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Christopher Williams
Should we allow talking on cell phone while driving?
Once upon a time In the state of Kalifornia before the usage of your cell phone while driving was illegal, I use to do my share of talking on my cell while commuting. After the ban texting was still legal so many people began to text in lieu of talking. Before the talking ban would I ever dream of texting while driving because I thought the idea was just soo silly and dangerous. Eventually texting and driving was banned as well. Now I realize many on the road are still talking/texting on their phones. However I feel a lot of people to avoid tickets, opt to text because it is far more discrete than having a phone next to your head... Now here's my point when people really want to do something I.E communicate while driving, illegal drug use, prostitution, or what ever it is people are gonna find a way to make it happen, just the way it is. So I think this is a case in point where fire needs to be fought with fire... Sure driving while talking on a cell phone is dangerous, but FAR less dangerous than texting is!!! I mean talking with a passenger or changing the radio station cam be distracting and dangerous. If we really want to eliminate all distractions we should only allow motorcycles for road use, trust me you'll have 100% of people giving 100% attention!
1. Does anybody agree that cell phone talking is far less dangerous than texting?
2. Does anybody really think people will ever fully stop texting and driving?
3. Does anybody believe if talking on a cell was made legal it would prevent a lot of texting and driving?
4. From personal experience **personal** it was not that distracting to talk on a cell phone as it ever was to text.
***don't compare drinking and driving to texting because it ain't the same***
4 AntwortenSafetyvor 8 JahrenShould I switch the stock handle bars for sport bars?
Good morning fellow riders! I'm new to riding only got 2,600 miles under my belt in about 2-3 months time frame. I have a 2013 Ninja 650 and I have seen a few pics and videos online etc. and everyone seems to love the sport handle bars in place of the stock handle bars, which sits higher. They say its more comfortable and improves their ability to handle, which would seem like something to be interested in... My question is would this be advisable? I mean I'm still getting use to the bike and not sure if sport bars would help me out or just simply set me back due to the different feel... Any opinions and experience with this issue is much appreciated. Thanks!
- 30 years old.
- Bike is mostly for commuting to and from work.
- Responsible riding.
- Yes I'm "Noob" a "Squid" or what ever scornful remark you wish to call me, please use sparingly.
1 AntwortMotorcyclesvor 8 JahrenAny California Drivers Out There?
Good Saturday to all. I have calmed down a little. 50% of California Drives do not know that Motorcycles Lane Splitting is 100% legal. 10% of drives admittedly intentially attempt to unlawfully block motorcylist from "lane splitting" because either they do not know it's legal, they are jealous, or they think they are "teaching" motorcyclist a lesson because it is dangerous. Please don't become guilty of Second Degree Murder out of ignorance or road rage. Please share the road. Also Motorcylitst filtering through free up space on the freeway. It is estimated that if 10-15% of drivers would switch to motorcycles for primary means of transportation traffic congestion would be cut by 50%! Have a good day everyone!
here are some youtube clips about it
***And please don't educate me like I'm in Kindergarden, of course I only pass when it is safe and clear no faster than 40mph****
***I wait till it is safe to pass, just like you would make sure it's clear before walking across the street I get it***
***No I do not own the road anymore than anyone else, I don't expect anyone to have to "move over for me" but I should not expect people to purposefully steer their car into me! I'm sure any driver would be upset if another car tries to steer their car into your car for what ever reason***
***Drivers it may seem like the bike is cutting you off or about to hit you, but reality is that these movements are very meticulous and calculated so
Riders won't hit your car, trust me clipping a car can easily be fatal, and they know this so please have patience and let them pass peacufully***
***Of course accidents happen and sometimes motorcycles hit the car, but trust me, it is much more in the interest for the motorcyclist to not hit anything or anyone, as it could be fatal"
***I get it, there ARE irresponsible Motorcycle Riders out there just as there ARE irresponsible Car Drivers out there, is was and will ALWAYS be that way... So please let's all be responsible and not take the Law into our own hands on the Public Roads, ain't nobody got time
for that***
*** I have a big SUV as well, and out of humanity good will and gesture I provide room for riders to pass, and definately do not intentially steer into them. A life saved and less congestion on the roads***
***If two cars could fit in a lane and could do so legally, do you think drivers would? Of course they would****
***Disclaimer I do have the mindset that I am invisible and I am assuming that everyone is out to kill me***
California Car Drivers! Why do you attempt to block Motorcyclists from lane spliting with your car in traffic?
Riding on my way home today there where those who did not make room, those who pulled over to make more room, and then the few who DELIBERATELY closed in to block me from slowly passing through!!!!! I can't believe it!!! I'm a "cager" as well but I don't use my 5,000 pound tank to purposefully and potentially fatal to block motorcyclist from passing through!!! I'm just curious what it is? Could you guys who do this explain? Is it to "teach us a lesson" because it's dangerous? Is it because "it's not fair?" And if it's not fair do you not think that if two cars could share a lane to ease traffic they wouldn't do it? Of course they would! Now there's some laws that I don't like but as a law abiding citizen I don't go around and take the law into my own hands to teach someone a lesson! I'm sorry if I sound furious, reason being.... I AM!!!! Aaaaarrrrggggh!!!
***30 years old and a new rider. Got a bike to save some money due to Gas prices. I do not lane split above 30-40mph. And was being blocked at much lower speeds! "it's dangerous so let's teach him a lesson by potentially killing him" WTF?!?!
Additional Details
It is LEGAL assholes!!!! Now who's retarted? So the two who answered who obviously block motorcycles still doesn't explain WHY you do it! WHY? not well just don't do it... I drove for years and still do before getting a bike and just like the blinking amber alert light says I look twice and share the road with motorcycles, I mover over and don't wet my little panties!
6 AntwortenMotorcyclesvor 8 JahrenCalifornia Car Drivers! Why do you attempt to block Motorcyclists from lane spliting with your car in traffic?
Riding on my way home today there where those who did not make room, those who pulled over to make more room, and then the few who DELIBERATELY closed in to block me from slowly passing through!!!!! I can't believe it!!! I'm a "cager" as well but I don't use my 5,000 pound tank to purposefully and potentially fatal to block motorcyclist from passing through!!! I'm just curious what it is? Could you guys who do this explain? Is it to "teach us a lesson" because it's dangerous? Is it because "it's not fair?" And if it's not fair do you not think that if two cars could share a lane to ease traffic they wouldn't do it? Of course they would! Now there's some laws that I don't like but as a law abiding citizen I don't go around and take the law into my own hands to teach someone a lesson! I'm sorry if I sound furious, reason being.... I AM!!!! Aaaaarrrrggggh!!!
***30 years old and a new rider. Got a bike to save some money due to Gas prices. I do not lane split above 30-40mph. And was being blocked at much lower speeds! "it's dangerous so let's teach him a lesson by potentially killing him" WTF?!?!
4 AntwortenCommutingvor 8 JahrenAre there any websites that currently have AK47 type rifles for sale?
Almost every where I looked they seem to be out of stock, as well with the local gun dealers. I know reason being the current political situation. I already have an AR-15 I bought last year and now
looking to get an AK. It would have to be California compliant as I live in San Diego. Yes i am a responsible gun owner, dog owner, driver, I pay my taxes, never been to jail, hard working member of society, good Samaratan I'm not crazy, I'm active duty military, and I never shot killed or point my gun anything or person, this isn't a question about banning or if we should ban guns or other things related to that nature so please save the bad comments for another forum. Thanks!
3 AntwortenHuntingvor 8 JahrenLegal Testosterone Boosters?
Please tell me your experiences with legal testosterone supplements. What worked best for you? What was a waste of money? I've been lifting off and on for over 14 years. Very good cardio shape and "decent" muscle size, it's just that I have plateaued and am looking for the extra edge. Please skip the whole tisk tisk and you don't need this, or you can do it naturally, and all the other comments that don't relate to my question. I get it... Just want to hear your experiences. Animal Stack seems to have good reviews. Thanks!!
1 AntwortOther - Healthvor 9 JahrenWomen/Teenagars/Girls, what cologne in your opinion smells the best What smells 2nd best?
Just would like to see what cologne do women find most attractive and why? Please give your reasons why and anything else worth mentioning;) Thanks!
