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I'm 26, a Member of the LGBT Community (Bisexual), passionate about Human Rights, Equality for all, The US Constitution, and History. I'm an atheist, but get along with people from all major religions... We can all learn something from one another.

  • How on earth am I going to afford my honeymoon?

    Ok, so my fiance and I are planning our wedding. My mother and I are paying for it, the grooms parents haven't offered to help financially, and my father can't pay his bills, let alone help me with my wedding.

    So, we are doing everything ourselves... The wedding/reception will be held at the local firehouse, I'll be handling all the decorations and the cake as well. We had decided to honeymoon in the Poconos (PA) because it was local and I'd assumed it would be more affordable.

    Now I'm looking at the room rates, they range from $299 to $475 a night! Whats a poor bride to do?

    I've already compromised my dream wedding. We can't afford a limo, or a separate ceremony location, or profesional hair/make up, or a photographer, or flowers... at least I thought I would be able to have a nice honeymoon.... but thats looking like a no go as well.

    Anyone have any suggestions on how I can get this to all work out? or should I just give up on having anything I'd been dreaming about?

    10 AntwortenWeddingsvor 10 Jahren
  • Digestive Issues? Needs your opinions.?

    Ok, so I vomit every single day, not because I want to of course, but because my body hates me.

    My doc diagnosted me with GERD, but I'm not sure my symptoms really match that disorder.

    I vomit bile every morning, sometimes throughout the day as well.

    I have diarea at least one day, all day, every 2 weeks or so.

    When I don't have diarea, I'm painfully constipated.

    I have no food allergies, and the only medication I'm on is Birth Control. I used to be on Nexium, which helped with indigestion, but didn't stop the mass amounts of bile my stomach produced for me to vomit up every morning, so I stopped taking it after a month or so.

    I have never experienced blood in stools or vomit, so I'm pretty sure its not Crohns, though my family has a history of that.

    What does this sound like? Could my life hindering symptoms really all be due to GERD?

    1 AntwortOther - Diseasesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • So my Dad has Hepatitis C, and he won't get treatment.?

    Does anyone have any advice on how to urge my father into getting treated for his Hep C? The doc's found out he had it when he went to get life insurance. Unfortunately, Hep C means no life insurance.

    So, now that he knows he's got it, and Rheumatoid Arthritis, does anyone have any suggestions on how I can convince him to get treated for Hep C? Its contagious and kills people, and I'd really like to have my Dad around a lot longer.

    2 AntwortenInfectious Diseasesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Hepatitis C Question?

    My Father contracted Hepatitis C while he was stationed in Vietnam.

    He was undiagnosed until two years ago.

    My mother has been tested, and does not have Hep C, and the doctor said it wasn't necessary to have each of his children tested, since the mother came up negative. Does this sound right?

    Hep C is pretty contagious, and I've shared food and drinks with my Dad before. SHould I go against what our family doctor says and get tested?

    1 AntwortInfectious Diseasesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Upset because he's been schooled?

    Ok, so I answered a question pertaining to being an atheist. The question was rude and ignorant, and I answered it honestly.

    Then this Lord GaGa idiot decided to send me a nasty message cursing at me, then he blocked me so not only can I not respond to his childish little message, but I cannot even go back and reference the original question...

    Now, do you think this insignificant little brat was upset he got schooled? Or was it just another troll trying to start religious wars on Yahoo Q&A?

    3 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt