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  • Looking for a movie about a mother who disappeared with her own children ?

    I remember watching a movie made in the 80's or early 90's about a mother who disappeared with her own kids and started a new life. Does anyone remember this movie? I keep thinking Cory Haim was in it but maybe not.

    Or does anyone know of any other movies about abducting own children?

    1 AntwortMoviesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • My husband is trying to get custody of our kids. I need advice!?

    Me and my husband have seperation papers which states the children will reside with me with generous visitation to him.

    Over the last year and a half I have struggled finacialy the city I lived in was very expencive.

    I let dad keep the kids for a week so I could figure out what to do. I didn't have enough money for rent which was due, and I was desperately trying to send my truck which was costing me a fortune in gas.

    I signed a paper stating I was giving him temporary custody. That could be revoked by either parent in writing.

    To make a long stroy short, my sister who lives 3 hours from where we were living, offered to let me and the kids stay with her. She would help me find a place in her home town which was way less expencive then the city we were in. So we moved here.

    Well my husband did not like this idea and is now trying to file for cusdody.

    My lawyer says since I left without the courts permision, technicley I abducted them.

    Do you think he could gain custody?

    9 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 1 Jahrzehnt