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What statutes(if any) has Congress passed to help with section 4 of Article ?
XXV of the Constitution?
1 AntwortGovernmentvor 8 JahrenWhat is the angle of the earth in relation to its poles as it circles the sun?
Seems improbable that the earth is on a 90 degree tilt pole to pole as it circles the sun. Therefore does the magnetic sun-flares change this tilt angle from time to time and does that account for climate change?
7 AntwortenAstronomy & Spacevor 8 JahrenHas Yahoo Answers deleted any of your questions without a reason?
Have been here for several years but am now gone for good because of the above incident. Hope YA gets new management or changes their attitude.
5 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 9 JahrenIs there enough contested delegates to deny Romney's nomination on the first --?
ballot at the Republican Convention
4 AntwortenElectionsvor 9 JahrenIs it possible that Republicans could deny Romney their Nomination for President-?
at their upcoming Convention? Without his nomination on the first ballot there will be a wide open Convention and anything can happen. Many things(both planned and unplanned) can cause this to come to pass.
4 AntwortenElectionsvor 9 JahrenWhat is the most abused surgical procedure by the Medical Profession?
3 AntwortenHealth Carevor 9 JahrenDoes a nomination of Romney by the Republicans insure that Obama will be the next President of America?
He seems out of place in a race for President.
14 AntwortenElectionsvor 9 JahrenHow much debt is too much debt for our Nation?-and?
How much is the "full faith and credit of the United States worth? Consider, that the value of all public and private property in the U.S. does not equal the amount now owed and committed to programs of the U.S. Government and the trajectory continues to rise.
2 AntwortenGovernmentvor 10 JahrenIs there more to Patriotism than--wearing the uniform and saluting the flag?
The above are good signs but there are many ways to show Patriotism in this great nation.
2 AntwortenCivic Participationvor 10 JahrenWould our Nation be better off with a smaller Supreme Court?
such as the First Supreme Court which had 5 members?
1 AntwortGovernmentvor 10 Jahrenwhat is the longest word? Hint it has 27 letters?
7 AntwortenWords & Wordplayvor 1 JahrzehntWhat are the definitions of "Infinity" and also "The Universe"?-?
and are they related? Does our galaxy orbit around another something, if so what? Will man ever know the answers?
4 AntwortenAstronomy & Spacevor 1 JahrzehntWill Lauren Alaina win American Idol become the most popular chick ever?
Lets give her the tag"L.A." for her stage name just as J-Lo. In fact L.A. may become more popular in the future than J-Lo.
4 AntwortenReality Televisionvor 1 JahrzehntAs of now there is a debate over tax reform in our government, what is the best way to reform the Income Tax ?
The Income Tax was passed in Congress as a means to tax wealth and for many years use the Progressive Tax Table. Here is the definition:
Progressive tax. In a progressive, or graduated, income tax system, taxpayers with higher incomes are taxed at higher rates that those with lower incomes.
Those in favor of this approach say that the greatest tax burden falls on those who can afford to carry it. Opponents argue that it imposes an unfair burden on the people whose ingenuity and hard work make the economy strong.
Dictionary of Financial Terms. Copyright © 2008 Lightbulb Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Some people want a flat tax, which I believe is unfair to the working man. A debate in Congress on the above would help close the gap on the deficit if corrected to bring in more revenue as was done after WW11 and at which time this Nation had one of its greatest economic growths on record.
5 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 1 JahrzehntWill the present administration of this nation take military action?
to prevent Iran from making an atom bomb--or will it let Iran proceed and mfg all they want and desire ?----Has Iran already got the bomb? with this nation tip-toeing thru the daises to pacify them.?
9 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 1 JahrzehntHow can the U.S. Federal Government claim they have jurisdiction?--?
over the illegal law-breakers that are flooding into Arizona?----The Constitution of the U.S. gives the immigration and naturalization authority of people that want to immigrate to this country to the Federal Government.----but there is nothing about illegal immigration in the constitution because that is the problem of the State because lawbreaking is in the domain of the State within which the laws were broken. Would like to know wherein the Feds get the authority to even to suggest otherwise.
Do not tell me about Immigration because that is not the problem.
6 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 1 JahrzehntCan a person over 65 be on both Medicare and Medicaid Insurance?
And would they have to give up their S.S.?
1 AntwortInsurancevor 1 JahrzehntIf this Nation's Constitution came into existence?--?
"For The United States", why is now acting as enemy(to quote an Arizona Sheriff), by suing Arizona over the immigration issue? This same Constitution does endow the States with authoriy to protect their citizens and provide for their well being. It also endows the Congress in D.C. to control both Naturalization and Immigration, but not Illegal Immigration, which is not mentioned in this document. Therefore Arizona must control both the border from invasion and establish protection for its Citizens.---Why won't the Congress and present Administration help,as provided by the Contract with the States called the Constitution, and after the Governor has applied for their help? Seems it gives this State of Arizona all the reason in the world to opt out of this contract. It opted in in good faith and can opt out the same way. Is there any other way for the rest of the States?
6 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 JahrzehntWhat is wrong with the economic model of our Nation?
How did the policies of this nation get changed that were successful for over 150 years?And will our country ever be self-sufficient again as to mfg of goods necessary for our survival as a nation? It is now hard to find any item at all made in the U.S.A. We import all our needs and would be hard pressed to wage a war if called on to do so. No person is coming forward to propose the answers to our economic problems. Would like to hear ideas to put this Nation back in leadership in the world.
8 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt