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Fan of Calvin Coolidge

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Political Science Department at UNF, Director of Archives.

  • Is Suzanne Collins ( author of the Hunger games series ) a Republican ?

    Her books are basically a view of America in the near future if Democrats continue their polices ?

    1. A leader that attacks his anyone who speaks out against him - Obama's use of the IRS / DOJ / Homeland Security

    2. State controlled media - Can you name anyone on NBC or CBS that isn't a Democrat ? Yeah, me neither.

    3. The average person is poor & taxed too much to keep up with the excessive spending of the State - Obama has spent most of his time in office campaigning for himself and his party. The only thing he may do more than campaign... is play golf. All the while, he's added 8 trillion in debt for us, our children and grandchildren to pay back.

    2 AntwortenElectionsvor 6 Jahren
  • Is anyone else sick of Google Doodles ?

    For about the last two weeks, it's been nothing but stupid soccer doodles ... Hey Google ! Most Americans don't give a crap about soccer !

    The rest of the year, Google insults America by celebrating dictators instead of Christmas ... and terrorists instead of Easter.

    4 AntwortenMedia & Journalismvor 7 Jahren
  • Does anyone else hate Google Doodles ?

    I thought they were kinda cool back when they were few and far between ... and only for actual holidays and important events.

    Now, on days like Easter sunday ... Google celebrates some South American Socialist leader/dictator...

    And they are always celebrating all these extreme political figures... It's like google hates America.

    Who is running this site ? Who ever they are, it's clear they are very much so against America.

    I wouldn't have been suprised to see that on D-day ... Google had decided to go with a "doodle" of Hitler and a couple of Nazi swastikas.

    9 AntwortenPoliticsvor 7 Jahren
  • Why does Harry Reid whisper when he talks ?

    He sounds like a gay phone sex operator.

    2 AntwortenGovernmentvor 7 Jahren
  • Did Obama turn out to be the President that the left believed Nixon was ?

    The American left exploded with rage in the 1970’s when they found out that Nixon lied about a few very minor crimes committed by his staff… Although the media doesn’t report it (because most media members/owners are far left democrats) … Obama has broken more laws than many guys who are sentenced to life in prison.

    5 AntwortenGovernmentvor 7 Jahren
  • Why do Democrats think Social Media is important ?

    Most Democrats I know update their Facebook status every ten minutes ... while Conservatives realize that there are more important things in life than stalking people you haven't spoke to in 10 years.

    I also notice a lot of Democrats think that re-tweeting something actually does something.

    For example... They think that by typing " # bring back our girls " is actually going to stop terrorism.

    2 AntwortenMedia & Journalismvor 7 Jahren
  • Why do puerto ricans spray paint everything ?

    Theres a puerto rican area in Orlando, FL. and everything looks like crap. Everything has spray paint on it and the whole area is filthy.

    It seems like all minority groups go out of their way to ruin their own neighborhoods.

    Most never cut their grass or take any sort of care of their property... it's sad.

    2 AntwortenOther - Cultures & Groupsvor 7 Jahren
  • Why are New Yorkers so loud ?

    I live in Florida and there are a lot of New Yorkers who move down here because Democrats have destroyed their states with high taxes and over regulation of ... everything.

    I can be in a restaurant of 100 people and if there's one voice above all others, they're usually wearing a NY hat or shirt and they sound like an idiot...

    4 AntwortenNew York Cityvor 7 Jahren
  • Why do TV networks care more about having an unrealistic cast of minorities more than their ratings ?

    Most TV shows really suck and many have terrible ratings... Ratings use to matter in Television and now, all that seems to matter is that a show includes " the smart black guy neighbor or best friend" and the "funny indian guy from work" and the "gay spanish guy" and the "half black girl with big puffy hair" and the "occasional asian appearance "... Get real !

    Most blacks have all black friends, most whites have all white friends and likewise for other races ...

    4 AntwortenMedia & Journalismvor 7 Jahren
  • Is Donald Sterling really a Republican ?

    Anyone have a decent source... not a Democrat owned and operated source.

    3 AntwortenCivic Participationvor 7 Jahren
  • Why do black people call the library a "li-berry" ?

    I just heard someone say on their cell phone " yea, I be study'in in da li-berry" ... and this is at a university. The American education system has gone down the tubes.

    2 AntwortenOther - Educationvor 7 Jahren
  • Why do democrats call everyone a racist ?

    Well, anyone who disagrees with them ... Isn't a racist someone who makes everything into a racial issue ? Or someone who is always blaming race for their problems ?

    Wouldn't that make most democrats racists ?

    8 AntwortenGovernmentvor 7 Jahren
  • Why are Bill & Hillary Clinton still married ?

    It's been something like 14 years since they've lived together ... In 2008, the media spent weeks on conversations with Mitt Romney's garbage-man but, I never heard anything about the Clinton's sham of a marriage ... Also, there have been several instances of HIllary having known lesbian visitors at his residence late at night ... No media coverage on this either ???

    6 AntwortenGovernmentvor 7 Jahren
  • Why do companies advertise to "hipsters" ?

    For example, nearly all McDonald's ads will show the typical politically correct group of friends... The black guy, the Asian girl and the half black girl with the puffy hair ( and maybe a goofy looking white guy/girl with red hair and thick rimmed glasses )...

    Most "hipster" types are either unemployed and broke or are barely getting by from their parents hard work. Why would any company want to target an audience of mostly odd/ugly people who have no money ?

    3 AntwortenOther - Cultures & Groupsvor 7 Jahren
  • Why do Democrat women look like men ?

    Janet Reno may be one of the best looking democrat women around ... Why do Republican women look better and have a higher IQ than Democrat women ?

    4 AntwortenElectionsvor 7 Jahren
  • Why is the American media made up of over 95% Democrats ?

    I guess democrats were the best choice for a job that requires one to "read straight from a prompter and do not question the bullcrap that is written"

    4 AntwortenMedia & Journalismvor 7 Jahren
  • Who at Marvel / Disney is the racist ?

    The character Nick Fury was a white guy and then when the movies came out they made "the Boss" a black guy ... just to be politically correct. And even worse, NIck Fury is played by a guy who is openly a racist ( samuel jackson )

    That's like making a movie about MLK and having a Grand Wizard play MLK.

    4 AntwortenComics & Animationvor 7 Jahren
  • Why does yahoo fix Yahoo Answers ?

    Yahoo only seems to fix what isn't broken and always seems to ignore all the bugs the site has ... Is it because Yahoo is run by mostly Democrats ?

    4 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 7 Jahren