2 AntwortenOther - Beauty & Stylevor 9 JahrenDo ECU performance chips really improve performance?
Do ECU chips really improve performance as far as speed, horsepower and fuel economy? I don't understand how improved mpg goes along with increased performance unless of course were talking air intakes and exhaust systems. Please tell me your experiences, thanks! I drive a 2007 Nissan Xterra bone stock. Sorry I don't have a Bimmer, Benz, Range Rover, Rocket Ship or anything else fancy to that nature, maybe one day so give me a break. And and, I need an Suv with moderate space, ruggedness and off road capability so ix nay on the rius pay and chevy volt, and yes I know to be light on the gas pedal helps. Please just answer the question. Thanks!
1 AntwortMitsubishivor 9 JahrenAre 3 wheel reverse trikes like the can am spyder more stable than a quad?
If 2 wheels instead of 1 rear tire was added to a reverse trike would that make it more or less stable? I guess I'm just curious as to why the can am spyder is street legal and not a quad or something similar to a quad. Oh and the state in question is California. Thanks!
2 AntwortenOther - Cars & Transportationvor 9 JahrenHas any of you who is reading this or know someone who has started out on a 750 800 or 1000 Sport Bike?
Ok I would like to start, and if I were to start I'd like to start off with 600 cc. I wouldn't start off with anything more or anything less as I'm a grown mature and have a lot of respect for what I'm getting into and lack of experience, so please don't tell me I need to start off with a 250 cc or a barbie bicycle. I merely wondering if any of you guys have started out or know someone who has SUCCESSFULLY started out with something of this caliber? Again when I do start I'm not looking for something as powerful as 750 and above. I don't plan to get a bike anytime soon for various reasons but that's not important here.
9 hours ago - 4 days left to answer.
Additional Details
Ok everyone I'm 29 years old, and I've done things that required more dexterity and maturity than ride a motorcycle and severe emotional distress, all over the world, trust me, im not about to begin to explain myself cuz that's another story. But anyways it's apparent that nobody here can answer the question, the question isn't if I should start off with a hyabusa. The question is if u know someone who has successfully started of with a 750cc or larger. I have faith someone can answer the question on hand. Let's see. Let's see how smart the people are at following instructions. Sorry frustrating that people can't answer the question.
11 AntwortenMotorcyclesvor 9 JahrenHas any of you who is reading this or know someone who has started out on a 750 800 or 1000 Sport Bike?
Ok I would like to start, and if I were to start I'd like to start off with 600 cc. I wouldn't start off with anything more or anything less as I'm a grown mature and have a lot of respect for what I'm getting into and lack of experience, so please don't tell me I need to start off with a 250 cc or a barbie bicycle. I merely wondering if any of you guys have started out or know someone who has SUCCESSFULLY started out with something of this caliber? Again when I do start I'm not looking for something as powerful as 750 and above. I don't plan to get a bike anytime soon for various reasons but that's not important here.
6 AntwortenMotorcyclesvor 9 JahrenScope sighting distance?
Is there, or what would be the "optimal range" to sight my acog for my AR15? Assuming for the "zombie apocolypse or "SHTF" scenario. So kinda close not for hunting or long distance sniper shooting.
2 AntwortenOther - Outdoor Recreationvor 9 JahrenScope zeroing/sighting.?
Hey everyone. I have a general/troubleshooting question about sighting in my Trijicon Acog scope ( does not have the fiber optic top) for my M&P15. I was at an indoor gun range today and I got it sighted in at 25 yards with grouping off no more than a few cm if that. My exact question is why when nearly exact grouping at 25 yards, and when shooting closer approx 10-15 yards, the shot was pretty low? I then sent the target (NRA official 25 yard paper target) back out to 25 yards and the shots were still dead on. I did this a couple of times back and forth same bullet .223 PMC, same sitting position and still ended up with the same results both close and far, which lead me to rule out angle, loose scope, bullet type etc... I have some previous experience with scope sighting but it was a BB gun and a cheap tasco scope, regardless I was dead on with that as well. As I understand it the projectile should drop the further distance traveled. So why when fired closer
It drops? What am I missing or what exactly am I ignorant about?
Additionally it was a used one from a buddy who got it off eBay. This was my first day using it and appears to be in good shape and worked as expected until fired closer. I believe it's 3X magnification. I know it's not a cheap replica either. Thanks!!!!!
3 AntwortenOther - Outdoor Recreationvor 9 JahrenWhat are the top indicators that a girl likes you? Girls what turns you on and what makes guys sexy?
Gotta know!
2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 9 Jahren