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  • What's up?

    4 AntwortenPoliticsvor 6 Jahren
  • Should Hillary Clinton invite Rupert Murdoch to her inauguration?

    Over the last twenty years Fox has convinced every Democrat that she is the candidate Republicans fear the most. This has made her the front runner for the nomination.

    Also, from the moment it came on the air Fox News has been accusing her of outrageous crimes and each has been disproven, which doesn't stop the lies from being repeated ad nauseum. The end result is a general public who no longer believe a word the right says about her. They have been innoculated against further attacks!

    She couldn't have bought that kind of publicity! Surely she should show her appreciation by inviting the boss, even all the staff, to her victory party?

    13 AntwortenElectionsvor 6 Jahren
  • Now that we have had the new Yahoo answers for a while is it fair to say that it is an unusable disaster?

    I can find nothing and can't participate in the Community any more. Is there any reason to use this crippled forum any more?

    I have given it a fair try and have just given up. So long, guys, but this just isn't fun any more.

    10 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 7 Jahren
  • Was Monica Lewinsky sent to the White House as a Republican operative?

    What 22 year old woman seduces an older man and then immediately pops her best party dress into an evidence bag? This always seemed odd to me, even before I read the memoirs of a Heritage Foundation agent ("Blinded By The Right") in which the author detailed the steps they took to get Clinton under oath, as if they already knew they had the evidence.

    Now she has resurfaced to attack Hillary, in support of the GOP and Rand Paul's pretense that Clinton is a "serial predator". Given that she comes from a militant Republican family, is it fair to assume she was an agent sent to seduce the President? That this is just one more dirty trick?

    How long before they haul out those discredited Whitewater stories?

    17 AntwortenPoliticsvor 7 Jahren
  • Is it Christian behaviour to block another user?

    I answered a question that suggested the Old Testament was invalid because of the New Testament by suggesting that without the Old the New was no more relevant than used toilet paper, so the asker blocked me. What ever happened to turning the other cheek?

    Sorry, the pun was too hard to resist, but the point remains that Christ required his followers to accept offence without retaliation. Is Samual (the other user) demonstrating unChristian behaviour?

    10 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 7 Jahren
  • Is it fair to complain the President is weak after undermining everything he did for five years?

    The Republican talking point today is that Russia has been emboldened to move because Barack Obama is perceived as weak. Putin believes that America will refuse to unite behind the President if he takes a stand.

    Whose fault is that?

    21 AntwortenPoliticsvor 7 Jahren
  • Are Conservatives prepared to admit that Ted Cruz is crazy yet?

    At CPAC today Ted Cruz called for the abolition of the Internal Revenue Service. How does he think we would collect the national income? Would he privatize collection so the corporations could do it and take a rake off, just as the Romans did?

    Every day this man gets wilder and wilder. He is a raging Anarchist who would undo the work of every American for the last two hundred years and simply allow the nation to die of starvation. How can a Conservative defend an Anarchist?

    8 AntwortenPoliticsvor 7 Jahren
  • So, if Putin gets his Anschluss with the Ukraine, what should we do?

    The situation is eerily similar. Hitler took Austria, then the Czechs, then the Slovaks. It wasn't until he moved into Poland that there was war.

    So do we let him have the Crimea, and hope he doesn't take the rest of the Ukraine, then Belarus or Lithuania? With the way we have squandered our national wealth in Iraq and Afghanistan is there anything the USA can do?

    Never mind Republican or Democrat here. This is a serious world crisis here and none of them are any smarter than you are. Tell me what YOU think we can do.

    6 AntwortenPoliticsvor 7 Jahren
  • Is there anybody John McCain does not want us to invade?

    Of course he was for Afghanistan and Iraq, and also Iran, Libya, Egypt and Somalia. Now he wants the President to sent the navy into the Black Sea and confront the Russians! Didn't they teach history at Annapolis? I knew by the end of the eighth grade what happens when you invade Russia during the winter.

    When did it become our job to attack every foreign dictator who crosses the wrong border? With the Republicans refusing to raise taxes how can we afford this kind of wasteful exercise? I know McCain crashed four jets in his naval career, but didn't anybody tell him how much those things cost?

    Seriously, though, can we all write, email or telephone this man's office and tell him to shut the Falling Under Carnal Knowledge up? Our armed forces are depleted and exhausted from the longest war in our history and we simply can't afford to invade the entire world. Let the European Union deal with this one.

    6 AntwortenPoliticsvor 7 Jahren
  • Is it hypocrisy for a pro lifer to order an omelette?

    If every fertilized ovum must be carried to term there seems to be a double standard at work here.

    13 AntwortenPoliticsvor 7 Jahren
  • Do you find it ironic that the proponents of free trade for companies want closed borders for workers?

    If corporations are people, how come they can cross the Rio Grande when the workers are excluded? Isn't this a double standard?

    4 AntwortenPoliticsvor 7 Jahren
  • Has the Republican party become the party of Anarchy?

    The extremists are calling for no government at at all, casting it as the enemy of progress. They call themselves Libertarians but are actually Anarchists. Granted there are Conservatives who disagree, but they are being isolated and driven out through the primary process.

    The extremists in the Democratic party are Socialists who know that the Liberals must move in the direction they want before they have any chance of success, but is it also fair to say that the Republicans are equally the party of Anarchy?

    We can dismiss the Anarchists who supported occupy the same way we can dismiss the Medicare fans who support the Tea Party. Neither group understands what they are doing. Look at the ideologues behind the movements and tell me what you think.

    4 AntwortenPoliticsvor 7 Jahren
  • With the new format imposed on all the sites do I have any choice but to give Yahoo up completely?

    The new format is confusing and harder to use. Frankly, it takes all the fun out of it and only makes me angry that Yahoo is being so dictatorial. So I am going to abandon you to your own frequently extremist devices.

    So long, folks. It was fun, but the Yahoo people have killed their golden goose.

    8 AntwortenPoliticsvor 7 Jahren
  • Why is it bad if government is spying on us?

    There are questions about the NSA and Snowden from both left and right, but not one word about the way corporations spy on us all the time. If it is acceptable for Target to gather data and the power companies to install meters that can read our actions in real time why is it wrong for the government to do it?

    I can't see a difference. Spying is spying, isn't it?

    7 AntwortenPoliticsvor 7 Jahren
  • Is Islam a religion or a political theory?

    Islam preaches totalitarian politics based on usurpation. The duty of the citizen is total obedience to Sharia law, which designates all nonbelievers as subhuman (especially Jews). It preaches aggressive expansion and death for apostasy.

    Islam does not preach redemption through faith or good works but through blind adherence to Sharia law. It totally subjugates women and promises sex as salvation. Is this not Fascism disguised as faith?

    We outlawed Communism as an aggressive political theory. Should we do the same with Islam?

    12 AntwortenPoliticsvor 7 Jahren
  • What may we infer from this accident?

    The Palestinian Ambassador in Prague has been killed by what his colleagues call an "accidental explosion" of a safe he was opening. The Palestinians are claiming this was an old safe that had recently been moved from the Embassy to the Ambassador's home.

    Can we infer from this that the Palestinians have been using diplomatic privilege to move explosives from country to country for years? Should we be examining the acceptance of Palestinian diplomatic missions in our own countries?

    4 AntwortenPoliticsvor 7 Jahren