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Favorisierte Antworten6%
  • I am looking for my first job?(what are my chances)?

    I am 16 ( currently in school) and am starting to look for my first job. I always get either A's or B's in school. I have been student of the week twice and once student of the year for social studies I have volunteered on occasions and have about 3 recommendation letters from volunteering. I also have a recommendation letter from my accounting teacher. I am hard working, confident, and will work until the job has reached perfection.

    So 1.) what are some jobs i should apply for?

    2.) what are my chances of getting a job for summer?

    3.) should i apply right now in advance for summer break or would it be silly?

    Any other advice will be much appreciated


    1 AntwortOther - Careers & Employmentvor 9 Jahren
  • I am looking for my first job?(what are my chances)?

    I am 16 ( currently in school) and am starting to look for my first job. I always get either A's or B's in school. I have been student of the week twice and once student of the year for social studies I have volunteered on occasions and have about 3 recommendation letters from volunteering. I also have a recommendation letter from my accounting teacher. I am hard working, confident, and will work until the job has reached perfection.

    So 1.) what are some jobs i should apply for?

    2.) what are my chances of getting a job for summer?

    3.) should i apply right now in advance for summer break or would it be silly?

    Any other advice will be much appreciated


    2 AntwortenVancouvervor 9 Jahren
  • Why do i feel stupid in school even though i am not?

    Although i get good marks mostly As and kids also say that you are really good at any particular subject but i keep on feeling that i am actually stupid and keep on studying even if i have mastered a topic. i just don't realize that i do not need more studying and keep on studying. i feel dumb any advice thanks

    6 AntwortenPrimary & Secondary Educationvor 9 Jahren
  • Does the acceleration due to gravity (9.80m/s2) dependent upon the mass of an object.?

    So i did some experiments with object of different masses and let them go of a roof. So it seemed like the heavier objects seem to fall faster, is that true. Because i threw a feather and a ball. Why did the feather took a lot time and the ball was fast. I dont understand. Plus i also found out that my ball traveled 8.43m/s^2 and not 9.80m/s^2. why is that

    please help me i am confused

    2 AntwortenPhysicsvor 9 Jahren
  • What are some examples of controversial current events that are happening?

    I have a current event project due monday that i need to project, and the subject has to be very controversial and argumentative because there will be a seminar after that talking about that controversial current event. so i need some examples of news that would would be interesting to talk about and create an argument. Thank you very very much

    4 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 9 Jahren
  • I have the worst physics teacher ever? what do i do?

    she is really really mean and insensitive, i mean she i asked her a question about something i couldn't understand from yesterday's notes and she seriously looked at me like i am the stupidest person there. She talks like she is really really smart and always seem to be really cocky. The other day we were doing an experiment, and we had to use a caliper. She didn't tell us what or how to use. When I asked her she would say be independent and no college professor would help if you were in college asking to use a caliper. In the morning I am the first to arrive to class and most of the time says Good Morning and she would simply ignore like she didn't hear me. She is really mean, and cocky and am loosing all my interest in what i thought to be an amazing subject.

    I simply don't know how to handle this situation, please give me some advice

    i would really appreciate it

    2 AntwortenTeachingvor 9 Jahren
  • What would be the answer to this equation with error?

    so this is the equation:


    i also need the errors with the answer with correct method

    i am really having trouble to solve this, you will be really appreciated

    1 AntwortPhysicsvor 9 Jahren
  • Can you find time in the following problem?

    The ticker tape made several dots on a tape. and 5 dots represent 1 interval

    If Period = (1/60)sec and 5 dots = 1 interval

    find time(sec/interval)

    This is all i have, thank you very much

    1 AntwortPhysicsvor 9 Jahren
  • Can you find time in the following problem?

    If Period = 1/60sec and 5 dots = 1 interval

    find time(sec/interval)

    This is all i have, thank you very much

    1 AntwortPhysicsvor 9 Jahren
  • Can you please help me with a simple math equation?

    So this is it: (1/R_t) = (1/R_1) + (1/R_2) + (1/R_3)

    Solve for R_t

    _ represent its a subscript

    I would really appreciate it if you showed steps

    1 AntwortMathematicsvor 9 Jahren
  • Can you please help me with a simple math equation?

    So this is it: (1/R_t) = (1/R_1) + (1/R_2) + (1/R_3)

    Solve for R_1

    _ represent its a subscript

    1 AntwortMathematicsvor 9 Jahren
  • Can you please help me with a simple physics equation?

    So this is it:

    (1/R_t) = (1/R_1) + (1/R_2) + (1/R_3)

    Find R_t

    and _ represents subscript

    1 AntwortPhysicsvor 9 Jahren
  • Am I getting my wisdom teeth?(by the way what are wisdom teeth)?

    lately(a month to be exact), my throat has been sore, and sometimes it hurts( a little) when i am eating or drinking. is it necessary to get your wisdom teeth out and can u please give some information about wisdom teeth. i talked to my dad about it and he said he never got any wisdom teeth removed, so what does that mean. i am confused, i will really appreciate your precious time

    3 AntwortenDentalvor 9 Jahren
  • I am really worried about my marks(high school). Am i getting enough marks. please help?

    so this is my first semester in grade 11.

    English 11: 90%

    Computer Studies 11: 91%

    Chemistry 11: 87%

    Calculus 11: 88%

    Next semester i have physics, socials, and accounting.

    I want to pursue a career in physics/ engineering, but am unsure about my progress. Any advice would be appreciated. thanks

    1 AntwortPrimary & Secondary Educationvor 9 Jahren
  • Where to buy Mac OS Snow leopard?

    So i just bought a used macbook and am running Mac OS Leopard. I want to experience Snow leopard first and then upgrade to lion. However, i can not find snow leopard anywhere. its not in besbuy and neither in futureshop. Is it sold out or what. Where can i find it.


    5 AntwortenDesktopsvor 9 Jahren
  • How much would it cost to build a computer with the following configurations?

    Processor: Intel Core i5-2500K

    Motherboard: Any mid ranges-high end

    Ram: about 8gb

    Graphics card: a mid ranged(nothing special)

    Any cool case

    A 24in monitor and wireless mouse

    Power supply: Corsair 650watt WOULD work i believe

    How much you think it would cost and where is the best place to buy. Any other thoughts would be appreciated. thanks

    7 AntwortenDesktopsvor 10 Jahren
  • When to use the word "metaphysical" in a sentence?

    I have heard this word from several philopsphers, authors and in literature. but dont know when or how to use it. Can you help me please, perhaps give some examples and then explain


    4 AntwortenWords & Wordplayvor 10 Jahren
  • What in God's name are we doing in Afghanistan?

    I mean all the nations including US, Canada, and every nation in nato. I mean they keep saying they are peacemaking, but how by killing the taliban. I researched about taliban and found out it was formed when the soviets invaded the nation. It was sort of like a revolutionary movement to free the country. The US and many other countries helped the movement to fight with the soviets, and ironically claimed the country for themselves. Now who is the terrorist. And then they say that they are fighting for women's rights. It is in islam, i believe, that women can not have equal rights. They are not even not allowed to enter the Mosque and pray properly. No one gives us right to judge somebody on their believes. Therefore these believes are not of the taliban but the whole religion. So we can not say that we are fighting with taliban for people's rights. Aren't taliban Afghanistan's citizens. They are just pissed off because the ones that helped them free the nation from the soviets claimed it. I think anybody would be pissed off if it happened to them. That is why may be this lead them to 9/11. Its like betrayal. On the other side the land of Afghanistan is barren. It is not productive, no oil, no natural resources.

    I am sorry if any of my point was incomplete or ignorant or offended anybody but i am just curious what is going on in this meaningless world.

    14 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 10 Jahren
  • Do you think my comeback was right and cool when some boys came to me to fight?

    so i just had an argument in the class with some boys about my age(14-16). After school they were angry and approached me in an angry manner. They asked if i could beat them I said in quotes "I do not know if i will be able to beat you up or not, but make this very clear that if i get into a fight with somebody, either he will have to step off and face defeat or I Will Die fighting". and they said i was crazy and walked away.

    what do u think............thanks

  • Do you think it is odd that my ancestors have never gave birth to a girl(as long as i remember)?

    for example my great grandfather had 2 sons and then my grandpa had 3 sons and my dad has 2 sons including me and my uncles only have sons. do you think its odd, i dont understand..........thanks for sharing ideas.

    7 AntwortenGenealogyvor 10 Jahren