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Lv 2616 points


Favorisierte Antworten8%

21 studying Illustration at uni. Love shoes, my family, friends, partying, art.

  • I need to create a reference for my new employee, what will I need to send to the estate agents?

    I am just wondering what the estate agents will ask me for my employee, will they need her payroll code, yearly income, permanent role position etc? I've been told I'l be phoned, but would like to be prepared. I'm new to this so would love as much detail or links as possible please.

    Thank you!

    1 AntwortLaw & Ethicsvor 8 Jahren
  • What is going on in my digestive system?! Burping/gurgling/wind/bloating?

    For the past 4 days now on and off i've had this terrible gurgly feeling in my upper stomach and bowels - lots of wind passing - lots of burping but no apparent diahoerrhia(sp?) or sickness - i have tried chalk based gaviscon and tums which are to help indigestion but to no avail. First night i had stabbing pains in my upper stomach, and then on and off uncomfortable feeling - like trapped wind really now. The pharmacist and doctor don't seem to know what's going on so i wondered if anyone else did! I am bloated to the point where i look 8 months pregnant, especially late at night and it's ridiculous considering i'm normally so skinny. I have quite a varied diet, i may have eaten some dodgy ham but that was 4 days ago now, so what is this!? I think i might have slight I.B.S (irrital bowel syndrome) but only in that i get bloated and gassy from some foods, this seems to be with whatever i eat though at the moment.

    Please help if you can think of anything i can take to help - it is very hard to work and deal with the constant flatulence/burping/pain. I am also generally worse after having just ate.

    Any ideas anyone? Any help will be so appreciated!

    3 AntwortenOther - General Health Carevor 9 Jahren
  • Why have these images come out so badly? (Studio Lighting Q)?

    Hi there, i really am at the end of my tether with trying to figure out what is wrong with my studio lighting! I am trying to take fashion full length pictures in a studio environment (although without a white backdrop). I have 2 basic lights from 'Proline' - one with softbox one with umbrella, i bought a new canon 1000D camera, with the original 18-55m lense. I have tried various things to change the outcome but they all seem to look either really grainy, or terrible quality generally. I am no pro whatsoever, but don't understand how the outcomes could look so bad! I don't have a backdrop - would this make a difference? Can anyone tell from these photos maybe? They are very rough and obviously have the lights in the way, but i was just experimenting.

    Please please help anyone!!

    PS i want the images to comout moreso like this:

    8 AntwortenPhotographyvor 9 Jahren
  • I am very pale with dry/uneven skin on my legs - what makeup/tanning product can i use?

    I have sally hansen airbrush in light glow but it is a pain as you need to wash it off and it doesn't so much 'sink in' to your skin. Is there a gradual tanner i can use? My leg colour is white, almost grey it looks like, as i never get my legs out, they are so dry and i have a bumpy skin problem called 'Keratosis Pilaris' and i have to exfoliate like mad (doesn't always work well) - i'm worried anything too solid fake tan will look ridiculous.. In comparison to my upper halfs colour that is (which is just a normal persons skin colour!)

    Anyone have any ideas? I'd be very grateful!!

    3 AntwortenMakeupvor 10 Jahren
  • What SLR digital camera should i go for?

    Hi! I'm looking to photograph models in clothing, i want something that is appropriate especially for web. (so i don't mind too much about MP) I don't want anything too fancy, but something that will last and that has nice tones to it. (I hear Nikon and Canon are good makes to go for) My budget is about £200-300ish. Ideally it'd be second hand but in good condition. I am an amateur so where could i get one from, and can anyone recommend any makes/models please?

    Thankyou so much!

    4 AntwortenCamerasvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Strange sensation in bowels, near opening.. Please help!?

    After the last couple/few times i have had a bowel movement, afterwards i get this strange moving feeling, almost as though i need to go again but there isn't enough to come out. Sorta feels like something a bit spiky in there but moving back and forth .. not far up in my intestine either, but quite near the entrance. Please help if you can! Quite distracting and worrying =\

    1 AntwortOther - Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Lighting Equipment for Fashion Photography - where do i get some?!?

    I havn't a clue about lighting, and have a small budget but am looking for a basic kit, that would be good for a model in clothing (true light for clothing colours)... i dont want to spend more than £150, but need something that will last. Are the kits on eBay okay? Is there anywhere to buy second hand? Pleasssseeee help!!

    5 AntwortenPhotographyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Lighting Equipment for Fashion Photography - where do i get some?!?

    Baring in mind i am an amateur with photography terms and equipment, i am looking for advice on where and how to get a studio lighting set. I would like to create a small studio in which to photograph my model with my clothing - but i have no idea where to get a lighting kit from! Are there any second hand places other than ebay? Or any particular brands to go for? I don't have much money to spend on one. Any idea how much it'll cost? Please help! Thankyou!

    1 AntwortPhotographyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I am looking to buy/find a lighting kit for a small fashion business.. please help!?

    I would like to create a small studio in which to photograph my model with my clothing - but i have no idea where to get a lighting kit from! I don't have much money to spend on one. Is there any way to 'make do' with some normal lights? Any idea how much it'll cost? Please help! Thankyou!

    1 AntwortSmall Businessvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I am looking to make a checkout for my vintage shop - cheaply.. help please?!?

    I would like it to be very visually profressional, but as cheap as possible. What are the best ways please? Thankkkkkyyouuu!! =)

    1 AntwortProgramming & Designvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Can i wipe my Sony Vaio laptop without my Vista discs?

    I bought my Sony Vaio (VGN-FE48E) laptop a while back, but never received discs with it. I am aware now that i was supposed to make a backup of vista. I did not do this, so i just have the version on here that it came with.

    I am looking to wipe my computer but the only version i have is Windows XP, is there any way i can free up my computer space and get rid of old unnecessary programs etc without needing to re-install the Windows disc? If not, would XP be okay? Thanks

    2 AntwortenLaptops & Notebooksvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What is the strongest and best glue to buy for bonding crafts?

    I am looking to glue diamontes/rhinestones onto metal, specifically.. and also trying to find a way to glue fabric or the type of tablecloth (that is waterproof/plasticy material) onto metal. Can anyone help please? I need it to be super strong and resistant as these will be sold. Thankyouuu!

    ps i am based in UK =)

    4 AntwortenHobbies & Craftsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • If my blog is on wordpress, can only wordpress users 'follow' me?

    I.e, i have friends on blogspot (or blogger) and tumblr, but i am on wordpress. can they easily follow me? How so? If not, does anyone know where the best 'arty/young' blogging hoster is? (apart from those listed) Thanks

    1 AntwortComputer Networkingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How can i get my hair to this colour? (pictures)?

    I am this colour:

    (its a deep reddy purpley maroon colour)

    and i am looking to get to this colour:

    Is this possible? If so, how? Thank you very very much!

    3 AntwortenHairvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What did the dentist inject into my mouth?

    I went in with an inflamed gum surrounding my wisdom teeth and the dentist injected this 'anti inflammatory' into my gum crevice. It tastes gross and when i took the gauze out it appeared to be filled somewhat with some brownish fibres?! So weird looking. Does anyone know what this is and how long it'll last? The taste just won't go!

    2 AntwortenDentalvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is there a reason for his low sex drive?

    We have been together over 5 months and he has already seemingly gone off sex, even though he wasn't all that into it from the begining. We have had alot of problems one way or another and stress. But I know that with his ex they were at it like rabbits in the first few months atleast, then she messed him around so he went for months without sex (even a year at one point) ... a friend suggested that he may be applying his past experiences (ie his ex didnt like sex all that much so he has trained not to) to our relationship. I have confronted him and he seems to know not what causes his low sex drive. It makes me feel unnattractive but i cant do anything. He isn't into lingerie, he isn't into boobs, and no matter what i do he isn't into it. I have never ever had problems with any other guy, they are the opposite normally! Please help :(

    3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How can i meet other guys to get over my hurtful boyfriend?

    I have been on and off with my boyfriend (who happens to be my bestfriend also) for about 5 months now. We were amazing friends before and we both split up with our ex's so it happened naturally. We are much better as friends, and although i do love him as a friend, he is a terrible boyfriend. I am desperate to change my feelings towards him, as we are in a pickle. He isn't as into me as i am to him, so i am desperate to move on. He has admitted he will never love me as more than a friend, and ontop of that his sex drive is crazily low. Is there a way i can get over him? Or a way i could meet people other than clubbing (they seem after one thing and im not like that!). I'm a little too old for myspace too! (21) so i don't want to start stalking people on there!

    Thankyou :)

    2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Girls: Which guy is hotter?! (pics)?

    I like these guys equally, but bearing in mind alot of you won't be sure on either, what do you prefer, knowing they are both equally nice, fun guys?

    Guy No.1

    Guy No.2

    What is it about either that you like particularly? Or dislike?

    Decisions decisions! :)

    13 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Guys: What is your first impression of me? Would you approach me in a club? (pic)?

    I'm the one on the right :)

    Please don't be rude for the sake of being rude... but be honest :)

    14 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt