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Lv 746.044 points
Favorisierte Antworten17%
Annoying Liberals is my vocation. Defeating Liberals is my avocation. However, a witty response will usually get a thumbs-up from me regardless of political leanings. As a fiercely patriotic conservative Republican woman, I'm not afraid to run with the big dogs when it comes to politics!
Are you enjoying the Democrat tantrum a/k/a Impeachment ridiculousness? ?
8 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 JahrWill Americans reject these radicals in the Democrat Party in 2020?
8 AntwortenPoliticsvor 2 JahrenDemocrats banned straws, so is the Blue Wave unstoppable now?
9 AntwortenPoliticsvor 3 JahrenIs Comey an insufferable tight... - or is it just me?
3 AntwortenFashion & Accessoriesvor 3 JahrenAnybody else find that anti-gun kid annoying?
3 AntwortenPoliticsvor 3 JahrenIsn't it grand how Trump keeps outsmarting his critics and destroying his haters?
11 AntwortenPoliticsvor 3 JahrenWhy are liberal men so girly - is it the soy?
2 AntwortenPoliticsvor 3 JahrenWhen will Monica Lewinsky accuse Bill of ruining a perfectly good cigar?
4 AntwortenPoliticsvor 4 JahrenHas Europe gone to halal since the Muslim Invasion?
3 AntwortenRamadanvor 4 JahrenAre Democrats out of the mainstream, out of ideas and out of their minds?
9 AntwortenPoliticsvor 4 JahrenIs Poland more patriotic than Democrats?
7 AntwortenPoliticsvor 4 JahrenWith President Trump at the helm, hasn't this been the best Independence Day ever?
6 AntwortenPoliticsvor 4 JahrenWhat's your favorite adult beverage?
9 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 4 JahrenDo Muslims ever celebrate Ramadan with fireworks instead of killing people in London?
12 AntwortenRamadanvor 4 Jahren