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  • Help on getting good grades, details inside.?

    I'm a freshman in high school and so far this year my grades are pretty bad. Haven't failed anything but gotten many D's. Honestly I don't really care at all about school and just want to keep my grades good enough to play sports. But, I really want to get good grades this last quarter to make my mom happy. So, I ask, do any of you have any good tips to get good grades playing sports with as little effort as possible. Thanks!

    3 AntwortenTeachingvor 8 Jahren
  • Do you think this is a good idea.?

    I want to make a youtube series called How not to... do you think i can gain views and stuff or will i be wasting my time

    2 AntwortenYouTubevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • will this get me a 6 pack?!?

    I have wanted one for soooo long. i am 5'0 and 115-120 pounds. I have really strong ab muscles just a 1-1.5 inch layer of fat over it and i need to know if running 4 miles a day at 7mph for 1 months will it burn the fat

    5 AntwortenDiet & Fitnessvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • why wont it let me upload from xtranormal?

    ok so i was trying to use xtranormal but when i went to publish it told me to log into my youtube account which i did but it says i typed wrong passward and username what is wrong

    2 AntwortenYouTubevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • this is confusing! i dont know?

    it says on youtube i have 19 subscribers when i only have 17 its always said 2 more

    3 AntwortenYouTubevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • YouTube question? Please answer!?

    Ok I have about 12-13 videos and they each have 4-230 views, my total views is 705 my question is

    1. How can I get more subscribers?

    2. How can I get more views?

    3. What is the best way to advertise my videos?

    5 AntwortenYouTubevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • I need help with my swing? any suggestions from experienced players.?

    ok so i have just dropped every other sport and chased my dream of playing pro baseball... im coming off my worst hitting year ever.....

    i believe my stats were

    13 hits, 22 rbi's a 450 BA and 700 obp this was my 11 year old year my league plays 18 games

    my 10 year old year i went

    44 hits 58 rbi's 780 BA and 980 obs

    i am easily the best player in my county but i need help

    i cant hit any homeruns.

    im a medium kid

    5'0 100 pounds but i cant hit the ball out

    i hit line drives and cant get them to go far enough so i guess what i need to know is how can i get more lift on the ball without severly adjusting my swing

    second i need to now how to add more velocity to my fastball

    i only throw an average 55 per pitch and want to atleast have it to 65 by my 12 year old season is lifting weights and effective way, also i need a 4th pitch i have a fastball curveball cutter and was thinking about changeup or 2 seamer which is better?

    3 AntwortenBaseballvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Am i normal length?!?!?!?!?

    i havent hit puberty and my dick is only 3.5 inches is this normal small or larger

    1 AntwortMen's Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • do you think we have any chance at all?

    ok so me and my band (souless detereotix) are entering a band contest winner goes home with 100$ a piece

    my band has 4 members (singer, lead guitar, bass, drums,) we have 4 original songs

    "A trip down victory road" --couldnt seem to win, never even began to think, what was waiting on the other side--

    "why does it matter" --you broke my heart, you shot me down, came back to fix it all again,why does it matter

    "young and poppin" --remember that all girls want is shoppin forget them becuz ur young and poppin

    "blazin like marshmallows"--fight night is coming through the light better not get stge fright blazin like a marshmallow in a fire cracker

    which do you think we should play i will put part of the lyrics for easch one

    3 AntwortenRock and Popvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • so many questions in one!?

    ooooook sooooo me and my girlfriend have been going out for 6 months (middle school) and i have about 4 ?s

    1.its summer time and we want to be together how do i get my parents to leave us alone at my house.

    2.she keeps saying stuff like (if we grow up and get married what should we do for our wedding)

    3.she really wants to make-out and so do i but how do we do it with people around the house.

    4.what are some things girls like???

    4 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • many questions on dating!!!!!!!!!?

    ok so my girlfriend and i have been dating for nearly 2 months (we're each 11) and i really like her. anyways she leaned into kiss me while dancing at the dance but we got interuppted. anyways nither of us have had our first kiss, and my friend told me to go for it--im gonna-- anyways should i ask her or make it a suprise???

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Junior high dating help!!!!!!!?

    ok so me and my girlfriend have been dating for nearly 2 months, we havnt had a fight or anything. we slow danced at the dances and stuff but i need some help.....ok so her friends keep telling me she wants me to kiss her and i want to but dont know if i should next what should i get her for valentines day?? ps im in 6th grade

    3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Do you think this would creep her out?

    Im just thinking about holding my girlfriends hands looking into her eyes and kissing her (her friends told me that she wanted me to kiss her)--im in junior high

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is this a nice way to do this?

    Ok so i was thinking of telling my girlfriend I loved her during valentines day dance but should i say it sooner (gonna tell her while slow dancing)

    P.S. We've said "love ya" textin but not yet in person

    12 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Junior high relationship help...?

    Ok soooooooo my girlfriend and i have been dating for 3 weeks we sit together during free period and stuff. All her friends keep saying we should kiss and im ok with it but i dont know if she wants to what should i do (6th grade)


    7 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • help me plzz girlfriend problems!!?

    k so ive been going out with this girl for a week we sit together at free period and stuff, anyways i wanna know if we shouldhold hands or sumtin i dunno we havent been able to be alone yet so we cant really talk

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • has any1 els noticed vince is ruinin wwe?

    every chsmpion is cena or orton or HHH finally sheamus comes and boom cena gonna win it again

    every entertaining guy gets beat up and every1 is a bad guy now a days instead of kofi evan bourne r-truth and jomo headlining its cena the "soldier" HHH the long haired jackass or orton the blacke eyed pee

    11 AntwortenWrestlingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is this a good match?

    Tna vs. Wwe winner take all 8- man tag team tna

    Aj styles abyss kurt angle booker t

    Team wwe

    Cena undertaker hhh kofi Kingston

    2 AntwortenWrestlingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • good rap group name - were all white plzz now racist comments?

    plzzz nothin containing shizzle or ya

    1 AntwortRap and Hip-Hopvor 1 Jahrzehnt