose to stay with this due to the longevity of the job. Is there any way for people who are totally broke (as in functionally more poor than the poorest people) yet on paper make a lot of money to have a child in this country? I am honesly considering do it and then file bankruptcy as a viable possiblity.

    3 AntwortenNewborn & Babyvor 8 Jahren
  • Gas pump when running?

    My car would not start. This car has been through 5 starters so I know that is the issue. Problem is I took to repair place and now it starts and they say the starter is fine. I have to make a 285 mile drive to Oregon tonight. I am thinking about just not turning the car off and gassing it up the one time with it running. Is that safe? I know the car will stop starting but I cant seem to get anyone to replace starter today with it not being dead. I cant cancel my trip and I wont likely have enough money to fix the starter after the towing etc. If it dies there I will jsut leave it there but it cant die in between. Not turning it off seems like the only solution but I cant get 285 miles on one tank of gas.

    5 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 8 Jahren
  • Ellensburg Aerial TV?

    I am moving to Ellensburg and likely wont be able to afford to get signed up for cable for a few weeks to a month. With a digital tuner is there any TV stations that can be picked up? I need post 09 info now that its all digi only. Anyone maybe have gone to school there and have experience with it? What channles can you get without cable or satellite? Eventually I will get Charter but it will take a while

    2 AntwortenTVsvor 9 Jahren
  • Where is the least competition for tech jobs that has them?

    Heres the deal. I been out of work for a month and I wont survive another one here. I am in the Seattle area and have not gotten a job yet. I have never had a job search take this long. I am non degreed network/system admin with a ton of support experience. I am getting a crapload of interviews but no offers. My theory is yes Seattle has tech jobs but it is loaded with degreed tech workers who are out of work. Any advice on a job market that has some tech jobs but not the competition level of Seattle. If I am up against a degreed person I am gonna lose out most times. In smaller places I always felt like I had something to offer but here I feel like a dime a dozen

    1 AntwortTechnologyvor 9 Jahren
  • DMV records, are they filed by DL#?

    I have a WA drivers license and am a resident of WA. In TX there is a guy with a similar (same first and last name, different middle, same exact date of birth). His DUI record pops on the criminal side of my background check. His phys description is way different and I have never lived or visited TX. If I move to another state like Oregon, am I going to have trouble getting a drivers license cause of this idiot or does an MVR check have more to it than just name and DOB. This is a nightmare I have a very common name and two criminals in different states with my same first/last name (not middle) and DOB. Would another state just check my WA license number and the fact I ahd it when idiot in TX got his DUI would it be obvious that wasnt me? I want someone WHO KNOWS to answer this. If you dont know for sure how DMV records work, please dont answer

    2 AntwortenInsurance & Registrationvor 9 Jahren
  • Can PRIVATE non goverment backed student loans be discharged in bankruptcy?

    The crap has hit the fan and I am trying hard not to default on my wifes student loans. Some are private loans not FAFSA related. Can those be discharged in a bankruptcy?

    I lost my job and if I dont get one paying 70k or more in the next 2 weeks the entire house of cards collapses and bankruptcy will be in the future for about 5k in debts that are not student loan related. Credit will already be screwed so why not go nuclear and start over fresh. The Student loan situation is 125k and about 35k of it is from Chase and not FAFSA related.

    5 AntwortenFinancial Aidvor 9 Jahren
  • Lost my job. No savings. Bad bad bad?

    I am in a rough spot and I am more interested in advice than condemnation. I just got laid off. I have no savings. I am 40 and a non-degreed IT person mostly network, Windows admin etc. I made really good money (almost 70k). My wife has a degree (BS in psych) and 125k in student loans. Between the high rent (almost 1200), the loans (1500) and supporting my ailing mother (between 500-700). We been living paycheck to paycheck. My wife makes minimum wage. We have no real assets (cars are crap. she needs hers for her job. Mine is worth less than 200 dollars). Our stuff is mostly old and crappy and not worth anything. My 401k has 800 dollars in it so sometime I will get about 600 of it. I can afford to pay the rent for August and then its about it. Apartment lease is up 9/1 and we have to decide by 8/10 whether to renew. My thought is if I dont get a job that pays a lot fast (like in 2weeks) we have to let the apt go, move into my moms house in another state (she makes less than 700 a month on SS). Once we leave, I dont foresee being able to take a job in the Seattle area because we have no place to stay rent free here so the options will become very limited. Unemployment will help some. Most of the student loans are private but not all. I need some good solid advice on how to live through this. Not bull crap of you should have had a savings. That may be true but it doesnt help going forward. To make matters worse though I have no criminal record, I have a very common name and some jerk in another state iwth my same name (first and last) and DOB is a felon. So far that hasnt hurt me but I am scared. Very scared.

    4 AntwortenPersonal Financevor 9 Jahren
  • I hear of people who are out of work for months or even years. How?

    I just lost my job and I figure I got about 2 weeks before the crap hits the fan and a month before losing the apartment. I hear of people who are out of work for years. I am curious how do they do it? When it is a statistical fact that over 60 percent of people live paycheck to paycheck.

    6 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 9 Jahren
  • I think I am losing it?

    Sometimes everything is fine but sometimes I get all panicky about what if situations, Start worrying about things that likely wont happen like not being able to get a job or place to live because I share name and DOB with a felon. Also worry about losing wife because she is bi and wants to act on it. I get panicky and think evil is closing in on me. Stress is high. Need a doctor but dont want to be crazy. Other times I fine

    4 AntwortenMental Healthvor 9 Jahren
  • Can a place be so evil that it causes you to sin?

    Curious. Mostly from fundy Christians and the idea of demonic principals. My morals have changed a lot and I feel far from god since moving to seattle

    5 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 9 Jahren
  • I applied for an amazon card and may have given bad ingo?

    I stupidly checked the box stating I had no charge offs on my credit report and I think I might (not sure). It was an online app? Am I going to prison or just might not get the card if they find a charge off? I really am not sure whats in my credit report but I think I might have a charge off. I dont want want to go to prison. I didnt actually sign anything and I was truthful about employer/income etc. I just stupidly clicked the box without thinking. I dont wanna be Bubbas special friend

    1 AntwortCreditvor 9 Jahren
  • Is adultery OK if its consentual?

    My wife says she is bi. She wants to have sex with a woman. I am not OK with it and its cheating but if somehow she convinces me to be OK with it and she does it? Is she not sinning because is it adultery if I giver her permission to cheat

    5 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 9 Jahren
  • Wife thinks she is bi and I am not gonna be ok?

    My wife had a few playful relationships with women before we met. Over the years she has said occasionally that women are attractive. About a year ago she started saying she thinks she is bi but thats OK cause she is with me. We have a gay friend now (man) who she told about the bi-ness. He believes everyone needs to be true to themselves and has encouraged her to act on this and me to be OK with it. Now she is talking about having a relationship. She believes its not cheating because its a woman. I believe it is but told her I wont leave her if it happens.She wants me to be OK with it and I cannot. In my opinion if she does this she has willfully committed adultery and ignoring the fact it hurts me cause she thinks it shouldnt. I am at a loss here. I am sure if she does have sex with a woman its only a matter of time before she leaves me and decides she is gay. I hate to control her. I think if she loves me she wont do it cause I have told her it will break my heart. I love her with all my heart and dont even want to go on living if I lose her. I am nothing without her would probably lose the will to live. Do I let her do it so I can hopefully make her happy? Do I put my foot down and have her do it anyway and not tell me.

    Keep in mind that until about a year ago both of us beleived all homosexuaylity is wrong. Only now that we have a gay friend are we open to it. I think our gay friend is trying to get her to mess around to validate his own homosexuality to himself. I cant think of any other reason.

    Other than this my wife and I are fine. I cant lose her. I cannot survive without her. If she has sex with someone else why would she stay with me> I think we are doomed either way unless I get her to jsut stop the whole bi thing, we get away from our gay friend and move a less gayer place. I think at one level the spiritual oppressivenss of this place is causing the problem. So how will I die and how much longer do I have to live?

    I will instantly quit my job and go become homeless if she leaves me hoping each and every day that someone would finish me off. I will not kill myself as I dont believe in that.

  • First I want to say it is horrible what happened but why the national coverage?

    My heart goes out to the families of those who were killed by the senseless killing in Aurora, CO. But I must ask why all the national attention? Why Obama and Romney making statements? This is starting to smell like its going to be used to do one of two things

    1) Beefing up security is soemthing I hear. I wonder if its to move us closer to a police state. TSA coming to movies. if that happens, no more theaters for me

    2) taking guns away. Now perhaps gun control is not a horrible idea but its a politically charged one.

    Even the VA tech massacre didnt have this much coverage. Something is up and its not good. The corporate media and the politicians are treating this like it was 9/11

    5 AntwortenOther - News & Eventsvor 9 Jahren
  • Immigarion background checks? Fingerprint baseD?

    I share name and DOB with a convicted felon but I am not. I am considering moving to Canada or the UK (various different possible ways) When they check me out will they use my digits which will clear me or just a shoddy name and DOB check which will show my evil twin?

    1 AntwortImmigrationvor 9 Jahren
  • What jobs require fingerprint based checks?

    Since I have an evil twin (share name a DOB with a felon) I am beginning to think my only hope is to get a degree in whatever I need to and pursue a career in a field that requires real (fingerprint) based background checks and doesnt blacklist people due to shoddy inaccurate data. I understand some fields require finger checks. What are they? I need to go for one of them. I assume law enforcement is a possibility but are there jobs in law enforcement that dont require you to meet the physical requiements to be a cop. I am nearly 40 and totally out of shape. I am a computer guy with 20 years of IT experience. No degree but could get one. Basically I am not suited to manual labor. Can one become some kind of fignerprint tech or quasi law enforcement person without having to be a cop? The other thought is jobs that require a clearance. This is a few years out as my credit sucks but thank God that can be fixed. I fear I may be unemployable due to my evil twin despite being able to prove it was not me. I just dont know if anyone will be interested in my mountain of documenation. It is ironic that due to this I am athinking of going after jobs with much more stringent backgrund checks

    9 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 9 Jahren
  • Nervous abourt can boarder?

    I am a US citizen with no criminal history. I share first/last name a DOb wih a convicted felon. I have been to canada lots since knowing this and hauled in once for secondary inspection. They asked me what states I had lived and appeared to be running a background check. They asked nothing about criminal history and let me into Canada. I am always afraid they will mistake me for the felon but so far they havent and I assume that was a background check. Can anyone confirm that they run background checks when you get hauiled in for secondary inspection and they ask where you have lived? If so I assume that means they wont find my evil twin or there is enough info for them to know its not me. Is this a safe assumption? I havent had issues with canada only with an apartment background check. All my trips to canada have been after this. Should I worry or if I made it past their check I am probably OK. Being that I am not a felon thee is nothing to disclose. Ia m just generally freaked out about the whole thing and plan to return to canada for a vist sometime.

    2 AntwortenOther - Canadavor 9 Jahren