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  • Marine Corps MOS school question!?

    My little brother leaves for Marine Corps basic training soon and told me upon completion of basic training, he will be going to 29 palms and Lackland for his MOS school.

    My husband and I are both in the Air Force and are stationed at Lackland so im obviously pretty excited that my little brother might be coming here for a bit but he wasnt able to give me a length of his course and everything I found online for his MOS only says the training is at 29 palms.

    Im curious if anyone knows anything about MOS school for Comms for Marines. He told me all he knows about his MOS is that its in the 0600s... I think its referred to as the 06 series or Field 06 (??) admittedly, I have almost no idea how the Marine Corps MOS numbering system works... anyway, I guess he will find out the specific MOS within the 06 field after he graduates basic but he already has the course list for MOS school... blah. I just wanna know if he is going to come here to Lackland and for how long.

    I suppose I'll find out eventually LOL but I figured, why not ask the good YA folks in the mean time ;)


    1 AntwortMilitaryvor 9 Jahren
  • Switching from Air Force to Marine Corps?

    My husband is currently in the Air Force (with a little over a year left till his enlistment is up) and is thinking about switching to the Marine Corps for many reasons. He has tried to do a bit of research on his own and we have talked to a Marine recruiter but we have not been able to get very many solid answers on how to switch and what will happen if/when he does.

    I recently joined the Air Force reserves, if that makes any difference and we have two kids.

    He is an E-5, staff sergeant, currently and from what we found online it looks like he wont be able to retain his rank if he switches. Is that right?

    We know he'll have to go to Marine Corps boot camp but that's about all we know for sure.

    Does anyone have any more information?

    Please don't reply unless you have some advice, I don't care about your personal opinions on The Marine Corps or the Air Force or anything... just want some answers. Thanks!

    9 AntwortenMilitaryvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • bought a house July 2009 and I'm curious about the tax credit!?

    We bought a house last year and I'm anxious to see if this whole $8,000 tax credit thing is for real.

    has anyone who bought a house last year filed their taxes yet? did you get the credit? You don't need to post exact numbers or anything I just want to get an idea of what to expect when we do our taxes.

    any other info would be greatly appreciated as well! Thanks!

    3 AntwortenUnited Statesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • was anyone looking for the new cell phone policy for AFBMT?

    I know someone was asking about it earlier and the site wasn't working. well the site is up now!!

    anyone have any other AFBMT questions?

    "During the 8.5 weeks while your loved one is at BMT, he/she will be authorized to use his/her cell phone to make outgoing calls to family members. Trainees are encouraged to maintain their cell phone service while at BMT. Those arriving without phones will be provided opportunities to utilize pay phones as needed."

    3 AntwortenMilitaryvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • your favorite jodies?

    what are your favorite cadences (or jodies)?

    got any good Air force ones? know where I can find some online?

    2 AntwortenMilitaryvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • legally download music for free?

    where is the best place to legally download music for personal use only for free?

    4 AntwortenMusic & Music Playersvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • friend of a friend went AWOL, advice please!?

    I just got a message from a friend of mine saying:

    "hey do you know where I can get info on the best course of action to take if you have gone awol and then realized how stupid it was a week later? someone I know did and now I am trying to find info to help them"

    I told her to have her friend get in touch with their command and pray they dont get in too much trouble and maybe talk to a lawyer but I honestly have no idea, I have never been in this situation before so IDK what to tell her.

    does anyone have any other advice?

    BTW please don't lecture me about going AWOL or being a coward or whatever, I didnt do it I wont do it so save it Im just trying to help my friend help her friend.

    9 AntwortenMilitaryvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • internet in your room at Tech school?

    can you have internet in your room while in Tech school? My husband went to Goodfellow for tech school 5 years ago and said he didnt have internet in his room but he "thinks" you can.

    I'll be going to Keesler, anyone know if I'll have or if I can get internet in my room?

    4 AntwortenMilitaryvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • anyone know how long Tech school is for 3D1X3 RF transmission systems?

    Im getting mixed answers on the internet and don't want to bother my recruiter about it just yet. anyone know how long 3D1 tech school is?

    2 AntwortenMilitaryvor 1 Jahrzehnt