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Witches, what do you know of the Law of Opposites?
5 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntPagan communities, how do you select your May Queens?
Do you have a Crone's Council that odes this? Is your May Queen allowed to pick her own Consort? I know this is three questions but they are all related.
4 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntPagans....will you be doing nay community service projects during the holiday Season?
Do you volunteer at a soup kitchen? Help distribute care packages to the needy? Look in at old people to assure they are safe and happy, not left alone? Anything that might help in the overall joy of the season?
7 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 you include your children in your Yule/Solstice celebrations?
If you do, how are they included? If you don't, why not?
15 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntPagans...have any of you seen the new Gap TV ad?
They are wishing us a Happy Solstice. About time we are included in the Holiday Season don't you think?
15 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntWiccans, do you include your children in your celebrations?
If you do, are there Sabbats that you consider too 'heavy' for children to attend? Sabbats such as Beltaine and Samhain with a focus of sex and death.
Are you distracted by children in circle? I once had a Christian ask me, "What kind of religion is it that would exclude its children"?
11 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntWicca...An Earth religion or a Mystery religion?
What do you base your opinion on? If you think it is an Earth religion, at what point did it change from being a Mystery religion? Is this another internal misconception and debate between Traditional Wiccans and Eclectic Wiccans or is it something more than just that?
10 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntWiccans, do any of you believe in or still cling to the old notion of an Oath of Silence?
There is an on-going debate among some people I know regarding the Oath of Silence that was part of Ordains in the early years of Wicca. Many Elders have abandoned this Law over the years because it leads to suspicion and mistrust by those who don't know us. What are your opinions regarding this issue?
I'm not talking about coven secrets here. We all know that they are important to the trust among coven members. I am referring to the overall idea that we must keep quiet about our teachings and our religion. That cat is already out of the bag. So, what is the point of an Oath of Silence?
11 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntHas anybody here actually seen any of the so called R&S Top Answers really answer a question?
How is it possible to have 7,000 or 8,000 Best Answers when we never see their names pop up anywhere?
16 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntWhy do Pagans continue to use the Christian definition of Paganism?
Why do we continue to use it even after many religions have stated that they do not want that label? Hindus, Native Americans and many other religions do NOT self identify as Pagans. Some will even get angry if you call them Pagans. Why are most pagans on YA still trotting out this idea that Pagans are anything not Abrahamic. This is a very out dated definition and is just another indication that we yet not yet free of all the old Christian baggage. When are we going to limit the use of the word to only those religions that self identify themselves as Pagan?
20 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntAre you a Pagan who celebrated Christmas this year? If so, why?
I am. I love this holiday. It's my favorite after Samhain. My Holiday Season starts with Samhain, continues with Thanksgiving, Yule, Christmas, my Birthday, First Night, New Years Day and ends January 6th. It just one long party.
13 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntPagans, why do some of you completly dismiss the idea that there can be a religion called Paganism?
There are thousands upon thousands of us who think of Paganism as a religion in and of itself. We know that there is this Pagan umbrella but also accept the concept of a Euro-centric pagan religion that incorporates much of the Wiccan ritual format and is very eclectic in nature.
If you pick up just about any book at any bookstore about paganism, the author is writting about Paganism the religion, NOT paganism the umbrella.
So why do you keep telling us that Paganism is not a religion when so many of us know for sure it is? Why do you deny us the right to claim this for ourselves? Where is your tolerence for different beliefs?
28 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntCampfire Friday....Pagans, do you see purple fire rising from the Circles you cast?
When you cast a circle, how do you visualize it?...As a flat plain, a cone, a sphere? Something else? Do you cast it to keep energies in or to keep disruptive enities out?
4 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntCampfire Friday.....Sex Magic Anyone?
Beltane is just passed. Since it is a Sabbat of Fertility for most Pagans, how did you celebrate it in the spirit of the Holiday? Did you dance the Maypole, challenge the Consort for the right to bed the May Queen, perform a Great Rite? Did your fertilize you land with your seed? Were you chased by the Maidens of your clan, have a greenwood marriage, sing with Pan? Did you light a Bel Fire, pass your livestock between the fires, did you Jump the Bel Fire with a lover? Did you drum all night and dance naked around the fire?
6 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntCampfire Friday... What are some of the benefits of attending Pagan festivals?
Just about any weekend of the year there are festivals we can attend. Most are very well attended and many have a long history. Why do you think these events are so popular?
8 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntCampfire Friday....How do you feel about nudity at Pagan gatherings?
I ask this because in the last few years there seems to be the beginnings of a repressed prudish element regarding nudity. Is it because of old Christian baggage that just can't be discarded?
19 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntCampfire Friday....At what age do you generally allow your children to be included in adult Pagan activities?
In some states you are of legal age at 17, others at 18. Some covens and Family Traditions will have a Coming of Age at 14 and allow those kids an equal role as an adult.
13 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntPagans, why do many of you not think of Wiccans as Witches?
I am a Pagan Wiccan Witch. Until just the past few years, ALL Wiccans thought of themselves as Witches. So did just about everyone else in the Pagan community. What changed?
Why am I seeing so many questions directed at Pagans and Wiccans and Witches? It's as if they are different paths. All Wiccans are Pagans as well as Witches. However not all Pagans and Witches are Wiccan.
There are Pagan Witches, Christian Witches, Jew Witches even Muslum Witches. Anyone can be a Witch.
13 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntI am a Pagan. Do you Christians think of me as an Atheist?
I'm just trying to get a handle on who all these Atheists are you keep referring to.
El Bee, OF
Priest of Yarrow Coven
11 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntWhat Goddesses do you call on? Who do you Invoke and give praise too?
10 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt