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  • I live in Alabama, can my apartment let me know a month in advance of an inspection or does it have to be 2 days notice?

    Hi everyone, I live in an apartment and they told us in a monthly letter we usually get that they are going to do an inspection. I know Alabama renter's law says that they have to give you two days notice, but can they say they gave you notice a month ago that they would do an inspection "sometime" during the month or does it have to fall between two days? I ask this, because I need to be home when they inspect. We have a dog that is very protective, and will most likely bite them if we are not here.

    I have not went to talk to them yet, because I have not had the time to go up there and talk (I work 50 hrs a week). I also wanted to make sure of this before I went up there and told them about this.

    Thank you in advance

    9 AntwortenRenting & Real Estatevor 6 Jahren
  • How do you access the Exalted Plains?

    I am trying to get to the Exalted Plains to finish Dorian's quest, but I am unable to get to it. I've finished the 2 in the hinterlands, but I can't get to the last bit.

    It says to go to the War Tale to investigate the Exalted Plains, but when I look at the map, it doesn't exist. Am I supposed to do something beforehand?

    1 AntwortVideo & Online Gamesvor 6 Jahren
  • What is the recipe for Siete Machos?

    I have been looking for siete machos locally, and I cannot find this cologne anywhere. I love the way it smells, and I want to use it on my altar for Santisima Muerte. I just cannot find it anywhere except online.

    Can someone tell me the recipe or the ingredients? I would be forever in your debt!


    1 AntwortReligion & Spiritualityvor 7 Jahren
  • A Southerner moving to Washington State or Oregon?

    Hello everyone!

    I am originally from the northern part of Georgia, and because I am so close to Alabama and Tennessee, I tend to have a pretty strong southern accent. Recently, I've received a few job opportunities in Seattle and Portland. I'm trying to decide where to move.

    I don't really know what to expect other than the personalities and just the atmosphere are different. What should southerners expect if they move west? Have any of you experienced this?


    5 AntwortenPortlandvor 7 Jahren
  • Returning old laptop computer charger instead of new one at Wal-Mart?

    Hey everyone!

    I had to go out and buy a new computer charger, and I bought the same one that I have. The only problem with that is I didn't really have the money to buy it. I was thinking about just putting my old one in the box and then returning it.

    I just didn't know if I would have problems returning it or not, since there is a barcode on the AC Adapter. Anyone have any suggestions?


    1 AntwortLaptops & Notebooksvor 7 Jahren
  • Does anyone have a The invite that they could give me?

    I'd really like to join this site, and it's killing me not to be able to use it. Does anyone have an invite? I'd be forever grateful to you!

    1 AntwortReligion & Spiritualityvor 8 Jahren
  • Bringing a kitten from Germany to US?

    Hello there,

    My friend has a kitten that I am absolutely in love with. I want to bring her from Germany back to the US. However, I don't know what the procedure is. I know that I probably will have to pay a fee to bring her on the plane, or get her shipped from Germany to the US.

    What should I have to do, and what troubles should I encounter.

    She is around 3 weeks old right now (May 30th,2013) and I am leaving on the 12th of July 2013. She will be around 8 weeks old around then, so I have no idea what exactly I should do, or would I even be able to bring her to the US then?

    4 AntwortenCatsvor 8 Jahren
  • Can my apartment legally do this?

    Hello all,

    After months of trying to find a subleaser for my apartment, I finally found a prospective buyer for it. While filling out paperwork, the apartment management then told me that the new leasers will HAVE to be a university student, but state that they are not affiliated with the university. They also require the leasers to provide student ID, and their GPA.

    They have no written permission from the University stating that this is okay, but could potentially cut into their income from their dorms.

    I could see if they cater to university students, but wouldn't they have to also take other leasers as well to avoid a lawsuit?

    Are they legally allowed to do this, and should I inform the university about what they are doing?

    So, can anyone shed some light on this for me?

    3 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 8 Jahren
  • How to stop plastic candle mold from leaking wax?

    Hey there everyone!

    I just bought some plastic candle molds. I am used to the metal candle molds, but I've never used the plastic ones. I placed the clamps on them, but it doesn't really seem to help all that much. They still leak everywhere.

    I've actually been thinking of just using a bunch of plumber's putty around the edges so they don't leak. Does anyone have any tips so they don't leak from the bottom at all?

    Thanks in advance!

    2 AntwortenDo It Yourself (DIY)vor 8 Jahren
  • Did Rapunzel lose her powers forever in Tangled?

    I just got finished watching Tangled, and I was wondering that since her hair turned brown did she lose her powers for good? Since her power was in her tears, would she still have that power or was that a once in a lifetime thing for her?

    Would her hair ever turn blonde again? I mean it wasn't cut where it seems like ALL of it would turn brown. It just seemed like the part that got cut should be brown. O.o I'm confused by some of this. Can someone shed some light on this?

    3 AntwortenBooks & Authorsvor 8 Jahren
  • Bubble Witch Saga is showing that I have negative coins?

    Hi, I play Bubble Witch Saga on Facebook, and it is showing that I have -6980 coins. It was just like that one day.

    What exactly is going on, and how do I fix it? I can't even buy potions or anything. :/

    Please Help!

    1 AntwortVideo & Online Gamesvor 8 Jahren
  • Car running fine, but when idle it stops running?

    We just got the car back from getting the transmission fixed. It's been sitting in the car lot for over 6 months, so the gas is really old actually. I was surprised that it ran.

    After about a 45 minute drive home, we put the car in park and let it sit for a minute or two, and then the car just stopped. The radio and lights were still on, but the engine and such shut off.

    I have a 2002 Nissan altima.

    Thanks for the help!

    1 AntwortMaintenance & Repairsvor 8 Jahren
  • Everest Computer Factory restore?

    I bought a everest computer from my sister a few days ago. I am not able to factory restore it, so I called HP and got the disks to do a factory restore.

    The computer is pretty much worthless right now, because I can't even use it to get online. I can only go to google, and if I go to another website, then it just loads forever (You can't even reload the website)

    So I am wondering, if I factory restore the computer and reset the harddrive and everything, will that make the computer like a normal computer or will I forever be haunted by this Everest college computer's awful functioning?


    2 AntwortenLaptops & Notebooksvor 8 Jahren
  • How long does it take for a cat to recover from Spay and Declawing?

    I want to get this out now. My kitten had a problem with her claws. They were ingrown and growing through her paw pads! It was NOT elective! So do not bash me for having it done. It was a health concern. :)

    Anyway, my kitten is 6 months old, and got delcawed on the 21st, so it's been about 3 days.

    She is still kind of walking funny, but she is wanting to walk a lot now. Much to my horror, she has been jumping on the bed and on the chair. They aren't too far up, but still.. I don't want her jumping.

    She still has 1 more day of medication left, and then she is off the medicine. She seems more active in the day though, after some of the medicine has worn off.

    She currently has stitches in her abdomen and her paws (to keep them from splitting) they used glue and stitches and will be getting them out on the 28th.

    So I just wanted to know how long it would take her to recover from her declawing and spay.

    3 AntwortenCatsvor 8 Jahren
  • My declawed cat doesn't want to lay down, and stands all the time?

    My little kitten (around 6 months) got declawed 2 days ago. A few of her claws were growing improperly and causing her a lot of pain. This was not an elective surgery. The vet delcawed all of her front paws, unfortunately.

    She will not lay down. When I go in the room, she is still standing on her paws. I tried to put her down on a soft pillow, but she instantly rolled off of it, and stood, again. She is not laying down much at all. Why is that? Should I be worried?

    Oh, and when exactly will she be healed? I got her spayed at the same time as well.

    To those people who are telling me that it was cruel to declaw my cat-

    It was not my choice. Her claws were growing in the wrong way and were cutting through her pads. She had to have them removed!

    3 AntwortenCatsvor 8 Jahren
  • Anyone else having scammer problems with pet adoption website?

    The website is called

    It is really getting annoying. I go on and select my state and city, and I'll send a message to the person, but then they message me back saying that they don't live in my state anymore, but somewhere else in the US. Then they say that they can send me the kitten for like 150 dollars and such. It's such a scam, and I know it.

    Does anyone else have this problem with this site, or similar sites?

    And does anyone know any good kitten breed adoption sites? I want to get a bengal cat (not for breeding or show purposes just as a pet) or a Savannah, Toyger, or Mau. I have no problems paying, but most of the catteries are not anywhere NEAR my area. I'm so frustrated.

    Most adoption sites as well show that the kitten is a bengal, but it ends up being an orange tabby or whatever else. It is FRUSTRATING AS ALL HECK! I had no problems getting my Bombay (papers and all) but.. pft. nothing now.

    So... HELP

    4 AntwortenOther - Petsvor 8 Jahren
  • Right Ventricle underdeveloped in infant. Survival rate?

    Hello, I just had a friend that had a baby boy with a right ventricle underdeveloped. She is going to have surgery.

    What is the survival/mortality rate for these babies?

    1 AntwortRespiratory Diseasesvor 8 Jahren
  • Practical homemade enemas?


    I am actually in Germany at the moment, and I've looked everywhere for an enema but alas, I cannot find any. I'm extremely desperate at the moment to find one, because I would just go buy one if I could find one.

    Would there be a practical solution to have a homemade enema? Like a drink squirt bottle or something of the sort? I just need to find something pretty soon, and it's getting frustrating.

    3 AntwortenMedicinevor 9 Jahren